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Chapter 35 The Enlightenment EQ: How have the ideas of the Enlightenment influenced modern government?

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1 Chapter 35 The Enlightenment EQ: How have the ideas of the Enlightenment influenced modern government?

2 Please open your ISN to page 241.

3 The thinking in Europe began to change drastically
The thinking in Europe began to change drastically. The outlook of people, especially educated people, began to change most greatly. Reason was valued more than authority. Suddenly, they became enlightened, and began to use reason ***What’s another term for reason?***

4 What inspired the Enlightenment
What inspired the Enlightenment? -The Scientific Revolution (observation and reason) -The Reformation (questions church authority and teachings) -The Renaissance (humanism) -Classic culture (rational understanding over faith)

5 The new ways of philosophizing, reasoning and thinking changed not only their times, but would mold the future thinking and outlook for others as well. What modern views did the Enlightenment shape? -human nature -society -government

6 Who were 5 great thinkers of the Enlightenment. 1
Who were 5 great thinkers of the Enlightenment? 1. Thomas Hobbes (England b.1588) 2. John Locke (England b. 1632) 3. Baron de Montesquieu a.k.a. Charles-Louis de Secondat (France b. 1689) 4. Voltaire a.k.a. Francois-Marie Arouet (France b. 1694) 5. Cesare Beccaria (Italy b. 1738)

7 Women in the 1700s did not have the same rights as men
Women in the 1700s did not have the same rights as men. However, many women played a large role in the Enlightenment. Many hosted salons, while others spoke of rights and equality to women. Who were the key women of the Enlightenment? -Madame Geoffrin -Abigail Adams -Olympe de Gouges -Mary Wollstonecraft

8 The ideas of the Enlightened ones influenced European monarchs to be “enlightened monarchs” and have people’s best interests at heart (benevolent despots). The ideas of the Enlightenment also had a major influence on the American and French Revolutions. Enlightenment ideas can be seen in the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Bill of Rights.

9 You have met 9 Enlightenment figures; 5 men and 4 women
You have met 9 Enlightenment figures; 5 men and 4 women. In a moment, you will be randomly placed into 6 collaboration task teams. Each team will draw from 1 of the 5 enlightened men, or all 4 of the enlightened women.

10 In your collaboration, you must do the following: -Create a PPT or other teaching display method to “enlighten” the class about your Enlightenment figure. You must include the following in your lesson to us: -Background information about your figure(s) -What their philosophy was/how they contributed -How their ideas influenced their times and/or our modern times and U.S. government. -Add graphics and a famous quote.

11 THE END Please write your summary about the chapter 35 Cornell notes
THE END Please write your summary about the chapter 35 Cornell notes. With your table/elbow partner, answer/research the EQ together.

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