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Hepatitis E Virus and Chronic Hepatitis in Organ-Transplant Recipients

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1 Hepatitis E Virus and Chronic Hepatitis in Organ-Transplant Recipients
Nassim Kamar, M.D., Ph.D., Janick Selves, M.D., Jean-Michel Mansuy, M.D.,Leila Ouezzani, M.D., Jean-Marie Peron, M.D., Ph.D., Joelle Guitard, M.D.,Olivier Cointault, M.D., Laure Esposito, M.D., Florence Abravanel, Pharm.D.,Marie Danjoux, M.D., Dominique Durand, M.D., Jean-Pierre Vinel, M.D.,Jacques Izopet, Pharm.D., Ph.D., and Lionel Rostaing, M.D., Ph.D. N Engl J Med 358: february 2008 Jae Jun Sim So Yeoun Park

2 INTRODUCTION - Acute hepatitis caused by the HEV
HEV : agent responsible for acute hepatitis that does not become chronic - not routinely sought in cases of acute hepatitis in recipients of solid-organ transplants anti-HEV IgG antibodies : 6 to 16% of renal-transplant recipients - only three cases of acute HEV infection have been reported in organ-transplant

3 Acute hepatitis caused by the HEV
agent responsible for acute hepatitis that does not progress to chronic hepatitis 14 cases of acute hepatitis E infection in organ-transplant recipients → suggest that HEV infection may evolve to chronic hepatitis in immunocompromised patients

4 PATIENTS AND METHODS January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2006
STUDY SUBJECTS - all recipients of liver, kidney, kidney and pancreas transplants were screened for HEV infection by serologic and molecular tools The exclusion criteria 1) chronically infected with hepatitis B, C, D viruses 2) Biliary-tract complications 3) Toxin- and drug related causes of abnormal LFT --> Fourteen of 217 patients (6.5%) tested positive for serum HEV RNA . STUDY PROTOCOL 1) Anti-HEV status : enzyme immunoassay (HEV EIA, Abbott) 2) HEV RNA in serum and stool : real-time PCR amplification (TaqMan, Applied Biosystems) of a 189-bp product located in the ORF2 region 3) The grades and stages of chronic hepatitis : Metavir classification DATA ANALYSIS 1) chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test 2) Quantitative variables: Friedman and Wilcoxon tests 3) P value < 0.05

5 Results 1 Prevalence of anti-HEV IgG 2
Clinical and Biologic Presentation 3 Diagnosis of HEV Infection 4 Liver Histologic Findings during the Acute Phase 5 Course of HEV Infection 6 Resolving versus Chronic HEV Infection

6 RESULTS - 1 Prevalence of anti-HEV IgG
- January 1, 2004, and December 31, 2006 - kidney transplant (241recipients) ,liver transplant (86 recipients) →screened for HEV infection at the time of transplantation * The prevalence of anti-HEV IgG 13.5% for all recipients 14.5% for kidney recipients 10.4% for liver recipients

7 Table 1. Demographic Features of Transplant Recipients at Diagnosis of Acute HEV Infection.

8 RESULTS - 2 Clinical and Biologic Presentation
acute hepatitis episode 1) asymptomatic in 7 of the 14 patients → tested for HEV 2) seven other patients : fatigue, diffuse arthralgias, myalgias that had evolved over a period of 1 to 2 weeks acute rejection episode after undergoing transplantation: zero Immunosuppressive therapy : remained in all patients for at least 6 months before acute episode Liver-enzyme levels : higher than the levels 3 to 4 months before the diagnosis of HEV infection

9 Table 2. Liver Function in Patients with HEV Infection.


11 RESULTS - 3 Diagnosis of HEV Infection
classic causes of hepatitis: ruled out At diagnosis, HEV RNA : PCR amplification products of the serum HEV of 12 patients Phylogenetic analysis :all the strains belonged to genotype 3 (GenBank accession numbers,EU to EU221003) failed to sequence the strains of the remaining two patients → No correlation between HEV RNA concentration and either liver-enzyme levels , liver-activity scores at diagnosis

12 RESULTS - 4 Liver Histologic Findings during the Acute Phase
assessment of disease activity: Metavir score 0 -no activity 1- mild activity 2- moderate activity 3- severe activity assessment of fibrosis : Metavir score 0 - no fibrosis 1- portal fibrosis without septa 2 -a few septa 3- numerous septa without cirrhosis 4- cirrhosis RESULTS - 4 Liver Histologic Findings during the Acute Phase 9 ~ 14 patients : liver biopsy to evaluate the severity of the acute episode of hepatitis liver-transplant recipients: liver biopsy to detect acute rejection mean (±SD) Metavir activity : 1.3±1.0 , fibrosis scores : 0.9±0.6 dominant lesions : lobular, with inflammation , with spotty necrosis that included acidophilic bodies portal tract : expanded and included an inflammatory infiltrate composed mainly of lymphocytes piecemeal necrosis : six patients

13 RESULTS - 5 Course of HEV Infection
Immunosuppressive therapy and target immunosuppressive trough levels : not modified after the diagnosis of HEV infection 1) 6/14 patients (43%) : HEV infection resolved → serum & stool HEV RNA : undetectable within 6 months after diagnosis → undetectable until the last f/u :mean of 12 months (range, 5 ~36) 2) 14/8 patients (57%) : HEV infection evolved to chronic hepatitis → persistently elevated liver-enzyme levels → detectable HEV RNA : mean of 15 months (range, 10 ~24) after the acute phase 3) resolving HEV infection → AST & ALT : returned to preinfection values within 1 month (five patients) , 3 months(one patient) after diagnosis → γ-GT & ALP : returned to baseline levels within 3 months after diagnosis Among those with chronic HEV infection, liver enzyme levels remained above the upper limit of normal at the last follow-up

14 HEV seroconversion - four patients : resolving HEV infection (two at 1 month , one each at 3 and 6 months after diagnosis) seven patients with chronic infection (one at 3 months, two at 6 months, two at 12 months, and one each at 13 and 15 months after diagnosis) 6/8 patients with chronic infection : second liver biopsy 2 patients declined liver biopsy Histologic lesions :features of chronic viral hepatitis - fibrosis with dense lymphocytic infiltrate and variable degrees of piecemeal necrosis less severe than those typically seen in nonimmunocompromised patientsbiopsy specimens : the Metavir activity scores progressed from 1.0±0.8 to 2.2±0.9 and the fibrosis scores from 1.2±0.5 to 1.5±0.5

15 RESULTS - 6 Resolving versus Chronic HEV Infection
<acute phase> 1. median serum HEV RNA concentrations : no significant differences (range, 5.79 to6.44 log10 copies of RNA per milliliter and range,4.92 to 7.28 respectively) 2. peak liver-enzyme levels :no significant differences 3. Hepatitis developed later after transplantation in patients with resolving HEV infection than in those in whom the infection progressed < chronic hepatitis> 2. significantly lower serum creatinine levels at baseline and significantly lower counts of leukocytes, total lymphocytes, platelets,and CD2, CD3, and CD4 lymphocytes 2. time from transplantation to the development of infection : significantly shorter 3. total lymphocyte counts and the CD2, CD3, and CD4 lymphocyte counts were significantly lower — than in patients in whom HEV infection resolved

16 Table 3. Patients with Resolving HEV Infection and Those in Whom the Infection Evolved to Chronic Hepatitis.

17  HEV infection can evolve to chronic
HEV should be considered an etiologic agent of hepatitis in organ-transplant recipients  HEV infection can evolve to chronic hepatitis, at least in organ-transplant recipients

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