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Gain Control of Cloud Integration Strategies Before they Float Away

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1 Gain Control of Cloud Integration Strategies Before they Float Away
Successful cloud wranglers excel in data, application, access and SLA integration. Info-Tech's products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.© Info-Tech Research Group

2 Organizations of all sizes look to leverage agility, low capital, and cost barriers to entry with the hot trend of cloud computing Migrating to the Cloud and the integration of external cloud services within the broader portfolio of IT services can be a challenge. Preplan! This Research Is Designed For: This Research Will Help You: Organizations that have embraced cloud solutions and are concerned about “cloud sprawl” Organizations that are currently evaluating cloud solutions Organizations that are setting their cloud strategy Understand the challenges associated with integrating cloud solutions with each other and into an enterprise Learn how emerging techniques and technologies are reducing the complexity of cloud integration. Reduce the risk of cloud integration by assessing common profiles and management techniques to increase success

3 Executive Summary Cloud Data Integration Cloud Application Integration
Focus on Data Integration (DI) when planning a cloud strategy; the Cloud changes the way data is managed. Recognize the challenges surrounding cloud data integration and revise DI processes where necessary. Ensure concrete data security, especially while data is in transit between on-premise and cloud systems. Enforce a data governance policy to effectively manage cloud data and integrations. Cloud Application Integration Assess the technical and business challenges surrounding cloud application integration. Develop an integration architecture blueprint to set application integration boundaries and identify required capabilities. Utilize commercially available software to achieve cloud application integration rather than relying on custom coding. Prepare for challenges presented by cloud integration in advance; plan for governance and change control. Cloud Identity and Access Integration Recognize the challenges surrounding multiple end-users’ log-ons, authentication and access control in the Cloud. Investigate single sign-on and federated identity as solutions to the multiple credential dilemma. Address security concerns regarding password management, end-user credentials and end-user access in the Cloud. Incorporate a governance plan to ensure cloud systems are secure. Cloud Service Level Agreement Integration Redefine existing roles within IT and the organization to effectively manage cloud vendor Service Level Agreements. Manage process changes impacted by cloud service level agreement integration. Develop a transparent relationship with the Cloud service provider to manage resolution when operational issues arise. Design an effective monitoring strategy to measure the ongoing effectiveness of cloud integration SLA.

4 Success in adopting cloud solutions will not be possible without a solid integration strategy in place Cloud-based integration is one of those fundamental technology trends that will be detrimental to ignore. What is cloud integration? Simply put, cloud-based integration is process of combining cloud-based applications (usually some form of Software-as-a-Solution) with on-premise applications that reside behind an organization’s firewall. Integration can be accomplished a number of ways: internal point-to-point hand coding, utilizing integration tools on-premise or in the Cloud, or outsourcing integration requirements to a 3rd party vendor, such as a cloud broker. Why is cloud integration necessary? Cloud computing necessitates the transfer of company data to the Cloud, driving the need for data integration (DI) planning. More organizations are expanding their Cloud usage, including deployment of multiple business applications and utilities. This requires cloud data to be integrated with internal applications and with other Clouds, making the data integration (DI) environment very complex. Data integration (DI) in a Cloud environment requires additional attention to data placement, security, performance, and control. Address cloud integration across these four critical areas: Data Integration (DI), Applications Integration (AI), Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Service Level Agreement (SLA ) Management.

5 Govern integration across user access, data, applications and Service Level Agreements in a Cloudy environment Governance Access SLA Apps Data Cloud Integration Integrating data from one or more Clouds with or without On-Premise data Integrating Cloud and On-Premise application functionality across business processes Monitoring and managing availability and quality of service across multiple Cloud and On-Premise applications and Services Federated Identity across multiple Cloud and On-Premise Applications and Services

6 Understand the context of cloud integration: everything and anything in the Cloud is included
ERP CRM Comms Customers Products Sales Employees Customers Products Sales Voice IM Governance Data SLA Access Apps Cloud Integration Custom Productivity Docs Spreadsheets Presentations Infrastructure Custom SW Deployed on IaaS Products Orders Marketing Integration Monitoring Directory Services Storage Utility Validation Reference Web Platform Data

7 Summary Plan for the Cloud and adjust DI processes to include data cleansing and synchronization between Cloud and on-premise systems. Employ adequate security measures, such as encryption, to maintain data integrity and minimize situations where data may be compromised in transit. Revise data governance procedures to accommodate the changes that hosting data in the Cloud brings. Review Cloud AI technology and business benefits, but be aware of the implications surrounding development and deployment times. Develop an integration architecture blueprint to define the boundaries between cloud and on-premise integration services. Revise processes and policies to support Cloud AI from development through to runtime. Choose an AI solution deployment alternative suitable for the company’s cloud and on-premise application environment. Understand the challenges surrounding identity and access management in the Cloud and establish a plan that includes defined processes surrounding what is managed on–premise versus in the Cloud. Consider the use of a protected end-user authentication system, such as single sign-on (SSO) or federated identity, to manage the hassle of multiple end-user cloud log-ons. Address security concerns surrounding strong versus weak passwords, access level management, and monitoring end- user activity and employ governance to ensure cloud systems are secure. Develop a strong relationship with the Cloud service providers to ensure SLA transparency. Redefine existing IT and organizational roles to manage Cloud vendors SLAs. Prepare for the Cloud integration process changes and communicate clear lines of support to avoid confusion if operational issues occur. Develop an SLA monitoring strategy to measure the ongoing effectiveness of cloud SLA integration.

8 Cloud Integration Strategies Survey Demographics
Industry Country Revenue Full Time Employees IT Employees Department Job Title

9 Industry

10 Country

11 Revenue

12 Info-Tech Research Group Helps IT Professionals To:
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