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Using the SACE Online Calendar to Manage Assessment Due Dates and Deadlines with School Staff SACE Coordinators coordinate online resulting and the dissemination.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the SACE Online Calendar to Manage Assessment Due Dates and Deadlines with School Staff SACE Coordinators coordinate online resulting and the dissemination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the SACE Online Calendar to Manage Assessment Due Dates and Deadlines with School Staff
SACE Coordinators coordinate online resulting and the dissemination of results sheet and are responsible for the return of materials to the SACE Board. Communication of due dates to teachers supports them to plan the way they work with students, to ensure deadlines are met and that students' results and materials are quality assured prior to submission. SACE Coordinators and/ or principal's delegates need time to check and quality assure results and materials before they are submitted to the SACE Board. To manage the end of year cycle effectively, SACE Coordinators routinely set internal teacher due dates ahead of the SACE Board deadlines. Similarly, teachers set student deadlines ahead of teacher due dates to ensure there is sufficient time to mark and QA results before submitting them. The SACE Online Calendar provides access to all SACE Board dates (enrolment cut-offs, results due dates, materials submission dates etc.) The following slides show you how the calendar might be used to support you to communicate and manage the results cycle with teachers in your school. The calendar can provide a level of transparency in the workflow between SACE Coordinators and teachers that may not have been there in the past. You may wish to consider clarifying with staff your role in checking results sheets and/ or materials and, therefore, the difference between teacher due dates and SACE Board due dates.

2 Using the SACE Online Calendar 1
Using the SACE Online Calendar 1. Develop a reference table that lists teachers and subjects Teacher (s) Subject Mod. Round Invest. Round Rosa Accounting B - Giannina, Jamie Biology Neil Chemistry Cathy Drama A Hilda, Sharon English Studies Joy Food and Hospitality 1 Louise Research Project 3 Jenny Scientific Studies Before you begin using the SACE Online Calendar to communicate due dates to teachers you might find it useful to create a table that lists teachers and subjects and includes the different rounds for moderation and investigations. You may have developed something along these lines already.

3 Using the SACE Online Calendar 2. Apply filters
To customise a ‘results due’ calendar for your school Locate the SACE Online Calendar for South Australia (on the SACE Operations minisite) Select the ‘Results’ button and filter calendar entries by ‘Results Sheets’, Select the ‘Stage 2’ button and refer to your reference table to select the Stage 2 subjects taught in your school.

4 Apply the filter (a list of the selected subjects appears above the apply filter button).
The calendar will now display only the results dates for the subjects you selected by ‘event’ (e.g. Predicted results sheets, Investigations and school assessment results by round etc.). The calendar will not display events that are not relevant to the subjects you selected (e.g. if your school is not offering subjects that have Investigations due in Round 2, dates relating to Round 2 will not appear. If you are not offering Visual Arts, information about results sheets for onsite moderation will not appear, etc.)

5 Using the SACE Online Calendar 3. Export
These dates can now be exported to an electronic calendar. Select iCalendar file Start export

6 Using the SACE Online Calendar 4. Open with your email application
Open with your /calendar application. The example uses an Outlook calendar but there are options for exporting into most popular calendar applications. Note: the export will create a new calendar (sace-online-calendar) which can be opened alongside your own Outlook calendar.

7 Using the SACE Online Calendar 5
Using the SACE Online Calendar 5. Edit calendar to include school set due dates You can now edit individual events to set teacher due dates for your school. To begin with you will need to open the calendar entry.

8 Teachers of the following subjects need to:
School assessment online results sheets are due to SACE Coordinator/delegate Tue 28/10 Teachers of the following subjects need to: log into Schools Online and submit their school assessment results to me by Tuesday Provide me with a copy of their marks/grades book You can now edit the: start time - to set the school due date. For example you might set your teacher due date 3 days before the SACE Board due date so the principal’s delegate can quality assure the results before submission to the SACE Board. This change of date would then align with the ORS default teacher due date which we will talk about in more detail later subject - so it is clear to teachers that this is when the results sheets are due to you as the SACE Coordinator/ principal’s delegate notes - to provide additional information or clarification for teachers.

9 It may be helpful to list the subjects applicable to each ‘event’, if this is not evident in the event title. Now that you have edited the calendar for the purpose of communicating your teacher due date: send a meeting request to the teachers involved. This will place the ‘event’ directly in their calendars include yourself in the invitation if you would prefer to have this event in the calendar you use daily (instead of working with 2 calendars side-by-side) include any others for whom the information may be relevant (e.g. learning area coordinators). You could create calendar entries for other key results cycle events such as the dates for collection of student materials for Stage 1 and 2 moderation etc.

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