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Nudging Students to Gain Global Competencies

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Presentation on theme: "Nudging Students to Gain Global Competencies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nudging Students to Gain Global Competencies
career integration conference, Boston, July 14, 2016 Presenters: Marty Tillman President Global Career Compass Blog:   Jean-Marc Hachey Founder MyWorldAbroad

2 Nudging Students to Gain Global Competencies
Taking a fresh approach to how students receive & process information about studying abroad: Nudging theory is based on indirect encouragement and enablement of behavior Concerns the design of purposeful choices to influence decisions students make Messaging is based on actual way students think & reality of their busy lives on campus

3 Nudging Students to Gain Global Competencies
Advisors take a more nuanced approach using social media to impact student behavior Nudging is a means of simplifying how advisors reach students in timely fashion Timed to incrementally keep students on task

4 Nudging Students to Gain Global Competencies
Each series of messages culminates in changed behavior Impacts thinking process Awareness of decision-steps Timely response to deadlines & expectations regarding academic goals

5 MyWorldAbroad NUDGING APPROACH How to create a nudging plan.

6 Presentation & templates at:

7 encourage students to study abroad
Nudging Students to Gain Global Competencies NUDGING OBJECTIVES (in terms of learning) encourage students to study abroad build global awareness & cross-cultural skills maximize the career value of their international experiences

8 Nudging Students to Gain Global Competencies TARGET AUDIENCES
First year students, first generation students, diversity students. Students who have never been broad. Students who have expressed interest in going abroad, or are taking international courses. Students who are in the pipeline for going abroad (before during and after). All the above

Cross-cultural Advice (includes travel advice) Career Advice (before during and after going abroad) Program Information INTERNATIONAL SKILLS Your International IQ Skills for Succeeding Abroad Culture Shock How to Be an Ethical International Volunteer Women's Safety Abroad The North American Identity in the International Workplace Re-entry Shock TRAVEL Travel Advice Budget Advice Broad Advice on Go Abroad Options BEFORE & DURING GOING ABROAD The Go Abroad Application Process How to MAXIMIZE the Career Value of Study Abroad Career-boosting Strategies While Studying Abroad Apply for an Internship Without Having Traveled Abroad How to Survive Your First International Internship Job Hunting While Abroad ADVANCED ADVICE (BEFORE & AFTER GOING ABROAD) The Ideal International Profile Debunking the Myths about International Work LinkedIn: Creating A Standout Student Profile Social Media for Career Success Marketing Your International Experience to Employers Selling Your International Skills With an Elevator Pitch International Resumes Are Different Interviewing for an International Job Specific for each school

10 Go Abroad Cycle (nudging messages)
This graph is used for setting targets and charting key decision points.

11 The GO ABROAD CYCLE graph is used for setting targets and charting key decision points..
BEFORE, DURING, AFTER 155 Messages 50% each for Cross-cultural & Career Advice Before = 47% of messages, During = 22%, After 31% Career training Confirmation of Pre-departure Career Plan student while abroad to confirm Career Plan 2nd reminder to confirm Career Plan Selling your international skills to employers



14 School Year Cycle (Nudging Messages)
This graph is used for setting targets & managing types of messages to a wide body of students.

15 Summer Vacation (DELIMA?)
50% each for Cross-cultural & Career Advice Fall = 41% -Winter = 45% -Summer = 14% The SCHOOL YEAR CYCLE graph is used for setting targets & managing types of messages to a wide body of students.. SCHOOL YEAR CYCLE TWO BIG THEMES: FALL = Cross-Cultural Advice TWO BIG THEMES: WINTER = Career Advice

16 Two nudging vehicles (1) The Global Nudge newsletter (12 issues) (2) Social Media Messages (150+)

17 Monthly THEMES for newsletter & social media
AUG Set Your International Goals: NOW is the time to make plans! SEPT Back to school is here! Are you thinking globally? OCT Dare to Dream: Study Abroad & Change Your Life! NOV Look in the Mirror & See Your International Self DEC The Joys & Challenges of Going Abroad JAN Wishing You A Year of Cross-Cultural Excellence! FEB Languages: They’re international skills too! MARCH Spring Break, Summers Abroad & More APRIL So, You Want an International Job MAY Boost Your Career While You’re Traveling JUNE Let’s Look Back At Your International Year JULY Peer-to-peer Global Learning!

18 The Global Nudge newsletter brings together training materials for Nudging (paper, PDF, HTML, quizzes)


20 Nudging Students to Gain Global Competencies Social media messages (150+ in 12-month period)


22 Discussion Exercise Discuss your reaction to the nudging process of messaging to students. Have you found students respond more favorably to a particular type of message & social media? Comment on the value of the Go Abroad Cycle or School Year Cycle: Do you see value in altering messages and volume at different times? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this methodology in managing the nudging messages? Which cycle would you choose (Go Abroad Cycle or School Year Cycle)?

23 Presentation & templates at:

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