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The World’s Other Leaders

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1 The World’s Other Leaders
Spain Turkey Iran (Persia) Saudi Arabia Kenya Libya India/Muslim India Japan Indochina China (Moa vs. Chiang) Argentina Brazil Mexico

2 Spain Francisco Franco
Aided by Germany (Nazis) & Italy (Fascists), overthrew democratic government Established a dictatorship An example of authoritarianism

3 Francisco Franco

4 Turkey Abdulhamid II Mustafa Kumal Pre-WWI authoritarian leader
Performed genocide on Armenians Mustafa Kumal Created Turkish Republic Modernized Turkey Created democracy Broke from Muslim social tradition

5 Mustafa Kemal Abdulhamid II

6 Iran (Persia) Reza Shan Pahlavi
Modernized Persia, which was renamed Iran Wanted to break from Great Britain and Soviet Union Allied with Nazi Germany During WWII, G.B. and S.U. wanted Germans out of Iran Pahlavi refused and resigned when British and Soviet troops were sent in

7 Reza Shan Pahlavi

8 Saudi Arabia Ibn Saud United Arabs in the northern part of Arabian Peninsula Country received its name from him Established kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932 In the 1930’s, US discovered oil in Saudi Arabia Joint Arabian-American company, Aramco, was created

9 Kenya Harry Thuku Reform leader who organized protests against high taxes set by British rulers He was arrested Followers stormed the jail and demanded his release Government fired into the crowd and killed at least 20 people Thuku was sent into exile

10 Libya Omar Mukhtar Used guerrilla warfare against Italians and defeated them Italians retaliated by creating concentrations camps and used modern weapons to crush the rebellion Mukhtar was killed and the reform movement ended

11 Omar Mukhtar Harry Thuku

12 India Mohandas Gandhi (also called Mahatma, which means Great Soul)
Protested British laws by using civil disobedience Protests led to violence and British troops killing hundreds of unarmed protesters Britain passed Government of India Act, which allowed Indians to be involved in Indian government

13 “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
Mohandas Gandhi “Mahatma” or Great Soul

14 India Indian National Congress (INC)
Under Motilal Nehru, INC sought for Indian independence Gandhi still promoted civil disobedience and encouraged Indians to boycott anything British (clothes, schools, salt) Gandhi and other members of INC arrested

15 India Muslim India Muslims dissatisfied with the dominance of Hindus in the INC Muslim League was created and argued for the creation of a separate Muslim state, Pakistan

16 Japan During the early 1920s, the pacifist government cut military spending At the end of the 1920s, militant forces were emerging that wanted Japan to become a militaristic state The government was soon dominated by the military

17 Indochina Ho Chi Minh, a Moscow-trained revolutionary, organized Vietnamese Communists in Indochina Indochina consists of: Vietnam Laos Cambodia

18 China (Moa v Chiang) Nationalists v. Communists
Formed an alliance to oppose warlords and drive imperialists out of China Chiang Kai-shek, leader of Nationalists Party, pretended to support the alliance Shanghai Massacre – Chiang attacked Communists, killing thousands Alliance ends

19 China (Moa v Chiang) Communists went into hiding
Mao Zedong became leader of Communist Party and encouraged peasants to drive the revolution Nationalist attack Communists Communists use guerrilla tactics Mao’s army, People’s Liberation Army (PLA), break through Nationalist lines and begin “Long March”

20 China (Moa v Chiang) PLA traveled over 6,000 miles to the last Communist base in Northwest China Mao becomes leader of Chinese Communist Party Chiang Kai-shek tried to create a strong government in China, but was unsuccessful

21 Argentina Oligarchy of wealthy landowners created the Radical Party and elected Hipolito Irigoyen as president Radical Party became more corrupt and army overthrew government Military formed the Group of United Officers (GUO) Overthrew the government and elected GUO member, Juan Peron, president

22 Brazil 1889, army overthrows monarchy and establishes republic
Because of the coffee industry, landowners became the ruling oligarchy A military overthrew the oligarchy and elected Getulio Vargas president Made himself dictator Army held new elections and forced Vargas to resign

23 Mexico Government controlled by Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI. Every 6 years, PRI chose presidential candidate Candidate is elected president Because of disputes with US over oil, Mexico seized oil fields and property Eventually things settled, Mexico paid US for oil property and set up PEMEX, a national oil company to run the industry

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