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Early Man + Civilization

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Presentation on theme: "Early Man + Civilization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Man + Civilization

2 Causes for Movement Ice Age
More exposed land masses allowed for travel Areas like the Bering Strait were made passable

3 Out of Africa Research shows all people originated in Africa
There are still debates as to how people spread Homo sapiens OR Homo erectus?

4 Nomads For most of human history people have been nomads, relying on
Hunting and gathering

5 Agriculture Around 10,000 years ago people learned to farm
One of the most important turning points in human history

6 Domestication Neolithic Revolution

7 Free Time Allowed more time to make tools

8 Technological Advancements
Invention of plow to till land Pottery was used to store water, grains, and oils

9 Trade Surpluses of food allowed for possibility of trade
Increased complexity of society Social statuses begin to emerge

10 Religion Becoming more formalized
Structures were often built for religious purposes

11 Issues with Societies Conflicts over land and resources
Dependence on crops Spread of disease

12 The Bronze Age Around 3000 BC End of the Stone Ages

13 Cities More people able to live in one place
Farmers developed irrigation systems to supply crops with water Surpluses and technological advancements allowed fewer farmers to make more food Early societies used traditional economies, based on customs, traditions, and rituals

14 Cities to Civilizations
Early civilizations had several things in common: Developed Cities Organized Governments Formalized religions Specialization of Labor Social Classes Record Keeping and Writing Art and Architecture

15 Developed Cities Serve as political, economic, and cultural centers

16 Organized Governments
Planning, decision-making, and cooperation among people

17 Formalized Religions Institutions created that had ceremonies, rituals, and other types of worship

18 Specialization of Labor
More jobs are needed in society To become more effective specialization is required

19 Social Classes Developed due to different institutions and types of specialized labor

20 Record Keeping and Writing
Need a way to stay organized and keep track of everything Public records were needed to keep order

21 Art and Architecture Demonstrate culture

22 Environment Weather troubles Overuse of natural resources Floods
Storms Droughts Overuse of natural resources

23 Trade People trade more than just goods, ideas and cultures spread too
Cultural diffusion- spread of ideas, beliefs, customs, and technology from one class to another

24 Expansion More resources needed to accommodate growing numbers
Conflicts with nomads, who were usually better warriors and more mobile

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