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T O M W E S S E L M A N N Amandine TROUTIER.

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1 T O M W E S S E L M A N N Amandine TROUTIER

2 B I O G R A P H Y → Painting, collage and sculpture
B I R T H February 23, 1931 Cincinnati (Ohio) D E A T H December 17, 2004 (aged 73) New York City (New York) → Painting, collage and sculpture → One of the most famous artist of Pop Art movement

3 E A R L Y Y E A R S 1949 – 1951 1952 1954 → Hiram College
→ Psychology at the University of Cincinnati 1952 → US Army → First cartoons 1954 → Psychology degree → The Art Academy of Cincinnati → Sold his first cartoon strips

4 Elegy to the Spanish Republic
E A R L Y Y E A R S 1956 → The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art → Museum of Modern Art (or MoMA) → Elegy to the Spanish Republic, Robert Motherwell → Willem de Kooning Elegy to the Spanish Republic Willem de Kooning

5 E A R L Y Y E A R S 1957 → Claire Selley (marriage in 1963, two daughters and a son) 1958 → Trip to Cooper Union’s Green Camp → Painting as a career Tom Wesselman and Claire Selley, at their summer home in Long Eddy, New York in 2001

6 C A R E E R Judson Memorial Church High School of Art and Design

7 C A R E E R Great American Nude #57

8 C A R E E R Alex Katz Richard Bellamy

9 C A R E E R Still Life #22

10 C A R E E R “I dislike labels in general and 'Pop' in particular, especially because it overemphasizes the material used. There does seem to be a tendency to use similar materials and images, but the different ways they are used denies any kind of group intention” (interview with G. Swenson, ARTnews, 1964, p. 44)

11 Andy Warhol at the American Supermarket
C A R E E R Andy Warhol at the American Supermarket

12 C A R E E R Mouth #2

13 C A R E E R Bedroom Painting #38

14 C A R E E R “Painting, sex, and humor are the most important things in my life." – interview with Irving Sandler, 1984

15 C A R E E R Tom Wesselman By Slim Stealingworth

16 C A R E E R Tom Wesselmann, Dropped Bra, 1980, Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House

17 C A R E E R Tom Wesselmann, Sunset Nude with Matisse Odalisque, oil on canvas, The painting in the background is Matisse's Odalisque with Raised Arms (1923)

18 L E G A C Y Tom Wesselmann: His Voice and Vision, John Wilmerding

19 P E R S O N A L I T Y The Wesselmanns with an in-progress portrait of Claire, Great American Nude #37, 1962

→ “The Most Famous Pop Artist You Don’t Know”, Kevin Conley (aug. 22, 2016) in the New York Times Style Magazine → Tom Wesselmann: His Voice and Vision, John Wilmerding

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