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The children in KS1 took a journey through

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1 The children in KS1 took a journey through
HOLY WEEK 2016 The children in KS1 took a journey through Holy Week. They walked the same path that Jesus walked. Come and follow our footsteps!

2 On Palm Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.
The people were overjoyed and they shouted ‘’Hosanna, Hosanna.’’ They waved palm leaves and laid down their cloaks for Jesus to walk upon.

3 On Maunday Thursday Jesus gathered his disciples together
On Maunday Thursday Jesus gathered his disciples together. He wanted to share a special meal with them. Jesus knew it was going to be the last supper he would share with them. Before the meal began Jesus did something special …….

4 Jesus fell to his knees and began to wash the feet of each of his disciples.
They were shocked but Jesus told them ‘ I want to serve you, as you have served me.’

5 At the Last Supper Jesus took bread and broke it. He said
‘‘ This is my body, take it and eat it and when you do remember me.’’ Jesus shared the bread with his disciples.

6 Next Jesus poured wine and shared it with his disciples
Next Jesus poured wine and shared it with his disciples. He said ‘‘This is my blood, drink it and remember me.’’

7 After the meal had ended Jesus said ‘‘One of you will betray me tonight.’’
The disciples shook their heads. Then Jesus placed his hand on Judas. Judas ran to tell the guards where they could find Jesus.

8 When the meal had ended Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane to be alone and pray. He knew that the soldiers would come to arrest him soon.

9 The Roman soldiers arrested Jesus and threw him into jail.

10 Jesus was condemned to death.
1ST STATION Jesus was condemned to death.

11 2ND STATION Jesus takes up his heavy cross.

12 Jesus falls for the first time. The soldiers push him on.
3RD STATION Jesus falls for the first time. The soldiers push him on.

13 4TH STATION On his journey Jesus met Mary his mother. She knelt before him and wept.

14 5TH STATION The cross was heavy and Jesus was weary. A man was pulled from the crowd to help Jesus. He was Simon of Cyrene.

15 6TH STATION A woman called Veronica comes forward to wipe Jesus’ face.

16 Jesus falls for the second time.
7TH STATION Jesus falls for the second time.

17 8TH STATION Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. He said ‘‘Do not weep for me.’’

18 Jesus is weak and falls for a third time.
9TH STATION Jesus is weak and falls for a third time.

19 10TH STATION Jesus is stripped of his clothes. They made fun of him and placed a crown of thorns upon his head.

20 11TH STATION Jesus is taken to Calvary and nailed to the cross. He said ‘‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.’’

21 The sky turns black. Jesus dies on the cross.
12TH STATION The sky turns black. Jesus dies on the cross.


23 Lord, you said that when I follow you, we would walk side by side through life together, but when I needed you most, I saw only one set of footprints in the sand. The Lord replied, ‘‘ I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering , when you saw only one set of footprints, that is when I carried you’’.

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