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Army Customer Wait Time and Requisition Wait Time Data Source

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Presentation on theme: "Army Customer Wait Time and Requisition Wait Time Data Source"— Presentation transcript:

1 Army Customer Wait Time and Requisition Wait Time Data Source
CWT/RWT LOGSA Gary Wallace

2 Introduction

3 Army Logistics Information Warehouse

4 Army Logistics Information Warehouse

5 Integrated Logistics Analysis Program

6 Afghanistan Customer Wait Time

7 Afghanistan Customer Wait Time Summary

8 Afghanistan Customer Wait Time Details

9 Afghanistan Requisition Wait Time

10 Afghanistan Requisition Wait Time Summary

11 Afghanistan Requisition Wait Time Details

12 Conclusion Fun Facts POC
CWT and RWT data are ready o/a the 8th of the following month SCI gets the Army’s entire document level detail CWT database each month OSD CWT report is Class 9 only Fielding of GCSS-Army will change this metric, TBD POC Mr. Gary Wallace, LOGSA Ms. Shri Hollie, Contractor, Team IBM


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