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Effects of external inspections

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1 Effects of external inspections
Einar Hovlid Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

2 What do we know about the effects of inspections?
Inspections are widely used as means to improve the quality of services Evidence to support that inspection can have an effect, but findings are contradictory The effect is dependent on many factors Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

3 Sub standard performance
Inspection Sub standard performance Correctiv meassures Improved services Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

4 Factors important for effect
Engagement Perceived relevance of the inspection and its findings What do we look for? How do we communicate what we find? Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

5 Shoe insepction at Hovlid family 2016
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6 Findings from shoe inspection
Shoe handling was sub standard No written guidelines No common understanding of how we do the shoe handling Job descriptions poorly defined Poor education of shoe handlers Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

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Improvment measures Family managment (parents) did a risk analysis Family gathering, decided what to do Written agreement, job descriptions Weekly sallary Report to Shoe Inspectorat Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

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Unannounced shoe inspection September 2017 Shoe handlers (children) version of what took place following the insepction in 2016. We had a meeting where we were told what to do It is not practical to do it like we were told to. Takes too long time No place in the rack, full of parents’ shoes Sand in shoes Parents never there, they do not really care what goes on Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

9 Sub standard performance
Inspection Sub standard performance Correctiv meassures Improved services Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

10 Sepsis inspections in Norway 2016-17
Plannend and desinged to engage leaders and frontline workers by addressing what matters for the patients Emphasis on how we use data Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

11 What matters in sepsis care
Early treatment with antibiotics Early triage Early diagnosis Timely assesment by doctor Collect data from patient recrods in a structured way Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

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Learning points Discoverd sub-standard care previously unknow for the hospitals Relevant indicators describing care that matters for the patients Use data in a structured way Data helped guide interviews and the inspection Use the same indicators for post inspection follow-up Foredrag av Statens helsetilsyn

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