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10 min WELCOME participants to the program.

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Presentation on theme: "10 min WELCOME participants to the program."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 min WELCOME participants to the program. If bandwidth allows, consider turning on your webcam during your introduction, to briefly give learners a visual of you. Turn off the webcam after your introduction. INTRODUCE yourself to the group. Include the following information: Your name & location Your role, major responsibilities and experience HAVE participants introduce themselves using CHAT, sharing their name, their role, and the length of time they’ve been with the organization. Comment on introductions as appropriate. Encourage participants to chat with each other, to begin building a comfortable learning environment. Note: Move very quickly through the introductions. ASK participants to download and print a copy of the handout if they haven’t done so already. Draw their attention to the File share pod where this handout is uploaded. SAY: It looks like we have an eager group who is ready to learn! We will continue using the chat window, as well as the status indicators and verbal dialogue throughout today’s session. Your active participation is both requested and required! If needed, review how to use the status indicators (raise hand, agree, disagree, etc) and how to send public and private chat messages. OPEN an “Introductions” slide that has the facilitator and producer photos on it. INTRODUCE yourself both verbally and in the chat pod. ENSURE handout is uploaded into a File Share pod for those who might need it. LET learners know you’re available to assist with technical issues, and how to reach you both inside and outside of the classroom. ASSIST with activity as needed. SWITCH to “Class Overview” layout before moving to next slide. You have permission to use and modify this template for creating virtual training classes, provided that you do not make it available for sale (or re-sale) to others, and that you give proper attribution to the source (

2 Insert image of slide or on-screen activity here
Insert timing Insert facilitator notes here Insert image of slide or on-screen activity here Insert producer notes here

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