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Reading Workshop: How can I help my child read

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1 Reading Workshop: How can I help my child read
Reading Workshop: How can I help my child read? NET Workshop By Paul Mallia & Janice Chow. PLK Stanley Ho Sau Nan Primary School. Wednesday 10th November 2004

2 Workshop Objectives: To give parents a better understanding of the importance of reading. Advice to parents as to how to make their child ‘life long readers.’ To develop an awareness of a variety of strategies and skills related to reading to their child. To apply some of these reading skills. To inform parents how to make reading fun and enjoyable for their child.

3 Who could be the most effective ‘reading’ role models for a child?
Question? Who could be the most effective ‘reading’ role models for a child?

4 How does a child become a ‘life long reader?’

5 When they are: Through: Interested Confident Positive Enjoyment
Excitement FUN!!!

6 How can parents support their child’s reading development and reading habits?
Parents need to: be willing to find time to read to their child, have confidence and knowledge, have a positive attitude to reading, show an interest in what their child is reading and influence their child’s reading habits.

7 This can be achieved by:
reading to your child, reading with your child, listening to your child read, having your child read alone regularly, being motivated and interested in your child’s progress and having books in your home!

8 Reading sessions need to be:
regular, consistent, positive, supportive, interesting and FUN!

9 How does a book work? A book has a front cover.
A book has a beginning and an end. A book has pages. A page in a book has a top and a bottom. You turn pages one at a time to follow the story. You read from left to right of a page. When a child watches you handle a book, he / she begins to learn how to handle a book.

10 An example of story telling.
Using a ‘Big Book’, an example of story- telling will be provided.

11 How can I help my child read?
Read to your child. Talk about books. Provide books for your child to read at home. Go to your local library regularly with your child. Become a member of your library. Let your child see you read. Teach your child nursery rhymes. Select books that your child will be excited about reading or related to their interests.

12 How can I help my child read?cont..
Draw attention to the illustrations when reading to your child. Select books that use repetition to capture the rhythm of the language. Tell stories on the MTR, at bath time and at bed time. Let your child hold the book and turn the pages. Encourage your child to join in and read too. Leave books for your child’s private reading sessions.

13 How can I help my child read?cont..
Point to signs in English when shopping and get your child to read it or help him / her read it. Accept your child’s effort without criticism. Sometimes point to the words as you read. Encourage your child to look at the cover of the book and predict what it may be about.

14 Strategies when reading aloud.
Personalisation Sharing reading roles Familarity Body language Physical movement Facial movement Voice tone, expression and volume Eye contact Asking and questioning Prediction

15 Strategies when reading aloud.cont..
Sound effects Actions Focussing on and enjoying the illustrations Looking at the characters Making the reading experience memorable and FUN!!

16 “Each and every time I open a book to enjoy with children - I have, at the back of my mind, the importance that this opportunity might hold. I don’t, therefore, simply read the story. Instead, I turn it into a theatrical event in the hope that it will become a moment the child will always remember.” Neil Griffiths.

17 Reading to your child / partner.
Using the book provided : ‘It’s spring’, read it to your child / partner, trying to remember some of the points mentioned during this workshop.

18 Questions. ????? If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

19 Thanks Thank you for attending this workshop.
Your time and patience is appreciated. I hope some of these ideas can be used at home with your child in the near future. Reading is learning. Thank you also to: Ms Janice Chow.

20 Evaluation Please complete the evaluation before you leave. Thank you.

21 References Overview of Reading Development Continuum, Ministry of Education, Victoria, Australia. Storysack Workshop, April 2004, by Neil Griffiths. U.S. Department of Education, “Simple Strategies for Creating Strong Readers - Helping Your Child Become a Reader.”

22 Some useful websites:

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