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S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity

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1 S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity
Morning registration mathematics activity Aligned to the Renewed Framework for Mathematics Stoke-on-Trent Primary Maths Team

2 S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity
WHAT IS IT? 10 mathematics questions per day based on the Renewed Framework for Mathematics. Questions 1-5 consolidate maths from the previous unit. Questions 6-10 are based on the previous year’s coverage of the next unit (following Block sequence A B C D E). This will support you in pitching the learning appropriately for the next unit and gathering evidence for APP. WHAT IS IT NOT? SODA is NOT intended to be used during any part of the daily mathematics lesson. It is an ADDITIONAL resource to support the CONSOLIDATION of learning which has taken place previously.

3 S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity
WHEN? During the registration period at the start of the day. Pupils could record their answers in a ‘SODA’ book. Go through the questions and discuss strategies the children used with the pupils during registration. Ensure that you model the correct mathematical vocabulary and always encourage the children to use it correctly. HOW? Use SODA as it stands or personalise the questions for your pupils by adapting / replacing them.

4 Councillors on Line Year 6, Block B, Unit 2 Questions based on Year 6, Block A, Unit 2 Questions based on Year 5, Block C, Unit 2

5 Monday 19th January 2009 1. (? + 3) x 5 = 45
2. What is the smallest number that can be made by adding any two, 2-digit numbers? 3. What is the largest number that can be made by 4. What is the difference between the smallest and the largest numbers that can be made by adding any two 2-digit numbers? 5. Can a 4-digit number be made by adding two 2-digit numbers? Explain. 6. What is probability? 7. Write a list of words used when talking about probability. 8. Put the words in order from the best chance of something happening to the least chance of something happening. Year 6 Block B Unit 2

6 Councillors on Line Tuesday 20th January 2009 In a word problem, “find the sum” might indicate that you needed to ADD. What words / phrases in a word problem might indicate that you had to … 1. subtract? 2. divide? 3. multiply? 4. What would “ find the difference in height…” mean? 5. What would “find the product of…” mean? Do the following events have an ‘unlikely’ ‘even’ or ‘good’ chance of occurring? Can you explain why mathematically? (see notes page for Teacher notes on Q go to ‘View’ on menu – ‘Notes Page’) 6. rolling a five on a die 7. picking a red card from a pack of 52 playing cards 8. my birthday falling on a Saturday 9. choosing a prime number from the numbers 1-8 10. picking a number from 1-20 which is either a multiple of 3, or a multiple of 4 Discuss the number of possible outcomes in total, then the number of outcomes that satisfy the criteria… 6. Rolling a five: discuss 1 chance of rolling a five in 6 possible outcomes – chance is 1/6 - unlikely 7. Red card: 26 cards are red out of a possible 52 cards – chance is 26/52, half or 50% chance – even 8. birthday: 1 day out of seven possible outcomes – chance is 1/7 – unlikely 9. Prime number: 2,3,5,7 are prime, 1,4,6,8 are not – chance is 4/8, half or 50% chance – even 10. Multiples of 3 or 4: are 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18 (9 numbers) out of 20 numbers (1-20) – chance is 9/20… discussion – the chance is almost even, but is more unlikely than likely, as there are more numbers which are not multiples of 3 or 4 than are multiples of 3 or 4. Year 6 Block B Unit 2

7 Wednesday 21st January 2009 1. It is 2.4 km to the shop, what is this rounded to the nearest km? 2. Write a rule for rounding DOWN 3. Write a rule for rounding UP It is 6 km to the surgery, rounded to the nearest Km. 4. What is the shortest distance it could be to the surgery? 5. What is the longest distance it could be to the surgery? (clue: draw a number line to help you) From one of each of the coins,1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p,£1,£2 6. what is the chance of picking a copper coin? 7. what is the chance of picking a silver coin? 8. what is the chance of picking a circular coin? 9. what is the chance of picking a coin which is not circular? 10. How many possible combinations if I picked 2 coins? Year 6 Block B Unit 2

8 Thursday 22nd January 2009 1. order these amounts, greatest first £3.51, £5.31, £3.13, £3.15, £1.35, £5, £1.53, £3 2. My calculator display shows £3.5 where does this go in the order? 3. My calculator display shows £5.1 where does this go in 4. Write an amount between £1.53 and £1.35 5. make up a word problem for (£ £10.35) ÷ 7 6. Draw a vertical line, write ‘certain’ at the top and ‘impossible’ at the bottom. 7. Write these words in the correct place on the line according to the chance of an event happening …likely, unlikely, even chance, fair chance, unfair chance, half chance, highly probable, highly improbable 8. Add any more appropriate words of your own, to the line. Year 6 Block B Unit 2

9 Friday 23rd January 2009 1. draw a number line from 0 to 1, label the
tenths in decimals 2. draw an arrow where 0.11 would be and label it 3. draw an arrow where 0.17 would be and label it 4. which decimal is the midpoint between 0.11 and 0.17? 5. make up a word problem for 2 h 15 min + 50 min Write a statement for something that has a chance of happening which is mathematically… 6. likely 7. unlikely 8. an even chance 9. impossible 10. certain Year 6 Block B Unit 2

10 Monday 26th January 2009 1. order these lengths, shortest first 3.12 km, 1.23 km, 1.32 km, 1.3 km, 3.1 km 1.2 km 2. If you know 72 ÷ 8 = 9 what other calculations do you know? 3. 72 ÷ 8 = 9 more calculations involving decimals are… 4. 7 x 0.8 5. make up a word problem for 3 m – (30.5 cm x 5) What mathematical chance do these events have of happening? Write your answer as a fraction. 6. being born on a weekend 7. rolling a ‘square number’ on a normal 1-6 die 8. picking a ‘spade’ from a pack of 52 playing cards 9. choosing a multiple of 5 from the numbers (use the 100 square to help) 10. What probability word(s) would you use to describe the chances of these events happening? Year 6 Block B Unit 2

11 Tuesday 27th January 2009 The numbers 1-10 on the X axis are multiplied by 5. Draw a similar graph of your own for multiples of 6. (see next slide for ans.) Year 6 Block B Unit 2

12 Tuesday 27th January 2009 This is what your graph for the multiples of 6 should look like. You will need this for tomorrow’s SODA. Year 6 Block B Unit 2

13 Wednesday 28th January 2009 1. product of 6 and 9 2. 42 ÷ 6
Look at your graph from yesterday to work out 1. product of 6 and 9 2. 42 ÷ 6 3. ? ÷ 6 = 2 x 3 4. ? ÷ 6 = 420 ÷ 10 Approximately… x 6 (look at the lines on the graph to help) x 6 x 6 8. 20 ÷ 6 9. 45 ÷ 6 ÷ 6 Year 6 Block B Unit 2

14 Thursday 29th January 2009 1. ? X 7 = 4.2 2. In , what is the value of 0? of 4? ? = 3.967 4. What calculation would I do on a calculator to change 9.875 to 9.805? 5. If I count in steps of 0.1 from 3.6, what will the 7th number be? 6. I cut a ribbon into 3 equal pieces of 45 cm. How long was the original piece of ribbon? is approximately ? + ? = ? 8. use a written method to find the correct answer 9. A toy train track is 4.52 m long. It has 3 equal sections, red, blue and green. How long is each section? 10. Write the answer in m and cm, then convert it to cm. Year 6 Block B Unit 2

15 Friday 30th January 2009 ? = 4.094 2. What calculation would I do on a calculator to change to ? 3. If I count backwards in steps of 0.1 from 5.1, what will the 8th number be? ÷ ? = 0.9 5. copy this number line accurately 6. label the hundredth (midpoint) 7. label the thousandth, with an arrow 8. label the thousandth, with an arrow 9. label the thousandth, with an arrow 10. label the thousandth, with an arrow Year 6 Block B Unit 2

16 Monday 2nd February 2009 the12th number be?
1. If I count in steps of 0.01 from 4.63, what will the12th number be? – 14.9 is approximately ? - ? = ? 3. use a written method to find the correct answer – is approximately ? - ? = ? 4. use a written method to find the correct answer 5. If I count backwards in steps of 0.01 from 10.05, what will the 8thth number be? 6. In winter, the temperature at midnight was - 4°C. By 9am it was 5°C. How much had the temperature risen? 7. The temperature rose half as much again by midday. What was the temperature at midday? 8. What was the difference in temperature between midnight and midday? 9. In summer, the difference between the temperatures at midnight and midday was twice the difference between midnight and midday in the winter. What could the temperatures have been at midnight and midday in the summer? Year 6 Block B Unit 2

17 Tuesday 3rd February 2009 Use a calculator to solve these problems:
÷ ? = 20 x ? = 31.45 3. what number multiplied by itself gives 900? Great-granddad, three adults, two children and a baby go swimming. 4. How much does it cost for the 2 adults? 5. How much for the children to swim? 6. How much for great-granddad to swim? 7. How much for the baby? 8. How much does it cost altogether? 9. How much change do they get from £20? Swimming Over 60s : 3/4 of the adult price Adults: £4.56 Children: half of the adult price Under 2s: free Year 6 Block B Unit 2

18 Wednesday 4th February 2009 1. The answer is 26.4 what could the calculation be? x 45 what will the last digit of the product be? 4. How do you know? Which of these approximations to 234 x 45 do you think will be the most accurate? Why? x 50 x 40 x 40 x 50 9. Work out the actual answer to the calculation 10. Which approximation was the nearest? By how much? Year 6 Block B Unit 2

19 Thursday 5th February 2009 “Over one year, each child in our class travels three times less far by walking than by using any other type of transport.” How could you investigate whether this is true or false? Consider different types of transport used Regular travel on a daily basis, and ‘one-off’ trips that happen less frequently What information will you collect? How will you organise it? Will you need to approximate or estimate? What calculations will you do? (continued tomorrow) Year 6 Block B Unit 2

20 Friday 6th February 2009 “Over one year, each child in our class travels three times less far by walking than by using any other type of transport.” Discuss the investigation you began to plan yesterday, together with your peers and the teacher. Year 6 Block B Unit 2

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