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1 Reading

2 Warming up Have you seen plants and animals that live under the sea? Where did you see them?

3 On a snorkeling trip On the Internet At an aquarium On TV nature programmes On a boat tour In films In books

4 Watch the photos and try to write down the names of the animals or the plants.
dolphin shark

5 Anemone 海葵 anemone fish coral sea star

6 sea horse turtle

7 whale 鲸鱼

8 killer whales baleen whales

9 Pre-reading What do you think is happening in the picture?
Killer whales are attacking a baleen whale with whalers waiting by in their boat, harpoon at the ready.

10 Reading Old Tom the killer whale

11 Teaching task: Read the introduction of the text on page 19 and fill in the following table.

12 Writer Occupation Type of the article (文体) Place Time Main idea An old man called Clancy A whaler anecdotes Australia At the beginning of the 20th century Killer whales helped whalers catch baleen whales

13 F F T The author believed the story was truth at the very beginning.
1st Reading Do the “True” or “False” exercises. The author believed the story was truth at the very beginning. 2.The killer whale was throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again just to play. 3.Old Tom swim by our boat, showing us the way. F F T

14 4.The whale caught by the killers died and its whole body was eaten by the killers.
5.James was afraid of being abandoned by us. 6.No one saved James, and he was killed by a shark. F T F

15 D Under Text Comprehension Sea the 1. _____ killed the whale at last.
A. Old Tom B. the killer whales C. the author D. the whalers

16 2. What happened to James after he was washed off the boat?
A. He got hurt by a shark. B. He was abandoned by the other whalers and felt terrified. C. He dropped his hope and was nearly dying. D. He was held up in the water by Old Tom and rescued. D

17 3. According to the text, which of the following is NOT right. A
3. According to the text, which of the following is NOT right? A. The killers like Old Tom are fierce yet always ready to help the whalers. B. The writer didn’t believe the killers could help the whalers catch whales before working at the whaling station. C. The whalers left the body of the whale eaten up by the killers. D. It was hard to handle the boat in the rough sea. C

18 4. Why did George beat the water with his oar?
A. To frighten the whales away B. To call back Old Tom to lead the way C. To attract the attention of huge whales D. To send signals to other whales. B

19 5. The killers threw themselves on top of the huge whale’s blow-hole in order to ______.
A. make it sink B. play with it C. stop it breathing D. stop it diving C

20 6. Why did the men start turning the boat around to go home after the whale died? A. Because they didn’t need a dead whale B. Because they couldn’t find the whale’s body C C. Because they knew that the dead whale wouldn’t float up to the surface for around 24 hours. D. They had to do this because it was too late.

21 7. What is the main idea of the first anecdote?
A. About a hunting experience of old Tom. B. About how the killer whales helps the whalers to hunt a whale. C. About how the whalers killed Old Tom. D. About how the killer whales killed the whales. B

22 8. What does the word “it” in the sentence “He let it go and the harpoon hit the spot” refer to? A. The whale. B. The boat. C. The harpoon. D. The killer. C

23 9. What’s the main idea of the second anecdote. A
9. What’s the main idea of the second anecdote? A. Fierce killers, like Old Tom, could protect people. B. James was washed off the boat. C. It was hard to handle the boat in rough sea. D. Old Tom rescued James from other killers. A

24 10. According to the text, the killer whales can protect men from being attacked by ____ A. whales B. tigers C. enemies D. sharks D

25 C Under Text Comprehension Sea the
11. The killer whale protected James by _____. A. fighting the shark B. killing the shark C. preventing the shark going closer D. dragging him back C

26 Task 4: Read the text carefully again
and fill in the blanks. Before the hunt The killer whale threw itself out of the _____ and then _______ down again. It swam by the _____, showing the whalers the way. water crashed boat

27 During the hunt The killers were working as a _____. Some were throwing themselves on ___ of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it _________. Others were stopping it _______ out to sea. After the hunt The killers _______ the dead body down into the ______ of the sea, having a good feed on its lips and ______. team top breathing fleeing dragged depths tongue

28 1. What other animals did the author compare the killer whales with
1. What other animals did the author compare the killer whales with? Why do you think the killer whales behaved like this? Dogs. Because they knew that, together with the whalers, they would soon kill the baleen whale and get a good feed.

29 2. Why did George think that the killer
whales worked as a team? Because he could see that some of the killers were throwing themselves on top of the whale’s blowhole while others were preventing it from diving or fleeing out to sea.

30 3. Why did the whalers allow the killer whales to drag the whale away?
Because they knew the killer whales would leave the rest of the body to them.

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