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CD Evaluation The following slides are some suggestions about how you may want to construct your Evaluation Powerpoint * Remember it is a presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "CD Evaluation The following slides are some suggestions about how you may want to construct your Evaluation Powerpoint * Remember it is a presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 CD Evaluation The following slides are some suggestions about how you may want to construct your Evaluation Powerpoint * Remember it is a presentation not an essay make it interesting to look at and keep text blocks short & brief (succinct)

2 CD Evaluation IMAGE OF YOUR CD Contents page: Research Proposal
Slide 1 CD Evaluation IMAGE OF YOUR CD Contents page: Research Proposal Planning Product Evaluation

3 IMAGE/s of CD sleeves you analyzed Summary of findings:
Slide 2 Research Format Front Spine Back Content Genre

4 Proposal – your idea Slide 3 Your chosen GENRE
What are some of the expectations for your chosen genre: images (people, props, costumes, locations), text language (names, track names), colour schemes, fonts etc Your intended TARGET AUDIENCE Demographic / psychographic profile USES & GRATIFICATIONS – pick the most appropriate 3 or 4 from the list of 24 I gave you MESSAGES What do you want your target audience to think/feel about the artist/group & their music from looking at your CD sleeve

5 Planning List what you did to prepare your final product
Slide 4 Planning List what you did to prepare your final product INCLUDE SOME IMAGES Explain briefly how they helped you develop your product *you may need more than one slide for this

6 Slide 5 Production IMAGES Include examples to show how you created / manipulated / edited your images Discuss the process

7 Slide 6 Production TEXT Include examples to show how you created / manipulated / edited your text Discuss the process

8 Slide 7 Production LAYOUT Include examples to show how you created / manipulated / edited your layout Discuss the process

9 Review IMAGE OF YOUR CD Is your product successful?
Slide 8 Review IMAGE OF YOUR CD Is your product successful? To answer this you must consider – does it satisfy the needs of the target audience, ie does it effectively convey the desired messages about the artist/product Refer back to your audience profile ‘Uses & Gratifications’ *Remember we MUST discuss in terms of REPRESENTATION & MESSAGES

Slide 9 Strengths CLOSE UP IMAGE OF YOUR STRENGTH How is this strength is effective – explain how the element of construction you have selected helps to represent the desired message/s * Repeat if you have more than one strength

Slide 10 Strengths CLOSE UP IMAGE OF YOUR WEAKNESS How is this weakness ineffective – explain how the element of construction you have selected fails to represent the desired message/s You MUST make this a positive comment by suggesting how you could improve it *If you do not have a particular weakness you can still suggest a possible improvement.

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