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The one thing that makes all the difference

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Presentation on theme: "The one thing that makes all the difference"— Presentation transcript:

1 The one thing that makes all the difference
The Factor R The one thing that makes all the difference

2 Leaders create culture. Culture drives behavior.
Behavior produces results. Success in today’s world requires the development of both skillsets. Technical knowledge is not enough. Life skills determine how effectively you apply your job skills. Have you ever worked with someone who was technically competent but difficult to interact with? Job skills rise no higher than life skills. If you want to be the best technically, you must develop yourself personally. No amount of technical ability can overcome a lack of personal effectiveness. Job skills are easier to see. Life skills are easier to experience. Define life skills Ask for examples

3 Success in today’s world requires the development of both skillsets
Success in today’s world requires the development of both skillsets. Technical knowledge is not enough. Life skills determine how effectively you apply your job skills. Have you ever worked with someone who was technically competent but difficult to interact with? Job skills rise no higher than life skills. If you want to be the best technically, you must develop yourself personally. No amount of technical ability can overcome a lack of personal effectiveness. Job skills are easier to see. Life skills are easier to experience. Define life skills Ask for examples

4 Life skills drive job skills.
Reality #1 Life skills drive job skills. No amount of technical competence can overcome a lack of personal effectiveness. Success in today’s world requires the development of both skillsets. Technical knowledge is not enough. Life skills determine how effectively you apply your job skills. Have you ever worked with someone who was technically competent but difficult to interact with? Job skills rise no higher than life skills. If you want to be the best technically, you must develop yourself personally. No amount of technical ability can overcome a lack of personal effectiveness. Job skills are easier to see. Life skills are easier to experience. Define life skills Ask for examples

5 Personal change drives organizational change.
Reality #2 Personal change drives organizational change. The behavior of people determines the performance of the business. Organizations don’t change, people do. Personal change is essential. Organizational change without personal change will struggle to produce sustainable results. The journey from good to great is personal first and organizational second. What does this mean? GT cannot become what you are not. GT cannot go where you don’t go. What makes an organization change? People! What causes an organization to resist change or change too slowly? People! Too many people are sitting around waiting for their organization to change. But you are the catalyst. You are the key variable. You own your own change and breakthroughs. Here is the challenging part. Most professionals at your level have already achieved the easy breakthroughs. Most of the new skills you will build from this point forward will not come naturally, quickly, or easily. You have built the skills that come easily. Now come the hard ones. Biggest opportunity for change usually lies in the life skills. Greatness isn’t given, it is earned. Greatness is rare precisely because the kind of work that earns it is rare.

6 School Culture & Strategy
Classroom Culture & Strategy 20 square feet of belief & behavior

7 Above the Line Below the Line
Intentional On-purpose Skillful Above the Line Below the Line Impulsive On-autopilot Resistant

8 BCD Blame Complain Defend
When people don’t get what they want, they tend to BCD: Blame, Complain, & Defend. Blame someone or something else. Complain about their circumstances. Defend their own behavior. In the history of life on Earth, BCD has never solved a single problem. It has never made things better. It has never worked. BCD is a total waste of attention, time, & energy.

9 When you are Above the Line what does it look like?
When you are Below the Line what does it look like? . Remember that it is the combination of all three dimensions that makes real Trust happen. It is about your behavior and the experience your behavior delivers to your teammates and coaches. Can I count on you to behave with integrity, courage, and character … especially when it counts? Are you about the team or are you about yourself? Can I count on you to do what you say? Competence is the second dimension. Teammates and coaches trust your competence when they repeatedly experience you making the team better. They can count on you to do four things: Do Your Job Train with Purpose Be Coachable Make Each other better

10 Event + Response = Outcome
E + R = O

11 = O = O Above the Line R Below the Line R Intentional On-purpose
Skillful = O Above the Line R E + = O Below the Line R Impulsive On-autopilot Resistant . Remember that it is the combination of all three dimensions that makes real Trust happen. It is about your behavior and the experience your behavior delivers to your teammates and coaches. Can I count on you to behave with integrity, courage, and character … especially when it counts? Are you about the team or are you about yourself? Can I count on you to do what you say? Competence is the second dimension. Teammates and coaches trust your competence when they repeatedly experience you making the team better. They can count on you to do four things: Do Your Job Train with Purpose Be Coachable Make Each other better

12 How you respond make all the difference.
It is the factor that determines the quality of your life.

13 Press Pause Get Your Mind Right Step Up Adjust & Adapt Make a Difference Build Skill

14 R:1 Press Pause

15 Prevents you from reacting BTL
Gives you time to focus on what you need to do. Helps you reflect & learn.

16 What does this situation require of me?
. Remember that it is the combination of all three dimensions that makes real Trust happen. It is about your behavior and the experience your behavior delivers to your teammates and coaches. Can I count on you to behave with integrity, courage, and character … especially when it counts? Are you about the team or are you about yourself? Can I count on you to do what you say? Competence is the second dimension. Teammates and coaches trust your competence when they repeatedly experience you making the team better. They can count on you to do four things: Do Your Job Train with Purpose Be Coachable Make Each other better

17 What is the reality of the situation? What do I want to accomplish?
E + R = O What is the most Above the Line action I can take right now? . Remember that it is the combination of all three dimensions that makes real Trust happen. It is about your behavior and the experience your behavior delivers to your teammates and coaches. Can I count on you to behave with integrity, courage, and character … especially when it counts? Are you about the team or are you about yourself? Can I count on you to do what you say? Competence is the second dimension. Teammates and coaches trust your competence when they repeatedly experience you making the team better. They can count on you to do four things: Do Your Job Train with Purpose Be Coachable Make Each other better

18 Be exceptionally clear about the Outcome you are pursuing.
Clarity is power.

19 Page 10 O3 Framework

20 See the situation with clarity & courage.

21 How we see a situation determines how we will respond to it.
What gets our attention often distracts us from what really matters.

22 Four questions to help you see with greater clarity.
Page 7 Four questions to help you see with greater clarity.

23 What is the most ATL action I can take right now?
Respond Above the Line What is the most ATL action I can take right now?

24 It is your responsibility to find it and do it.
For every situation you face, there is an Above the Line response available to you. It is your responsibility to find it and do it.

25 What are your options? What is the likely outcome of each option? What is the best option for achieving the outcome you want?

26 Three Traps We fixate on the Event and lose sight of the Outcome we want to achieve. We gravitate to what is familiar & comfortable. We defer to autopilot. We give up too soon. . Remember that it is the combination of all three dimensions that makes real Trust happen. It is about your behavior and the experience your behavior delivers to your teammates and coaches. Can I count on you to behave with integrity, courage, and character … especially when it counts? Are you about the team or are you about yourself? Can I count on you to do what you say? Competence is the second dimension. Teammates and coaches trust your competence when they repeatedly experience you making the team better. They can count on you to do four things: Do Your Job Train with Purpose Be Coachable Make Each other better

27 What culture-defining events do you experience?
. Remember that it is the combination of all three dimensions that makes real Trust happen. It is about your behavior and the experience your behavior delivers to your teammates and coaches. Can I count on you to behave with integrity, courage, and character … especially when it counts? Are you about the team or are you about yourself? Can I count on you to do what you say? Competence is the second dimension. Teammates and coaches trust your competence when they repeatedly experience you making the team better. They can count on you to do four things: Do Your Job Train with Purpose Be Coachable Make Each other better

28 Event Above the Line Response Outcome Below the Line

29 R:2 Get Your Mind Right

30 Your mindset has a direct impact on how you live your life and do your job.

31 “An attitude, disposition, or mood.”
“The ideas and attitudes with which a person approaches a situation, especially when these are seen as being difficult to alter.” “A habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.” “A person’s usual attitude or mental state.”

32 The quality of your inner response determines the quality of your outer response.

33 Don’t believe everything you think.

34 What you say to yourself. The story you tell. How you feel.
What you do. How you do it. What you focus on. What you pay attention to. What you say to yourself. The story you tell. How you feel. Mental & physical energy.

35 The voice in your mind is a powerful force.
Take ownership of it.

36 Recognize Refocus Reframe

37 See Focus? Think Self-talk? Feel Emotions? Act Do? ATL Mindset BTL

38 R:3 Step Up

39 Life will challenge you. Repeatedly.
If you want any kind of meaningful achievement & success, you will have to fight for it. And that’s a good thing.

40 It is your responsibility to understand the situation, be clear about what is required of you, and then respond Above the Line.

41 The R Factor happens in the moment. Win the moment.
Step Up Now The R Factor happens in the moment. Win the moment.

42 Step Up Today Success is cumulative & progressive. It is the result of what you do every day. So is failure.

43 Sometimes it’s a grind. Sometimes there are tedious & uncomfortable things that are required for success. Embrace the grind!

44 Step Up to Predictable E’s
Recognize the patterns of events that you experience and be clear about what actions work best in response to those events.

45 If your response doesn’t change, the outcome won’t change.
For every predictable E that you experience, the reality is very straightforward: If your response doesn’t change, the outcome won’t change.

46 For you, what events tend to trigger a BTL response?
. Remember that it is the combination of all three dimensions that makes real Trust happen. It is about your behavior and the experience your behavior delivers to your teammates and coaches. Can I count on you to behave with integrity, courage, and character … especially when it counts? Are you about the team or are you about yourself? Can I count on you to do what you say? Competence is the second dimension. Teammates and coaches trust your competence when they repeatedly experience you making the team better. They can count on you to do four things: Do Your Job Train with Purpose Be Coachable Make Each other better

47 Event Above the Line Response Outcome Below the Line

48 Your R is most important when the E is most difficult.
Step Up to Adversity Your R is most important when the E is most difficult.

49 Under pressure we do not
rise to the occasion. We revert to learned behavior.

50 When adversity hits, the R Factor habits that will be available to you are the ones you have purposefully built into your life.

51 Four Action Steps Acknowledge the reality that there will be obstacles, difficulty, & adversity. Anticipate challenging situations & mentally rehearse your response. Focus on what needs to be done, not on what you don’t like about the situation. Ask ATL questions, not BTL questions.

52 30 Day Above the Line Challenge
My intention today is __________________ The purpose for it is ___________________

53 R:4 Adjust & Adapt

54 It's an inescapable reality: Things change.
Here's another reality: Life will get increasingly difficult for you if you don't.

55 How do you deal with change?
Ignore it Get angry about it Run from it Respond to it

56 Get your mind right about change.

57 How you frame change is everything.
The attitude you bring to change, not the change itself, determines your level of stress. Don’t view change as a threat. See it for what it is: a reality, a necessity, and an opportunity. Replace a disruptive story about change with a productive story.

58 Page 22 BTL frame that resists change
ATL frame that responds to change

59 Adjust & adapt when the O demands it.
You have an R Factor trajectory. Consider the current path of your R Factor habits. Where are they taking you?

60 Adjust & adapt when the E demands it.
Don’t let the rate of change in the E exceed the rate of change in your R. When circumstances around you are changing, that is a clear message that you need to adjust & adapt.

61 Page 24 Is there anything you should stop/start doing that will make you better in key areas of your life?

62 R:5 Make a Difference

63 The most important E you deal with every day is other people.

64 How you choose to Manage the R determines the quality of your personal & professional relationships.

65 Your R is an E for others.

66 You will be no better as a team than you are to each other.

67 Four things that make a difference
Total Ownership Careful Attention Productive Energy Real Solutions

68 There are three ways that you deliver an experience to others:
People see your action People feel your attitude People hear your words

69 Home? Work?

70 R:6 Build Skill

71 What does your life require of you
What does your life require of you? What mindset, habits, & skills are necessary for the life you are seeking to live?

72 Talent isn’t enough If you do not continually build skill, talent & experience can become limiting factors that hold you back from achieving your potential.

73 Repeated behavior builds habit, but it does not always build skill
Repeated behavior builds habit, but it does not always build skill. To build the skills you want, you have to train your brain.

74 When you “learn” your brain fires signals along a series of neurons & builds a circuit -- a pathway -- in your brain for that particular skill. The ability to form and re-form connections gives the brain an almost unlimited capacity to learn & build skill. You must “fire & wire” repeatedly over time to build strong skill circuits.

75 Level 4: Exceptional Level 3: Automatic Level 2: Basic
Level 1: Beginning Four Levels of Skill

76 Stuck Mindset Thinks it knows enough or is good enough. Satisfied with it’s level of development. Avoids discomfort. Resists feedback and constructive criticism. Uncomfortable admitting mistakes. Gets tired of hearing about the skill long before it has mastered the skill. Doesn’t like to practice. Finds practice tedious & boring. Easily distracted from learning process. Everyone practices. Everyone engages in repeated behavior. Not everyone does it intentionally. Not everyone has a clear picture of what exceptional skill looks like, and then seeks to practice that skill … systematically stopping and reflecting on what they are doing and evaluating their performance against what great looks like. Productive discomfort. Most people do not change because they do not embrace the productive discomfort that real change requires. Stuck mindset: Avoids discomfort Doesn’t like to practice. Finds practice tedious and boring and repetitive. Doesn’t like to re-study the mechanics. Only wants to go to the class once. Does not like to self-reflect Resists feedback and constructive criticism Easily distracted from learning process Uncomfortable admitting mistakes Thinks it knows enough or is good enough Gets tired of hearing about the skill long before it has mastered the skill

77 Intentional Practice You can spend a lot of time working hard to become average. Exceptional skill is built through focused attention, time, & energy.

78 Four elements of Intentional Practice
Mindset Model & Mechanics Repetition & Reflection Feedback & Accountability

79 It is said that high achievers are gifted.
The gift isn’t their ability. The gift is the mindset & drive to develop their ability.

80 Mindset This is the first step because it determines your commitment to the process of building skill. Ignition. You must motivate yourself. Refuse to accept Level 3. Accept mistakes as a natural part of learning. Perseverance. Commit to the grind. Embrace discomfort. Discomfort marks the place where an old habit meets a new habit, where the old way meets the new way. Push through the pain!

81 Be clear about what exceptional looks like.
Model & Mechanics Be clear about what exceptional looks like. Zoom out to see the big picture (blueprint) of the skill. Zoom in to see how the pieces (chunks) fit together.

82 Repetition & Reflection
Identify a piece, study it, then practice it. That’s a rep. Reflect on your performance. Go again. Reaches + reps! Go to the edge of your abilities. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. Do as many reps as it takes. Perfect practice makes perfect When error happens, stop & reflect on it, see it & sense it, then go again. Fix it. Strengthen the right connections in your brain. Fire & wire.

83 Feedback & Accountability
Hold yourself to a high standard first. Then find a person you trust to give you feedback about what they observe in your performance. Be coachable!

84 Page 31 Skills worksheet

85 Your past is the beginning of your story.
Your current situation is simply the chapter you are in right now. What happens next is up to you.

86 @TimothyKight

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