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The Nixon Administration

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1 The Nixon Administration
Ch 32 Section 1

2 Limits on Gov’t. Power Nixon plans to turn America in a conservative direction. He wanted to bring order to a divided nation

3 New Federalism Nixon wants to decrease the size of the federal government. Under LBJ’s Great Society, gov’t took on much responsibility Nixon wanted to distribute more of this power to state and local governments

4 Revenue Sharing State and local gov’ts get more freedom for how to spend federal money

5 Family Assistance Plan (FAP)
Plan to give a family of 4 federal payments (must prove work towards employment) Defeated by both Republicans and Democrats

6 2 faces of New Federalism
Nixon cut funding and abolished the Office of Economic Opportunity At the same time he increased funding for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

7 Law and Order Politics Nixon wanted to end the Vietnam War and mend divisiveness in U.S. Nixon sometimes engaged in illegal activities to combat enemies Spiro Agnew assists

8 “Silent Majority”

9 Spiro Agnew Resigned October 1973
Bribes from MD contractors as governor and VP

10 25th Amendment Invoked by Congress to replace Agnew
12 term Michigan Congressman – Gerald Ford

11 Nixon’s Southern Strategy
Nixon focused on 1972 election He tried to attract Southern conservative Democrats by appealing to their unhappiness with federal desegregation policies and a liberal Supreme Court

12 Southern Strategy (continued)
Nominated 2 conservatives for SC – rejected Clement Haynsworth G. Harold Carswell

13 Democrats 1972 George McGovern – 25.34% Hubert Humphrey – 25.77%
George Wallace – 23.48% Edmund Muskie – 11.51% Henry Jackson – 3.16% Shirley Chisholm – 2.69%

14 George McGovern Liberal, antiwar, antiestablishment From S. Dakota
Running Mate – Thomas Eagleton of Missouri Dropped due to electroshock treatment for depression

15 Nixon wins because: Foreign policy successes in China and USSR
George Wallace assassination McGovern’s liberalism/ dropping Eagleton


17 New South South had become a Democrat stronghold since Reconstruction
Many Southerners started to think that Dems. were becoming too liberal.

18 Nixon slows integration
Nixon slowed integration of public school to attract white voters in the South

19 Busing Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education (1971) – school districts may bus students to end all-white or all-black schools

20 Nixon appoints new Supreme Court Justices
Nixon used 4 appointees to put a more conservative face on the Supreme Court

21 Stagflation Combined high unemployment and high inflation
Nixon’s “New Economic Policy” Took US off gold standard Ended Bretton Woods System

22 OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Cause gas prices to go up during the Yom Kippur War of 1973

23 Nixon’s Foreign Policy
Realpolitik – “political realism” Paying attention to more powerful countries Departure from Containment policy

24 War Powers Act Passed over Nixon’s veto
Limited president’s ability to send troops overseas 48 hour reporting period to Congress Limited authorization for 60 days Congress could extend for 30 days Part of “New Isolationism”

25 The Nixon Doctrine Also known as the Guam Doctrine
US would continue to aid its allies in fight against communism Weapons and money Use their own ground forces “nuclear umbrella” Vietnamization

26 detente A policy aimed at easing Cold War tensions

27 Ping Pong Diplomacy US Ping Pong team invited
20 year trade embargo ended

28 China Nixon visits China in 1972


30 Soviet Union Nixon is first U.S. president to visit Moscow
Nixon and Brezhnev sign the SALT I treaty (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) Limited # of ICBMs

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