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Español Monday: Obj. Learn rules, consquences, rewards and procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Español Monday: Obj. Learn rules, consquences, rewards and procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Español Monday: Obj. Learn rules, consquences, rewards and procedures.
Pick up: The letter from me, La clase de Español Información importante handout, and Las Reglas de la clase BW: Read the letter from me. Review school supplies Do interpretative activity: Las reglas de la clase. As I present the powerpoint fill in the answers to Información importante handout. Presentation: Tarea: esp. Uno Why study Spanish esp. Dos: Personas famosas esp. Tres: Presentaciones de tu mismo (follow my example.

2 La clase de Español 2014-15 Información importante
A. FILL IN THIS HANDOUT AS I DO THE PRESENTATION 1. What is your name?___________________________class period_____ Spanish circle 2Tell me in English 3 things you learned about me in class today 3. Tell me 2 to 10 Spanish words that are part of the rules that you learned for the first time today. B. What are the materials you need for class? 2. What are the rules 3 rules for the classroom? 3. Will you be allowed in class without a tardy slip? 4. What are the two consequences for violating the rules? 5. What are 3 rewards for doing what you are suppose to do? 6. What are the uniform colors? ____________________ 7. Who or What dismisses you from class?________________________ 8. How many days do you have to make-up work with a valid excuse?____________ 9. Is there extra credit?_________________________________________________ 10. What is your homework tonight? A. Write down 3 to 5 reasons why it is important to study Spanish. You are to choose 3 people from your summer assignment and make a presentation about them for the class in the Spanish you know! No dictionaries please!! (presentational; pretest). C. Begin creating a presentation with a one page powerpoint about you just like I did in my introduction today. Use objects to help you remember what to say (presentational; pretest)

3 You will need… for the class
a journal (composition book). 3 folders with pockets and prongs or a 3 ring binder. Notebook paper Small pack of construction paper or white copy paper Pencil/pen red pen(turn in) Highlighter (not yellow) Flashdrive: 8 gb or more Extras: Colored Pencils or Crayons, Scissors, glue, index cards, dry erase marker

4 Interpretative Activity
Vocab.: Write English word Hand_________________ Permission____________ Class_________________ Always_______________ Chair________________ Spanish______________ Arrive_______________ Without_____________ Eat_________________ During______________ You should be able to get 3 to 10 depending on your level(1-3) NAME _______________________________ ___________ CLASS PERIOD_______________ DATE____________________________________________ Which 3 are in the reading?Get 2-3 Get out of your seat when you need to just don’t interupt class. You can’t eat or drink in class. You can always borrow my stuff and come unprepared for class. Translate when you know you understand. Always respect your classmates. What is the main purpose of this reading._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 İno necesitamos INTERPRETE!
Las Reglas de la clase Levanta la mano para preguntar o contestar. Llega a tiempo a la clase. Trae todos los materiales necesarios. No habla sin permiso durante la clase No te levantes de la silla sin permiso. Respeta siempre tus compañeros. No puedes comer ni beber en la clase.(unless it is part of class). No puedes traducir cuando estamos hablando español. İno necesitamos INTERPRETE!

6 Llega a tiempo a la clase.

7 No habla sin permiso durante la clase.

8 Respeta siempre a tus compañeros.

9 No te levantes de la silla sin permiso

10 No puedes traducir cuando estamos hablando español.
İno necesitamos INTERPRETE!

11 Trae todos los materiales necesarios.

12 No puedes comer ni beber en la clase.

13 Levanta la mano para preguntar o contestar.

14 LAS REGLAS DE LA CLASE Be on time, quiet, seated, & ready to work when bellrings. Food/drink stays in cafeteria (C.D.) Bring all necessary materials Raise your hand / wait to speak Do not get our of seat without permission. Respect yourself and others I do not need a translator! Do not translate when you get what I say. If so elefante! Just do a thumbs up!!

15 Steps for Violating guidelines Student warning.
Student/teacher conference. Dention for 45 min/Room 133/Thurs

16 4. Phone call to parent 5. Behavior contract. 6
4. Phone call to parent 5. Behavior contract. 6.Parent /teacher conference disciplinary referral.

17 Rewards/ Premios Verbal praise with words. Verbal praise with candy for creating and trying. Culture fun days with crafts, food and dance. Fiesta y la musica Learn to speak and use Spanish in your community!

18 One may choose not to learn, but one may not make that choice for others.

19 Procedures

20 Moving Around the Room RAISE YOUR HAND AND ASK FOR permission.
WHEN YOU raise your hand do not speak until I call on you Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency.

21 Class Dismissal The teacher dismisses you, not the bell.
Do not start packing up prior to the bell. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with “Have a nice day!”

22 Turning in Papers Put your name on paper before we begin.
People in the back pass your paper forward. People in the front wait for students in the back to pass it forward.

23 Turning in Homework Paper heading
Place in plastic drawers in the front of the room Name/ date and period Top right hand upper corner. Tina Lee El 6 de agosto 7th

24 Getting Your Attention
I will . . . Stand in front of the class. I will say Hola clase!!or ring bell when doing group or pair work Wait for everyone to be quiet. Begin speaking. 182

25 When you are tardy . . . Enter quietly.
Place excuse in the basket on my desk. Have a seat and take out your materials.

26 Entering the Room Please enter quietly. Have a seat.
Take out your materials. Review the agenda. Begin bellwork assignment.

27 Pink Slip Card This is for students who do not have the assigned homework.
Fill it out. Sign and date it. Turn it in with the homework papers.

28 You’ve been Pink-Slipped!
Date: _____________________________ Printed Name:_______________________ Class Section:_______________________ You’ve been Pink-Slipped! Completing your homework or assignment is your responsibility as a student. Missing Assignment: ____________________________________________ I do not have my homework today because: _____ I did the assigned homework, but I did not bring it to class. _____ I chose not to do my homework. _____ I forgot to do my homework. _____ I did not have the appropriate materials at home. _____ Other—please explain below. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________ Tina Lee– Overton High School

29 You’ve been Pink-Slipped!
Date: _____________________________ Printed Name:_______________________ Class Section:_______________________ You’ve been Pink-Slipped! Completing your homework or assignment is your responsibility as a student. Missing Assignment: ____________________________________________ I do not have my homework today because: _____ I did the assigned homework, but I did not bring it to class. _____ I chose not to do my homework. _____ I forgot to do my homework. _____ I did not have the appropriate materials at home. _____ Other—please explain below. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________ Tina Lee– Overton High School




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