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IETF mtgvenue venue-selection-process-02

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Presentation on theme: "IETF mtgvenue venue-selection-process-02"— Presentation transcript:

1 IETF mtgvenue venue-selection-process-02
Seoul 17 Nov 2016 D. Crocker

2 The Plan Resolve pending/recent issues
Respond to specific text proposals Word-smithing to clean up odds and ends Get more community comment

3 Recent Issues Revised text on food "Political considerations"
Proposed modification (next) "Political considerations" In current draft (2.2) Primary hotel w/reserved 1/3 of projected rooms Yes. "Why do we meet" In current draft (2.1) Unfiltered network access Retain existing text (3.3) Accessibility How to judge? (3.2 & 3.4) Mandatory vs. Desired?

4 Working 'food' Text Existing text Addition
The Venue environs have convenient and inexpensive choices for meals that can accommodate a wide range of dietary requirements. The area 'environs' include: onsite and places that are within a reasonable walking distance and those that are conveniently accessible by a short taxi, bus, or subway ride. [Mandatory] The Venue environs include grocery shopping that will accommodate a wide range of dietary requirements, within a reasonable walking distance, or conveniently accessible by a short taxi, bus, or subway ride, or through a delivery service. [Desired] Addition A range of attendee's health-related and religion-related dietary requirements can be satisfied with robust and flexible onsite service or through access to an adequate grocery. [Mandatory]

5 Mandatory/etc. Categories (1.2)
Decide on number 4 - Mandatory/Desired/ Important/Nice 3 - Mandatory/Tradeoff/Nice 2 - Mandatory/Nice Clarify meaning of category labels Rank-ordering Of tradeoffs (?) Whether to have ranking How to use Assignments of labels Process of agreeing on specifics  No obvious convergence. Mumble...

6 Going Forward: Document Change Process
Question: How to go from (on-list) comments to specific text changes? Authors' plan: Incorporate the specific language changes that are agreed to, on-list For example: OLD This is existing text that is to be replaced NEW This is the new, replacement text  In other words, we need specific text changes to be specified in your comments

7 Open issue Balancing between capturing community direction, versus specifying how professions do their job That is: What the community wants done, vs. How it is done (by our professional support staff)

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