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Words You Should Know Bureaucratic Stuff The Bureaucracy Now and Then

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Presentation on theme: "Words You Should Know Bureaucratic Stuff The Bureaucracy Now and Then"— Presentation transcript:

1 Words You Should Know Bureaucratic Stuff The Bureaucracy Now and Then Hangin’ With the Cabinet Leftovers $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 Veterans Affairs, Defense,
The Departments of Veterans Affairs, Defense, and Education are all this level

3 Cabinet

4 Type of system used when bureaucrats are appointed
based on patronage

5 Spoils System

6 Procedures and paperwork
you go through to get the bureaucracy to work for you

7 Red Tape

8 Act that was created so bureaucrats who tell the truth about the government cannot get fired for telling the truth

9 Whistleblower Protection Act

10 When an executive branch decision lies before Congress
for about 60 days prior to going into effect

11 Legislative Veto

12 A large, complex organization of appointed officials

13 Bureaucracy

14 The Weberian Model of bureaucracy in which a clear hierarchy is visible and rules are stablished is known as this model

15 Classic Model

16 This happens when the DoD and DHS do the same things

17 Duplication

18 that work against each other
When the CIA and the FBI have programs that work against each other

19 Conflict

20 The tendency of an agency
to grow regardless of the cost or benefits to its programs

21 Imperialism

22 Cabinet-level agencies
are responsible to him

23 The President

24 The only way agencies can the funds are authorized
spend any money is if the funds are authorized by this group

25 Congress

26 Similar to imperialism, this model of bureaucracy
involves the agency “selling its product” to expand their staff and budget

27 Acquisitive Model

28 Bureaucrats may sometimes presidential initiatives
successfully resist presidential initiatives because they cannot be removed for office for this reason alone

29 Political Reasons/ Their personal beliefs

30 The biggest (or most important) way that Congress oversees the bureaucracy

31 Money (Power of the Purse)

32 One of the largest gov't employers today, it was the largest executive branch office of the 19th Century.

33 The Post Office

34 gives the Civil Service Test
Reform Act (1978) created this group which now gives the Civil Service Test

35 Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

36 The Cabinet started when
this department was created to assist George Washington

37 State Department

38 Today's bureaucracy is largely a result of these two events

39 New Deal and World War II

40 The official act that created
the system of merit- based appointments

41 Pendleton Act

42 The leader of the Department of Justice

43 Attorney General (Jeff Sessions)

44 this Cabinet department
The IRS answers to this Cabinet department

45 Department of the Treasury

46 This Cabinet department issues like minimum wage
deals with workers issues like minimum wage

47 Department of Labor

48 the Cabinet departments
The smallest of all the Cabinet departments

49 Department of Education

50 This Cabinet department
oversees the National Park Service

51 Department of the Interior

52 This Cabinet Secretary presidential succession
is 4th in the line of presidential succession

53 Secretary of State (Rex Tillerson)

54 Briefly explain why it's so hard to fire a bureaucrat

55 Long process; lots of red tape

56 This agency played a major role in getting acts like the Clean Air Act passed

57 Environmental Protection Agency

58 Agency that deals with U.S. monteary policy in part by controlling interest rates

59 Federal Reserve Board (The Fed/FRB)

60 This is what usually happens to an issue network after its goal has been achieved

61 It dissolves

62 Double Jeopardy!!

63 Words You Should Know Bureaucratic Stuff The Bureaucracy Now and Then Hangin’ With the Cabinet Leftovers $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

64 most bureaucratic matters
Laws that require most bureaucratic matters to be made public

65 Sunshine Laws

66 Laws that expire unless Congress votes to extend them

67 Sunset Laws

68 A bureaucrat who informs the public about waste in the government

69 Whistle Blower

70 Agencies such as the Fed and the SEC who have more
independence and are responsible for protecting the public interest

71 Independent Regulatory Agency

72 CIA, that is directly responsible to the president, but is not a
An agency, such as the CIA, that is directly responsible to the president, but is not a Cabinet department

73 Independent Executive Agency

74 The relationship between an agency, a congressional
committee, and an interest group

75 Iron Triangle

76 When an agency becomes part of the industry it’s supposed to regulate

77 Capture

78 An organization made up of agency members, the media,
think tanks, and others in the government who help an agency deal with pressure from interest groups

79 Issue Network

80 choose the course of action taken because there's no
When a bureaucrat can choose the course of action taken because there's no pre-existing law, he's using this type of authority

81 Discretionary Authority

82 AMTRAK and the USPS are examples of this part of the bureaucracy

83 Government Corporations

84 $91 on screws that cost 3 cents
This happens when the government spends $91 on screws that cost 3 cents at Home Depot

85 Waste

86 Most bureaucrats today work at this level of gov’t

87 Local Government

88 Even if we reduce waste in the government, we will most likely have
an increase in this pathology

89 Red Tape

90 Besides size, give the main reason why our bureaucracy
is so complex

91 bureaucratic managers
Division of authority among the bureaucratic managers

92 Where are bureaucratic
rules & policies published?

93 Federal Register

94 Many bureaucrats are removable from office only by him

95 The President

96 Why many people didn't like the bureaucracy when it first started

97 (Officials weren't qualified
Spoils System (Officials weren't qualified for the jobs they had)

98 Secret Service was originally part of this department
Though they now answer to the DHS, Secret Service was originally part of this department

99 Department of the Treasury

100 oversees the bureaucracy
Give 2 ways Congress oversees the bureaucracy

101 Answers vary but include: - Money/appropriations - Investigations
- Creation/Destroy agencies - Senatorial Courtesy

102 corporations take over
Reforming the bureaucracy by having corporations take over services such as jails and hospitals

103 Privatization

104 This Cabinet department has been most instrumental
in the debate over healthcare reform

105 Health and Human Services (HHS)

106 The Cabinet department that
deals with issues concerning farmers

107 Department of Agriculture

108 This Cabinet department handles nuclear materials

109 Department of Energy

110 controls this group; but
During war the DoD controls this group; but during peacetime DHS oversees it

111 Coast Guard

112 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac answer to this department

113 Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

114 the idea that the Senate presidential appointments
The legal name given to the idea that the Senate has to confirm presidential appointments

115 Senatorial Courtesy

116 What the Constitution says about the bureaucracy

117 Nothing

118 Legislation that creates of policies they can create
a new agency and says exactly what types of policies they can create

119 Enabling Legislation

120 The Office of Special Counsel was created by this Act

121 Whistleblower Protection Act

122 discretionary authority
This occurs when bureaucrats use discretionary authority to rule , angering many citizens

123 Arbitrary Rule

124 in those “Crash Course”
Final Jeopardy What’s the guy’s name in those “Crash Course” videos we watched for this unit?

125 Craig

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