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LS1 planning meeting 9.8.2013.

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Presentation on theme: "LS1 planning meeting 9.8.2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 LS1 planning meeting

2 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Weeks Remove plug, mobile shielding, open doors 8-9 Prepare for PHOS extraction, remove RB24 beampipe and PMD 10 Remove PHOS cradle and modules, transfer TOF crates on SF 11-13 Modify L3 services and install YP for TRD17 14 Modify L3 services, remove TRD17 and rework LV distr. TRD , DCal tests in SXL2 15-19 Modify L3 services, open low-beta and swap Q5L8 magnet, DCal tests in SXL2, new UPSes 20-23 Swap PHOS beams with DCal beams 25-26 Install DCal support structure and rails 27-30 DCal and PHOS services + complete support structure and rails 31-37 Open Days – /9 38-41 Install 2 1/3 DCal modules, new L3 ventilation ducts PX24 (Oct-Nov) 42 Install 3 DCal modules (C-side) and remove infrastructure (w45) 43-45 TOF electronics repair 46-47 Rework LV distr. TRD Two weeks between 46 and 50 Xmas pause 52-1 Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Done Ongoing 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

3 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Detailed plan Weeks Empty SA2 (SX2) + install new CR1 racks 30 Install new CR1 racks. DCal Al rails and I-side extensions 31 DCal Al rails and I-side extensions. Anti-collision system 32 Test anti collision system, DCal cabling 33 DCal cabling, clear SXL2 for DCal SM storage 34 CO2 cabling, arrival 2 DCal SMs 35 Finalize DCal support structure (Mon-Wed), arrival 2 DCal SMs (everything at P2), CO2 bottles C-side 36 Fix DCal rotator (Manoel), DCal installation platform 37 Open low-beta and install scaffolding, PHOS and DCal cooling pipes, arrival 1 TRD SM (tbc) 38 OD preparations - OD 39 Remove scaffolding (start Tue), remove ACR tables 40 Close low-beta 41 Install 2 1/3 DCal modules, PX24 scaffolding (L3 ventilation) 42 Modify DCal infrastructure, PX24 scaffolding (L3 ventilation) 43 Install 3 DCal modules (C-side), new L3 ventilation ducts 44 Remove DCal infrastructure and install TOF rails 45 TOF electronics repair and TRD infrastructure 46-47 (tbc) Rework LV distr. TRD 48-50 (tbc) August September Oct 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

4 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Weeks Extend SAA3 shielding 2-6 Install top/bottom TRD counterweights 7-8 Remove comp. magnet and Suspend Miniframe 9-11 Install TRD with yellow platform (bottom) 12-14 ‘Un-suspend’ Miniframe 15-16 Reinstall TRD17 17 Concrete walls & TRD installation frame 18-19 Install TRD4-5 (top) & counterweights 20-21 Remove TRD infrastructure 22 Reinstall ZEM and comp. magnet 23 Reinstall and bakeout RB24 beampipe 24-25 Install 4 PHOS + 3 DCal (A-side) supermodules Reinstall PMD 39-44 Close plug, L3 doors, reinstall shieldings 45-48 (Nov.) latest 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

5 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
ACR GS, CV, IT and EL contacted HSE contacted (no need for emergency exit) Validate offers and launch OSVCs by beginning September Kick off meeting 1st week September Start dismantling by mid September ACR ready by March 2014 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

6 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
ACR planning August-September: w34-35: move DCS, SLIMOS, LACS consoles and visitor token distributor to WR3 (upstairs) + key PAD/MAD Before end w35 (tbc): remove screens (and WR1&2 tables) w36 (Mon-Tue): remove Ethernet cables (MTE) w37-38 (tbc): remove 220V cables (SPIE) Remove fire detection system (incl. piping) October-December: w40 (starting Tue 1/10): move ACR tables and chairs to SX2 (right after OD) Remove false ceiling, walls and doors. Install new windows Install false floor and cable trays January-February: Install 220V and Ethernet cables Install isolation panels Modify ventilation ducts (and unit) Install new false ceiling and lights Install fire detection system March: Install tables, WiFi, move consoles back in ACR, telephones Finalize cabling April-May: TVs, screens and PCs Contingency 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

7 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Open Days: site map First aid i Accueil + CERN info point H Heliport R Restaurant WC H R Zone piétons Zone TPG i 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

8 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Annex 3 – P2 underground visitor path 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

9 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

10 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Annex 4 – P2 surface entertainment area (SX2) Control Room LHC DIPOLE DCal ? TOF Cosmo phone Exhibition ITS TENT Shop Kids corner Restaurant TRD ? DAQ DCS 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

11 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Access situation AUG test Friday 9.8  no access UX25 and several electrical perturbations The UMTS equipment covering ALICE lift and cavern will be replaced and upgraded to HSPA+ the 15th August. The UMTS900 services in the cavern could be disrupted during 30 minutes. The work will be performed at the surface in the SD. The GSM and TETRA services wont be affected. 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

12 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Activities weeks (32) 33, 34 & 35 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Week 32 (5-11/8) Whole site: AUG test on Friday 9th August whole day  no access whole day UX25: EN-HE: test anti collision system  UX25 and SX2 cranes not available whole week SPIE: CO2, gas, DCS cables (CR4-5 to UX25) P2tech + CV-OP: restart L3 and Dipole cooling systems L3: P2tech + ALTEAD + DCal: finalize DCal support structure and rails P2tech: LV consolidation (TRD-TPC-TOF) O-side (whole week)  Samuel on holiday back 19/8 CRs: DCS-CR3: rearrange new cluster over more racks Surface: ALTEAD + EN-EL: install UPS rack (Thu) – mobile crane needed EN-CV: UW maintenance – cut P2 primary water 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

14 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Week 33 (12-18/8) UX25: P2tech: install DCal cooling pipes (CP to cradle) (date tbc) EN-HE: test anti collision system  on Monday 12th August SPIE: DCal LV-HV and Ethernet cables (whole week) L3: P2tech + ALTEAD: finalize DCal support structure (Mon-Thu) CRs: DCS-CR3: rearrange new cluster over more racks Surface: EN-CV: UW maintenance – cut P2 primary water 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

15 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro
Week 34 (19-25/8) UX25: SPIE: CO2 cables (whole week) L3: P2tech: LV consolidation (TRD-TPC-TOF) O-side (whole week) CRs: DCS-CR3: rearrange new cluster over more racks Surface: EN-CV: UW maintenance – cut P2 primary water 9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

16 Visits in the coming weeks
9/8/13 LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro

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