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The Industrial Revolution

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1 The Industrial Revolution
Hist 122: Western Civilization II Clayton Miles Lehmann

Hibert, Platt, and Sons’ cotton machines. Illustrated London News, 23 August 1851.

3 Capital and Labour

4 The Industrial Revolution
Norton textbook The Industrial Revolution

5 Enclosed Fields in Central Britain
Norton textbook wikipedia A painting by J M Gandy (1771–1843) of the northwestern angle of the Bank of England as designed by Sir John Soane (architect of the bank ).

6 http://www. davidrumsey
“The British Empire throughout the World Exhibited in One View,” from Fullarton's Royal Illustrated Atlas, David Rumsey Historical Map Collection.

7 Map of Great Britain in the 1800s showing rivers, canals, coal fields and iron ore.
Hibert, Platt, and Sons’ cotton machines. Illustrated London News, 23 August 1851. wikipedia George Stephenson´s steam locomotive, Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1830

8 The Industrial Revolution
Norton textbook The Industrial Revolution



11 View of London with Saint Paul’s Cathedral in the Distance
Norton textbook View of London with Saint Paul’s Cathedral in the Distance by William Henry Crome ( ); private collection

12 http://www. independent. co
Getty Museum

13 Capital and Labour

14 Paul Kennedy Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000 (1987).

15 wikipedia Portrait of the Physiocrat Francois Quesnay ( ) and his Tableau économique of 1758.

16 (16 June 1723 NS (5 June 1723 OS) – 17 July 1790
Thomas Malthus ( ); engraving of a portrait by John Linnell, 1834 wikipedia Chart illustrating the Malthusian catastrophe (Essay on Population, 1798) Statue of Adam Smith ( ) at the University of London (constructed 1867–1870)

17 Wikipedia NPG David Ricardo ( ), portrait of by Thomas Phillips, circa 1821; London, National Portrait Gallery Jeremy Bentham ( ), by Henry William Pickersgill, ca 1829; London, National Portrait Gallery

18 L’avenir; view of the Phalanstère (1836)
La Phalange, journal de la science sociale découverte et constituée par Charles Fourier, Paris, EncBrit Charles Fourier ( ) L’avenir; view of the Phalanstère (1836) Engraving by Samuel Sartain after a painting by Jean-François Gigoux

19 A bird's eye view of a community in New Harmony, Indiana ( ), as proposed by Robert Owen; engraving by F Bate, London 1838 wikipedia Robert Owen ( ); portrait by William Henry Brooke, ca 1820; London, National Portrait Gallery

20 Workers of the National Workshops at the Champ de Mars, 1848
Louis Blanc ( ), photograph by Étienne Carjat, 1870s.

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