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It’s a Learning Trap!.

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1 It’s a Learning Trap!

2 Bobbi Levine Technology Learning Coach Division of Technology FWISDEdTech @FWISDEdTech

3 This training material was developed by the Fort Worth Independent School District, Educational Technology, for use by the district. Other distribution and/or reproduction of this guide or portions thereof for training purposes, sale or commercial use is expressly forbidden without written permission from the Chief Technology Officer. Copyright info for FWISD EdTech

4 Objectives Understand the role of student created videos.
Identify resources and tools used for videos. Create a tutorial video using Screencastify or Office Mix Cr

5 Pre-Assessment

6 Having students create their own videos can solidify their knowledge, as well as being a good tool for teachers to use in the future.

7 Benefits of Student Created Videos
#1: The students gain a stronger understanding of the subject.

8 Benefits of Student Created Videos
#2: Struggling students get one-on-one attention for as long as they need it, without pulling other students or teachers away.

9 Benefits of Student Created Videos
#3: Students practice a skill correctly, rather than re-enforcing their mistakes because they’re unsure of the process.


11 Examples

12 Screencastify (Screen Video Recorder)

13 Office Mix



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