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CLIR Chinese Cataloging Project: Status Report

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1 CLIR Chinese Cataloging Project: Status Report
Charlene Chou Technical Manager University of Washington July 25th, 2014

2 “Discovering Modern China”
Project: “Discovering Modern China” Cataloging our rare and unique Chinese hidden treasures —making them discoverable throughout the world

3 Status Report: prior to June 1st
In April: Emily Jantz was hired as a student worker after being an intern in winter quarter. In May: General and sorting workflow decided and related documents posted on the EAL StaffWeb Hired two student workers with knowledge in both traditional and simplified scripts Haoming Liu from mainland China with simplified scripts and some programming skills Erica Ho from Taiwan and is more knowledgeable with traditional scripts Emily’s job description was revised and got promoted to be the Project Specialist who will supervise two student workers. Room 326 was set up for the project, including removing boxes, adding another PC and more book cases as well as changing computer desk, etc.

4 Status Report: After June 1st
Sorting multi-volume sets Sorting older materials, esp. in East Asia binding, for the Rare-book consultant to review. Since the rare-book consultant won’t arrive till next year, the priority got adjusted. More modern books will be sorted from now on. Lately, the priority goes to the policy of preservation treatment since it requires more budgets for preservation treatment. We have showed some books to the Chinese Studies Librarian for review on 7/8. Emily has done some copy cataloging, enhancing records, adding volumes and original cataloging. The poster of this project is drafted by Emily and approved by Zhijia and Charlene.

5 Sorting Statistics as of July 24th, 2014
About 1000 titles are searched or sorted by the student team, most of them are older materials or in Chinese binding. No record: ~450 About 200 of these have at least a similar/related record in OCLC, but not exactly matching our item, or have a Chinese record that can be derived) Unsure/needs edition verification or other checking: ~100 Missing call number/subject headings, or needs other enhancements: ~150 Copy cataloging: ~100 Definite or probable duplicate titles: 50+ One or more volumes of a multi-volume set, set aside to look in Smith 9 for other volumes (some of these we found possible or definite records for, but for most, we need the other volumes to confirm the record): ~90 Actually are Japanese items (kanbun with reading marks, mostly): ~10

6 Discover Hidden Treasures
Goal Discover Hidden Treasures

7 Hidden Treasures: Candidates
No record in OCLC—unique copy from UW Edition verification: variant editions need consultant’s verification, esp. for rare books. Three or less than three copies in OCLC: copy two will be added to the collections; however, newer publications will be reviewed by the Chinese Studies Librarian. The resources of some minority languages will be identified in this project, especially less than three copies in OCLC. Examples will include materials in Tibetan, Yi, Mongolian, etc. Special materials such as graphic novels, children literature, scores, maps, etc. Examples & anecdotes Graphic novel: Comparison with other digitized collections: Graphic materials Comparison between purchase price and current auction price


9 Added values Preservation treatment
Options: Preservation box Preservation photocopy Repairs/mendery Anecdotes with photographs Workflow to streamline through macros, etc.—Haoming has created a macro for cataloging workflow already. Website to publicize the information of hidden treasure, workflow, etc. Most original cataloging will be done in RDA and authority records may be created for some important authors and/or works. Some RDA examples may be added to the list of examples for the CTP Subcommittee on RDA, chaired by Charlene Chou, at CEAL.

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