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走进中考 “任务型阅读”解题指导.

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1 走进中考 “任务型阅读”解题指导

2 Why can’t I get good marks?

3 = + 任务型阅读 Task-based reading Reading (read a passage) Writing
(write 5-10 words in a diagram(图表)/ a passage)

4 Detailed information 详细信息
Three parts in the diagram. Customs and popular sports in 1_____ Personalities: Friendly and 3_____ Greetings :Women greet men and each other with a 4_____ , but me just shake hands. While 5_____ : Brazilians stand very close to each other and touch each other regularly. 2_____ Giving gifts: There is no 6_____ to take a gift when going to a business meeting. Take a gift when you are invited to someone’s house, but 7_____ taking purple or black gifts. Attending dinner: Arrive at least thirty minutes late and get well-dressed. Football: People play it 8_____ —on football fields, on the beach or in the street. There are 9_____ 13 million players and 29,208 football clubs. Popular sports Capoeira: A mix of martial arts, exercise and music. People do it in 10___. People around the world come here to learn it. Detailed information 详细信息 Title 大标题 Subtitle(小标题)

5 Customs and popular sports in 1 ____________
Complete the title Brazil Customs and popular sports in 1 ____________

6 Information induction信息归纳
Complete the subtitle Information induction信息归纳 Customs and popular sports in 59 Brazil Personalities: Friendly and 1.解题关键:根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。 Greetings :Women greet men and each other with a , but me just shake hands. While : Brazilians stand very close to each other and touch each other regularly. 60 2.选词范围:名词、动名词、wh-word等 Customs Giving gifts: There is no to take a gift when going to a business meeting. Take a gift when you are invited to someone’s house, but taking purple or black gifts. n. 表示方法: 表示建议: 表示因果关系: 表示观点和看法: 表示重要性: 表示优缺点: way(s), method(s),step(s) Attending dinner: Arrive at least thirty minutes late and get well-dressed. Football: People play it —on football fields, on the beach or in the street. There are million players and 29,208 football clubs. suggestion(s), advice(un.), tip(s) reason(for), cause(of), result(of) Popular sports opinion (s), idea (s) Capoeira: A mix of martial arts, exercise and music. People do it in People around the world come here to learn it. importance, value advantage(s), disadvantage(s)

7 Customs and popular sports in 1
Complete the detailed information Customs and popular sports in 1 Personalities: Friendly and 3 Greetings :Women greet men and each other with a , but me just shake hands. While : Brazilians stand very close to each other and touch each other regularly. 2 Giving gifts: There is no 6 to take a gift when going to a business meeting. Take a gift when you are invited to someone’s house, but taking purple or black gifts. Attending dinner: Arrive at least thirty minutes late and get well-dressed. Football: People play it —on football fields, on the beach or in the street. There are million players and 29,208 football clubs. Popular sports Capoeira: A mix of martial arts, exercise and music. People do it in People around the world come here to learn it.

8 information search信息查找
Complete the detailed information relaxed Personalities: Friendly and 3 ____________ information search信息查找

9 information conversion 信息转换
Complete the detailed information Greetings :Women greet men and each other with a 4 ____________ ,but men just shake hands. kiss information conversion 信息转换

10 information search信息查找
Complete the detailed information information search信息查找 speaking While 5 ____________: Brazilians stand very close to each other and touch each other regularly. ,but men just shake hands. talking

11 information conversion 信息转换
Complete the detailed information information conversion 信息转换 Giving gifts: There is no 6 ____________ to take a gift when going to a business meeting. need be not expected to do sth.= there is no deed to do sth.

12 information conversion 信息转换
Complete the detailed information information conversion 信息转换 Take a gift when you are invited to someone’s house, but 7 ____________ taking purple or black gifts. avoid shouldn’t do sth.= avoid doing sth.

13 information search信息查找
Complete the detailed information information search信息查找 everywhere Football: People play it 8 ____________ —on football fields, on the beach or in the street.

14 information conversion 信息转换
Complete the detailed information information conversion 信息转换 over There are 9 ____________13 million players and 29,208 football clubs. taking purple or black gifts. more than= over

15 information search信息查找
Complete the detailed information information search信息查找 Capoeira: A mix of martial arts, exercise and music. People do it in 10 ____________ . groups

16 Customs and popular sports in 1_________
Check the answers Customs and popular sports in 1_________ Brazil Personalities: Friendly and 3_________ relaxed Greetings :Women greet men and each other with a 4_________, but me just shake hands. kiss speaking / talking While 5_________ : Brazilians stand very close to each other and touch each other regularly. 2_________ Customs Giving gifts: There is no 6_________ to take a gift when going to a business meeting. Take a gift when you are invited to someone’s house, but 7_________ taking purple or black gifts. need avoid Attending dinner: Arrive at least thirty minutes late and get well-dressed. Football: People play it 8____________ —on football fields, on the beach or in the street. There are 9_________13 million players and 29,208 football clubs. everywhere over Popular sports Capoeira: A mix of martial arts, exercise and music. People do it in 10_________. People around the world come here to learn it. groups

17 Tips: 信息查找题 1.解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息。 解题技巧 带着问题有意识地在关键处做标记。 2.常用方法:

18 信息转换题 Tips: (1).词性转换 (2).句子结构转换 (3).同义词和反义词转换 (4).另选其它词来释义 (5)…….
1.解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。 kiss men = greet men with a kiss (1).词性转换 常见的 转换方式 (2).句子结构转换 sb. do sth.= sth. be done 2. (3).同义词和反义词转换 more than= over shouldn’t do sth. = avoid doing sth. (4).另选其它词来释义 (5)…….

19 考题链接: 1. In some countries, lunchtime often means soup time! (16 南京中考)
2017 中考 1. In some countries, lunchtime often means soup time! (16 南京中考) In some countries soup time ________ for lunchtime. and happy. stands mean= stand for 2. Korean children mix together many dishes and flavors at meals. (16 南京中考) Many dishes and flavors are________ together at meals in hot and spicy tastes. mixed sb. do sth.= sth. be done

20 It takes sb. some time to do sth. = sb. spends some time doing sth.
考题链接: 2017 中考 3. The fourth to seventh results will be safe and trusted websites that are not written for adults.They provide expert content, but are harder for kids to understand.(16 常州中考) Websites are safe and famous, written for adults, and they are not ________ for kids to understand. easy opposite word 4. It takes children the whole summer vacation to learn without playing (16 泰州中考) Children spend the whole summer vacation ________without playing. learning It takes sb. some time to do sth. = sb. spends some time doing sth.

21 考题链接: 2017 中考 5. Because clothing has strong social meanings, people are very careful in choosing what to wear.(16 无锡中考) Because clothing has strong social meanings, people have to choose what to wear ____________. carefully be+ adj.→ do +adv. 6. Today although more and more young people like wearing Western clothes, especially in big cities in Africa, traditional African dress is still quite valuable (16 无锡中考) Though Western clothes are popular with young people in some areas, traditional clothes are still of great ____________. be+adj. →be of+adj.+n. value

22 实战演练

23 实战演练 2017 模拟

24 Title: A 1_____ about going online
实战演练 2017 模拟 Title: A 1_____ about going online Advantages ·Make our lives interesting and make us 2_____ our lives. ·Learn how to use the computer and can get more information. ·Send s to our friends 3_____ . ·Help us keep in touch with people from all over the world. Disadvantages ·It takes too much time to play computer games. ·Some students spend too much time 4______ online so they do worse in their lessons. Suggestions ·Do it in summer or winter holidays. ·Do some after school activities and have some 5______ groups in school

25 Title: A 1______________ about going online
实战演练 2017 模拟 Title: A 1______________ about going online Advantages ·Make our lives interesting and make us 2_____ our lives. ·Learn how to use the computer and can get more information. ·Send s to our friends 3_____ . ·Help us keep in touch with people from all over the world. Disadvantages ·It takes too much time to play computer games. ·Some students spend too much time 4______ online so they do worse in their lessons. Suggestions ·Do it in summer or winter holidays. ·Do some after school activities and have some 5______ groups in school talk/speech

26 make sb. adj.= make sb. do sth.
实战演练 2017 模拟 Make our lives interesting and make us 2_________ our lives. enjoy make sb. adj.= make sb. do sth.

27 实战演练 2017 模拟 quickly Send e-mails to our friends 3_________.
at once= quickly

28 It takes sb. some time to do sth. = sb. spends some time doing sth.
实战演练 2017 模拟 Some students spend too much time 4_________ online so they do worse in their lessons. chatting It takes sb. some time to do sth. = sb. spends some time doing sth.

29 实战演练 2017 模拟 Do some after school activities and have some 5_________ groups in school. interest

30 Title: A 1_____________ about going online
实战演练 2017 模拟 Title: A 1_____________ about going online Advantages ·Make our lives interesting and make us 2_________our lives. ·Learn how to use the computer and can get more information. ·Send s to our friends 3________ . ·Help us keep in touch with people from all over the world. Disadvantages ·It takes too much time to play computer games. ·Some students spend too much time 4_________ online so they do worse in their lessons. Suggestions ·Do it in summer or winter holidays. ·Do some after school activities and have some 5_________ groups in school talk/speech enjoy quickly chatting interest

31 实战演练 2017 模拟

32 实战演练 2017 模拟 Firstly, don’t keep 1_________ to yourselves and remember to talk to others who care about you. They might give you some 2_________. problems help

33 do breathing exercises
实战演练 2017 模拟 Find a way to calm down when you have you a sad feeling. Maybe you can take a deep 3_________or listen to music. breath do breathing exercises = take a deep breath

34 实战演练 2017 模拟 Third, don’t treat yourself 4_________all the time and face the difficulties you have. angrily be+ adj.→ do +adv.

35 temporary=not last long
实战演练 2017 模拟 Don’t worry. Most stress can’t 5_________long. last temporary=not last long

36 实战演练 2017 模拟 Everyone has feelings. Everyone may feel stressed, worried, frightened sometimes. The following ways may help you. Firstly, don’t keep 1_________ to yourselves and remember to talk to others who care about you. They might give you some 2_________. Find a way to calm down when you have you a sad feeling. Maybe you can take a deep 3_________or listen to music. Third, don’t treat yourself 4_________all the time and face the difficulties you have. Be kind to yourself and ask for help. Try to find a way to solve them. Take it easy, and you can solve it piece by piece. Finally, you should be confident. Don’t worry. Most stress can’t 5_________long. worries help breath angrily last

37 讨论总结

38 1.图表(diagram) 2.文段 (passage)
解题步骤 略读图表 1.图表(diagram) 审清文章结构 记住阅读任务 解题步骤 略读文段首尾句、段 2.文段 (passage) 带图表中任务细读 在文段中做标记定位 对比文段中标记处和图 表中对应任务

39 解题技巧: 常见题型 1.信息归纳题 常见题型 2.信息查找题 3.信息转换题

40 Home work 2016镇江中考卷 任务型阅读

41 Thank you !

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