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Alive-O 4 Term 1: Lesson 14 Jesus – A Light For All

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1 Alive-O 4 Term 1: Lesson 14 Jesus – A Light For All

2 As the three wise men left the city, the star reappeared
As the three wise men left the city, the star reappeared. They followed it into a rocky hill- region full of caves. ‘Caves,’ said Caspar, in surprise. ‘Surely no one would be born in a cave.’

3 Don’t forget, Caspar, we have been in the splendour of Herod’s palace and we did not find what we were looking for there.

4 ‘Look. Look. ’ Melchior exclaimed. The star has stopped
‘Look! Look!’ Melchior exclaimed. The star has stopped. It is shining over the little cave- dwelling in the side of the hill. ‘Thank you, star’, said Caspar, tip-toeing closer.

5 They looked inside the cave and could hear someone singing a Jewish lullaby. Quietly they crept into the cave. They saw a young woman singing to a baby.

6 A man stepped out to greet them. ‘Shalom,’ he said, ‘my name is Joseph’. ‘This is Mary and this is our new baby. Come in and share our food, our company and the heat of our fire.’

7 The wise men entered. They introduced themselves and told Mary and Joseph that they had followed a star which led them to the cave.

8 Joseph told the wise men the story of how an angel had told him that Mary would have a very special child and that his name would be Emmanu-el. It means ‘God is with us’, said Mary.

9 Mary said, ‘God is with us now, right here with us in my little son
Mary said, ‘God is with us now, right here with us in my little son. God is with us in joy, sorrow, peace and trouble, in every moment.

10 Balthasaar took the baby in his arms
Balthasaar took the baby in his arms. ‘Now I have found what I have been looking for. Never again will I need or want anything more.’

11 The wise men gave the baby the gifts which they had brought for the new leader: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

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