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Discussion paper Towards measures to stop microplastics entering the marine environment Michel Briene Maaike Zwart Rotterdam, 9 december 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion paper Towards measures to stop microplastics entering the marine environment Michel Briene Maaike Zwart Rotterdam, 9 december 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion paper Towards measures to stop microplastics entering the marine environment Michel Briene Maaike Zwart Rotterdam, 9 december 2015

2 2 Content of the presentation
Scope of the study Sources and measures discussed Approach Specific & generic measures Background Measures Scores

3 3 Problems of microplastic
…can cause abrasive injuries …can cause a chemical stress (hormone disruption) …can enter the food chain However more research is needed

4 4 Scope of the study Broader scope than the strict focus of action 46 of the RAP Marine Litter, which is on primary microplastics. Primary microplastics are directly manufactured as microscopic particles that are used in products or processes. Secondary microplastics are formed when macro plastic litter is fragmented to smaller pieces or when plastic products are used.

5 Abrasive cleaning agents
5 Sources and measures discussed Fibres and clothing Paints Tyres Abrasive cleaning agents Cosmetics

6 Multi Criteria Analysis
6 Approach (step 1) Potential measures Multi Criteria Analysis Assessment measures 1 2 3 Discussion paper Long list of potential measures A generic measure can be applied to any product group A product specific measure is in general a more specific measure with the aim to reduce microplastics in one particular product group.

7 Multi Criteria Analysis
7 Approach (step 2) Potential measures Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) 1 Transparent selection of measures Often used to facilitate decision making processes Multi Criteria Analysis 2 Formulation of three criteria Is the measure effective in reducing the emission of microplastics? Assessment measures 3 Is the measure cost-effective? Is the measure viable? Per criterion quantitative indicators have been developed Discussion paper

8 Multi Criteria Analysis
8 Approach (step 3) Potential measures Assessment of measures 1 Effectiveness: per measure the emission reduction in terms of percentage of total (estimated) microplastic emission per productgroup (only as indicative) Multi Criteria Analysis 2 Cost-effectiveness: determined by dividing the annual costs of a measure by the expected ton emission reduction per year of the measure Assessment measures 3 Viability: Technical and regulatory feasibility of a measure have been taken into account. Standardizing of scores Discussion paper Weighting of criteria

9 9 Approach (Overall view)

10 10 Fibres and clothing

11 11 Fibres and clothing: measures
Improve the quality of synthetic fibres Make technical adjustments to washing machines Optimize/ improve detergents Create consumer awareness

12 12 Fibres and clothing: scoring

13 13 Cosmetics / abrasive cleaning agents

14 14 Cosmetics / abrasive cleaning agents: measures
Oblige industry to be transparent about the ingredients used in products Voluntary phase out of the use of plastic microbeads Ban the use of plastic microbeads in products Create consumer awareness

15 15 Cosmetics / abrasive cleaning agents: measures

16 16 Paints

17 Cover outdoor works during abrasion
17 Paints: measures Innovation of paint Cover outdoor works during abrasion Use of extraction/ dust capture during sanding Create consumer awareness Cosmetics

18 18 Paints: scores Cosmetics

19 19 Tyres

20 Promote flexible work locations and tele-work
20 Tyres: measures Change the composition and structure of roads during the resurfacing process Innovation of tyres Promote flexible work locations and tele-work Create consumer awareness Cosmetics

21 21 Tyres: scores Cosmetics

22 Restrict use of primary microplastics by legal instruments.
22 General measures Restrict use of primary microplastics by legal instruments. Restrict use of primary microplastics by voluntary instruments. Improve sewage and storm water collection and treatment. Stimulate innovation including changes in product design and/or production. Serve as a public authority as an example via public procurement. Encourage best practices and education of professionals. Cosmetics Create consumer awareness.

23 23 General measures: scores

24 24 Questions for discussion
Five product groups are selected for further analysis: cosmetics, paints, abrasive cleaning agents, fibres and clothing and roadway runoff from tires. Is this list of product groups sufficient? Do you think a Multi Criteria Analysis is a good approach? Does the Multi Criteria Analysis addresses the most relevant criteria? If not, what criteria should be added/changed? In the selection of measures, the main criteria "effectiveness", "cost-effectiveness" and “viability” got an equal weighting. What is your opinion on that? Do you think measures should be added or removed? If so, which measure and why? Where in a product chain should the responsibility lie for taking measures? At the end (end-of –pipe), at the producer, at the consumer?

25 Enjoy the discussion


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