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Published byNigel Booth Modified over 6 years ago
2017 Inventory Update (IU) Chemicals & Polymers Stakeholders Information Session Webinar April 2017
Outline Part 1: Inventory Updates (IU) Approach and overview of the 2017 IU Part 2: Walkthrough of the 2017 IU online reporting tools HTML Excel 2
Part 1: Inventory Updates (IU) Approach and overview of the 2017 IU
Why Information Gathering is Important?
Accurate and up-to-date information on substances is needed by the Government to make sound decisions that protect human health and the environment Information is needed throughout the CEPA cycle to: track and update commercial status of substances in Canada inform priority setting based on current commercial status identify new and emerging risk assessment priorities in a timely manner conduct risk assessments based on sound science and relevant information develop targeted risk management measures inform performance measurement of existing risk management instruments Information that is considered to be confidential under the criteria outlined in CEPA, will be protected 4
Various Mechanisms of Information Gathering
Information gathering provisions under CEPA (S. 46, 68, 70, 71, etc.) Voluntary information gathering Other Federal Programs (e.g. NPRI, NRCan, CBSA, Stats Can) 2017 IU Scientific journals Research, monitoring & surveillance International sources (e.g. US EPA, REACH Consortia) Risk Assessment & Management NPRI = National Pollutant Release Inventory NRCan = Natural Resources Canada CBSA = Canadian Border Services Agency Stats Can = Statistics Canada US EPA = United States Environmental Protection Agency REACH = Registration Evaluation Authorisation Restriction 5
Inventory Updates (IUs)
The IU is a useful tool to collect information on substances of interest and can: Inform priority setting based on current commercial status Informs post-2020 work Inform activities in Risk Assessment and Risk Management Programs Supports operational needs Provide means to monitor changes in commercial status Enables better tracking or identifying trends in Canada Improves public knowledge of substances in Canadian commerce Feedback received from Stakeholders has been considered regarding greater international alignment, comparative systems, and improved sharing of data. 6
Inventory Updates The first two IUs:
Moving forward, IUs are planned to be cyclical with reporting anticipated every 4 years Information from past IUs provided baseline information for the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) by identifying: whether the substance is in Canadian commerce or not level of activity in Canada based on reported volumes types of activity in Canada based on reported use codes Publication year Reporting year Number of substances 2009 2008 500 2012 2011 2700
2017 Inventory Update Notice
The Notice with respect to substances included as part of the 2017 Inventory Update was published in the Canada Gazette on January 14, 2017 The deadline for responding is July 17, 2017 (3 p.m. EDT) Extensions to respond must be requested (in writing) prior to July 17, 2017 Request needs to include company name, CAS RN, justification and contact information The online reporting tools will be available in early April 2017 and will include: HTML reporting tool Excel-based application Blind submissions Declaration of Stakeholder Interest Declaration of Non-Engagement A report of non-confidential data collected will be available in 2018
Reporting Criteria Reporting years: 2014 or 2015
Reporting required only for the most recent calendar year where criteria are met If criteria are met for both 2015 and 2014 (for a specific substance), then reporting year is 2015 Reportable activities: manufacture & import Quantity threshold: > 100 kg of the substance Concentration threshold: ≥ 0.1% (w/w%) for certain substances
Reportable Substances
The Notice applies to 1,430 chemicals and polymers divided into 4 parts The reporting requirements differ depending on the substance part, the activity and whether the substance is alone, in a product/mixture or in a manufactured item. The substances were nominated to the initiative via several sources e.g., hazard concerns identified as part of the annual "Identification of Risk Assessment Priorities" process, information from international programs, new relevant information with unknown commercial status or where increases in exposure could be of concern, etc. When considering substance identity, companies may refer to Chemical Abstract Service Reference Numbers (CAS RN), masked names, accession numbers, common names, CI references and the UVCB descriptions
Reminders Companies are legally required to respond if they meet all reporting criteria E.g., quantity and concentration thresholds, reportable activities, reporting years, categories of manufactured items Companies must provide the information that is available to them or to which they are reasonably expected to have access Check with suppliers, SDSs, product data sheets, etc. No testing or studies are required to comply with the Notice Information that is considered to be confidential under the criteria outlined in CEPA, will be protected Companies owning more than one facility must submit a single response Companies must use the online reporting tools to submit their response(s) Guidance for reporting to the Notice, provide voluntary information, work collaboratively, etc. is available online
Exclusions A substance “in transit” through Canada
A substance that is, or is contained in, a hazardous waste or hazardous recyclable material Substance, or mixtures/products containing the substance that are registered under: Part 4 substances for which information under the New Substances Notification Regulations has been provided Information previously submitted to the Government of Canada may not need to be resubmitted Tin fluoride (CAS RN ) contained in dental care products/mixtures Pest Control Products Act Fertilizers Act Feeds Act Seeds Act
Information Requirements
Not all of the questions apply to all substances and activities. Applicable scope for each question is detailed in the Notice, guidance document and also through the online reporting tools Past activities: Indicate whether the substance was manufactured or imported in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 (Y/N) Quantity and concentration (if applicable) thresholds apply for each year (> 100 kg, ≥ 0,1 w/w%) When responding, companies will be asked to confirm the reporting year (either 2014 or 2015) for each substance Facilities and NAICS codes: Indicate the name and address of their facilities and corresponding North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code(s) Should report on their own Canadian facilities only, and not customers’ facilities
Information Requirements - continued
Quantities: Indicate the total quantity of the substance imported, manufactured or exported Function and exposure: Each applicable Substance Function Code (U Code) and all corresponding Consumer & Commercial Codes (C Code) for the known or anticipated final goods containing the substance For each combination of U & CC codes, report the quantity and whether the final good is intended for use in commercial and consumer activities and for use by or for children < 14 years of age Customers: Report the name, city and province of 10 persons in Canada, to whom the largest quantity of the substance above 100 kg was sold and to indicate the quantity sold to each person For substances present in finished goods: Report the categories of manufactured item, as well as each applicable C code for the known or anticipated manufactured items, followed by whether the manufactured items is intended for use in commercial or consumer activities and for use by or for children < 14 years of age
Part 2: Walkthrough of the Online Reporting Tools HTML & Excel
How to submit All submissions must be submitted online via the CMP reporting module of ECCC’s Single Window Online tool allows for reporting flexibility: Full online HTML reporting Partial online HTML reporting combined with Excel-based application Upload of supplementary documents Sections to be completed will be determined by initial questions answered under “Substances to Report” and “Sections Applicable” Online reporting is mandatory
Submitting via Single Window
ECCC’s Single Window:
Submitting via Single Window
Submitting via Single Window
First time user? Guidance document for help setting up your account:
Submitting via Single Window
Submitting via Single Window
Excel Online Reporting
Reporting Dashboard 2017 Inventory Update
Reporting Dashboard
Substance Selection Step 1 Step 2
Substance Selection 27
Uploading the Template
Step 1 – Sections Applicable
Populated from HTML application
Step 1 – Sections Applicable
Populated from HTML application
Step 2 – Summary Scroll to the right
Step 2 – Summary (Section 5)
Step 2 – Summary (Section 7)
Step 2 – Summary (Section 10)
Step 2 – Summary (Section 10)
Step 3 – Section 6 Facility Info NAICS Codes
Step 4 – Section 8 alone, mixture, product
Step 4 – Section 8 alone, mixture, product
Step 5 – Section 9 Canadian Customers
Step 5 – Section 9 Canadian Customers
Step 6 – Section 10 Manufactured Items ONLY
Completed Excel-Based Form
Substance Selection 45
Uploading the Form
Uploading the Form 1 2 3 4
Document Upload
Submitting completed submission
2017 Inventory Update
Submitting completed submission
2 1 Very important to make sure that you have received a “Confirmation of Submission” from 3
Useful Links Section 71 Notice:
Guidance Document: List of substances included as part of the 2017 IU: Inventory Updates Web Page: Single Window: Single Window User Guide: CMP Online Reporting How-to-Guide:
Contact Us Substances Management Information Line Chemicals Management Plan Gatineau, QC K1A 0H3 Telephone: /
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