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NA3 Training and induction

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1 NA3 Training and induction
Malcolm Atkinson & David Fergusson NA3 Leader & Activity Manager, NeSC EGEE Final EU review 23-24 May 2006 Footer

2 Distribution of NA3 effort
~ 1 FTE per partner in NA3 (22 active partners) ~ 0.3 FTE per partner within EGEE (given 70 partners in all). training required and delivered everywhere Management, Support eLearning, Web Services WSRF, Biomed Earth Sciences Data Middleware Operations NORTHERN 4 1 6 RUSSIA CE Portals Earth Sciences 5 Industry, SME Operations User Support (GGUS) 1 SEE Comment on UK & I, Germany & Switzerland and Italy as covered by black dots 3 t-Infrastructure Portals Application integration Multimedia (SMIL) 1 Federation Induction Web Services 1 Single partner EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

3 Countries which hosted EGEE courses
EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

4 Training Delivery 2 (2) 4 (5) 2 (4) 11 (30) 12 (25) 11 (25) 12 (50)
Course Length (days) 11 (30) 12 (25) 11 (25) 12 (50) Average Attendance 42 (12) 40 (4) 47 (16) 121 (20) Number Technical Activity Retreats Advanced Courses Application Developer Training Induction Figures in brackets are the expected values at the start of the project EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

5 2927 attendees at courses (1860) 250 training events (52)
Headline figures 2927 attendees at courses (1860) 250 training events (52) 9322 participant days (4820) EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

6 Course types per quarter
EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

7 Training: Quantity & Quality
Participants grade course from 1 to 6. Each point = average of overall score for a course initial focus in training was on induction and, while this effort is continuing, more advanced course have been added over time Dave, I’d like to have the excel spreadsheet Trainers review grades and revise course material and training plans n=68 of 174 possible courses EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

8 Rates of feedback return
Must extend data to the end of project EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

9 T-Infrastructure uses
GILDA/GENIUS has been central in installing new middleware versions, making these available and sharing experience GILDA/GENIUS extensively used in induction and advanced training courses and summer schools UEDIN cluster also used for early gLite installation in conjunction with GILDA to gather experience and developing new application developer courses. Cluster and virtual machines at FZK used to support application developer and installation courses for gLite EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

10 External projects and VOs
Diligent Magic EMBRACE BioinfoGrid TERENA/NRENS Industry attendees at: ISSGC ’05 tutorial SME course FZK PRISM Forum UK (Pharma) ISSEG, ETICS, ICEAGE EUMEDGRID, EELA, SEEGRID Biomed courses Physics courses Earth Sciences Social Sciences Geographical outreach: BalticGrid (joined EGEE) Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Korea, China Australia, New Zealand Venezuela (joined EELA) EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

11 EGEE Created ICEAGE Mission
Stimulate and support advances in grid education throughout Europe Goals Achieve rapid growth in effective advanced grid education Enabling society to make best use of e-Infrastructure Make best use of worldwide capacity for advanced grid education Deliver a stimulating programme of educational events Including international summer schools Broaden engagement in an advanced grid education both geographically and across disciplines EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

12 Services & Applications
Vive la Difference – Sharing our Future Training – EGEE Targeted Immediate goals Specific skills Building a workforce Education – ICEAGE Pervasive Long term and sustained Generic conceptual models Developing a culture Both are needed Organisation Skilled Workers Training Services & Applications Invests Prepares Develop Strengthens Society Graduates Education Innovation Invests Prepares Create Enriches EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

13 Summer Schools Supported approx 5 Summer Schools per year
ISSGC 04, 05 GridKa 04, 05 CERN School of Computing 04, 05 Budapest Regional Summer School 04, 05 PPARC Summer School 04, 05 Prepared ISSGC 06 then handed baton to ICEAGE Highest profile international training and education events in grid computing. EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

14 Outreach & Influence Ran training events that helped launch
Baltic Grid E-Infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America (EELA) EU China Grid Initiative EU Med Grid Launching a Community Group in Grid Education, Outreach & Training at GGF16 & GGF17 Large international engagement & charter under development EU (EGEE created) leadership Initiated work on Training & Education in e-IRG Presentations at London & Linz Chapter in e-IRG white paper EGEE created leadership EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

15 Issues Scale Quality Rate of change
Support geographically diverse groups Many different knowledge domains Breadth of knowledge required Quality Maintain and encourage a ‘quality culture’ Rate of change New middleware features New VOs Changing needs of domains New projects Changes in national grid provision EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

16 EU Reviewers’ Recommendations & EGEE Responses
5 Reinforce and Incentivise “train the trainers” events More courses planned in EGEE-II Further follow-up surveys planned Formal accreditation for trainers started ready for EGEE-II 6 Improve evaluation of training requirements and delivery Improved follow-up questionnaires to identify specific needs Mandatory quality checks in EGEE-II 7 Expand training activities for applications developers and administrators More activities in EGEE-II Training Plan 8&9 Promote better links with Industry users Work closely with the Industry Forum Expand links with DATAMAT Market survey and talking with training companies 10 Ensure high quality of training experience, t-Infrastructure and trainers is maintained Follow on survey and external review carried out User satisfaction survey (in NA4 user survey) Metrics & editorial board in EGEE-II EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

17 Achievements Delivered beyond targets
Delivered across Europe, even in areas with no representatives Delivered outreach beyond existing EGEE area Maintained quality process across partners Collated a body of training materials to act as catalyst to training EGEE provided the acorn – now an oak will grow Established a self-paced eLearning portal Based on Digital Library models & shared with DILIGENT and international education metadata collaboration standards Engaged a broad range of disciplines and related projects EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

18 Training in EGEE-II Enlarged community of Training Partners
E.g. with partners in France & Iberia Developing a Federated Model For support & management Strengthening QA procedures Partner performance metrics Editorial review of recommended materials (ETF) Accreditation of EGEE trainers Leadership of UIG More focus at UEDIN on management Increase responsibility of others to deliver courses Engage larger training community Industry, training trainers & recommended material MoUs with new projects and communities Major challenge: Scale up and still remain responsive EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

19 Summary The NA3 Activity in EGEE
Has delivered well: high number of tailored courses This has depended on Close interaction with all other activities Teamwork & Enthusiasm Assistance from many experts We have developed a major repository of material With self-paced learning support This needs further content & quality processes QA and management is a challenge with a thinly spread community But we have met this challenge And improved the model in EGEE-II EGEE Final EU Review May NA3 - Malcolm Atkinson Footer

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