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KHS 269 Exercise Physiology Laboratory

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1 KHS 269 Exercise Physiology Laboratory

2 Laboratory #1 Introduction to Labs

3 Purpose of the labs Compliment the theory learned in the class
Provide a practical application to the course i.e., If you were to go into a fitness center you would have a basic understanding of equipment and when and why you would use these tests. Exercise Physiology Lab 1

4 Come prepared Come dressed to exercise unless someone is chosen ahead of time. Participation is mandatory with the exception of legitimate and verified medical reasons. READ THE LAB HANDOUT PRIOR TO THE LAB !!! This is a MUST in order to do the pre-lab assignment !!! You will get a lot more out of the lab, making it easier to write up the labs assignments. Bring a calculator to every lab - quite often we do calculations as part of the lab.

5 Labs Assignments Handwritten is acceptable but it must be legible; type written is preferred !!! Assignments are due at the start of next lab. Don’t copy others; copying will result in zeros for everyone with the same answer unless it is a direct quote from the text or lab handout - you need to understand it all for the lab final anyways Keep answers concise - say what you need to say and keep it at that! Exercise Physiology Lab 1

6 Attendance If you don’t attend a lab you can’t hand in that lab unless a valid reason is provided prior to missing (i.e. you can’t just get the data from someone!) If you can’t attend your session: trade with someone from another session attend another session – this must be pre-approved in either case let me know beforehand 2 missed labs can constitute a failure on the lab portion of the course Course breakdown 30% Weekly Lab Assignments Exercise Physiology Lab 1

7 Extra Help me to set up a time when we can meet Or… find me around school! I tend to be in the my office (KHS 155, hallway behind pool) or the Exercise Physiology Lab Exercise Physiology Lab 1

8 LAB REPORTS: what is expected
Hand in Data and/or worksheet Assigned questions How to round units usually keep two significant figures in final answer but must carry full number throughout calculations because quite often we are dealing with very small numbers and premature rounding will produce large errors in final answer - marks will be deducted) Graphs – must be computer generated OR on graph paper Resources - they are there for a purpose - use text, lab manual or references at the end of each lab MUST QUOTE SOURCES AND PAGE NUMBERS OR DATES FOR YOUR ANSWERS !!! Exercise Physiology Lab 1

9 Graphs A proper graph should include: a title: ------ versus -------
Labelled axis - label runs with the axis and label includes unit in brackets Provide a key if more than one line or bar Exercise Physiology Lab 1

10 Things to keep in mind: What are we testing? How are we testing it?
What are the limitations of the method/ test/ equipment? Exercise Physiology Lab 1

11 Part 2 - Ergometry – The Measurement of Work and Power
Laboratory #1 Part 1 – Lab Orientation Part 2 - Ergometry – The Measurement of Work and Power Exercise Physiology Lab 1

12 Orientation to the lab Types of equipment used
Formulas which will be used for the rest of the year Exercise Physiology Lab 1

13 ERGOMETERS An instrument which measures work
ERGO = WORK METER = MEASURE Used to measure strength, cardiovascular fitness, lactate, respiratory rate.... Exercise Physiology Lab 1

14 ERGOMETERS - TYPES: Hand cranking - good for upper body; often used if can’t do leg work Cycle ergometer Treadmill Bench stepping... Treadmill & cycle ergometer are most commonly used which we will learn to use today note: treadmill and bench stepping are non ergometric because mechanical work can not be measured accurately (i.e. walking up a hill at a 2% grade is more work than on a treadmill because you are moving the mass up the hill, whereas on a treadmill the mass stays constant)

15 ERGOMETERS - USE: Subjects perform prescribed amounts of exercise while physiological responses are measured. The mode of exercise testing is going to depend on a number of factors including: the client, the resources, why we are doing the test Progressive Loads – Attempt to achieve steady state prior to next load increment - can take 5-6 min. to reach steady state Discontinuous Loads – stop exercise, rest for prescribed interval, then restart at a higher load Exercise Physiology Lab 1

16 CALCULATIONS Will be used throughout the labs. These you must know.
They will definitely be on lab final. Exercise Physiology Lab 1

17 CALCULATIONS WORK (w): Application of force through a distance
Units: kgm, kpm, joules Exercise Physiology Lab 1

18 CALCULATING WORK Force = the external weight applied to the flywheel
Distance = # revs/min x distance wheel travels per pedal rev. Using a Monarch Cycle Ergometer: 1 pedal rev = flywheel circumference (1.62m) x wheel rotations per pedal rev (3.7rev) 1 pedal rev = 6m this is always the same for a monarch bike but will be different for a different type of cycle ergometer. Exercise Physiology Lab 1

19 CALCULATIONS ENERGY (E): Ability to do work
in exercise physiology - oxygen consumption usually measured - L/min or ml/kg/min Units: joules, kilojoules; kilocalorie; L/min; ml/kg/min or METS Exercise Physiology Lab 1

20 CALCULATIONS POWER (P): Work done per unit of time
* Called Work Rate or Power Output * very important- used more than work Units: kgm/min-1 or kpm/min-1 or WATTS 1 watt = 6.12 kpm*min-1 Exercise Physiology Lab 1

21 CALCULATIONS - Examples
Calculate the work (w) performed in 1 minute on a Monarch bike. Given: F = 2 kg revs = 80 Answer: Exercise Physiology Lab 1

22 CALCULATIONS - Examples
Calculate the power output (P) for an individual cycling with a force setting of 2 kg at 60 revs/min-1. Given: F = 2 kg revs = 60 6.12 kpm/min-1 = 1 watt Answer: Exercise Physiology Lab 1

23 CALCULATIONS - Examples
Calculate workload (force) for Power Output = revs/min. Given: W = 100 revs = 60 1 watt = 6.12 kpm/min-1 Answer: Exercise Physiology Lab 1

24 Today’s Activity Cycle Ergometry
Have one group member exercise on a cycle ergometer and calculate distance (m), work (kpm) and power (W) given the following: Group kp Group kp Group kp Group kp

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