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Discrimination Against Women

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1 Discrimination Against Women
Brooke Vulcano Brianna Spalaris Olivia Leng

2 Discrimination Against Women
Know the Facts Women are discriminated: The number of women in rural poverty has 50% increased since 1975. Women work 2/3 of the world’s working hours, yet earn less than 10% of the world’s income. Women own less than 1% of the world’s property. In the workplace In places of education Sexually By domestic violence In the government In the military

3 Government Stance Government Action Our opinion
Conventions in the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Created to protect the equality of men and women in the law No law can be made preferring one gender other the other Women should be treated equally because under the 14th Amendment, it states all men and women must be treated equally. This amendment must be respected and considered during the lawmaking process.

4 Women in the Military Women not subject to Selective Service and Military Draft All women serving all volunteer Goldberg v. Rostker Supreme Court case saying MSSA’s gender discrimination violated due process of law and the 5th Amendment Supreme Court disagreed supporting Department of Defenses previous choice not to include in draft Recently the ban on women serving in combat was lifted

5 Reed v. Reed Court Decision
Background Info Final Decision Idaho Law stated that males would receive custody of their children before the female. A mother challenged this law, stating that when her ex-husband received custody of their son, the son committed suicide because his mother was not given custody of him. The Supreme Court concluded that laws based on gender discrimination go against the 14th Amendment’s Equal Rights Protection Clause.

6 Classification Allowed?
Women are not in draft Not paid equally 18% earning gap 82 cents for every dollar men earn Pay Check Fairness Act Put to vote on June 5 Updates and strengthens the Equal Pay Act of 1963

7 Charlie Meyers Zach Rothaar
Citizens Right to Know Charlie Meyers Zach Rothaar

8 Governments Security Classification System
1. Government information is being leaked to the public. 2. Information being leaked is going to affect the government in some way

9 Freedom of information act
Allows the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the U.S.A. The Government may be hiding certain documents that could help the people but they don’t give them out. The Governments stance is that they are hiding it for the better for the people. J. Edgar Hoover was given surveillance of John Lennon

10 Sunshine Act It affects the operations of the federal government, Congress, Federal Commissions, and other legally Constituted Federal bodies. 1.It advances the notice to the public before agency meetings take place. 2.The government thinks that the information should not be leaked out to soon. 3. Florida was he first state to allow this to happen.

11 Opinion We think that information on the government should not be leaked especially if it’s harmful information. Yes it does make sense that that the Government should get rid of any information they do not want other people getting their hands on. We think that public shouldn’t know about it because it shouldn’t effect any government plans or events.

12 Citizens’ Right to Privacy
Aubrey McKee Jenni Voss Vicky Meola

13 Overview “Right to Privacy” issue is vague and controversial in cases
Expressed rights in the constitution 1st:Privacy of beliefs 3rd: Privacy of homes from soldiers 4th:Privacy against unreasonable searches The Government has trouble deciding on cases-conflicting rights under the law

14 Past Cases Griswold v. Connecticut Roe v. Wade
Violated a “right to marital privacy” Planned parenthood executive director gave advice about birth control to married couples Griswold won Single pregnant woman wanted abortion Was denied because had no medical reasoning Denied rights to privacy because her case was public Legalized abortion

15 Current Opinions Current debates are about the internet and the users’ rights to privacy We believe that the people deserve rights to privacy, except if others’ safety is at risk Patriot Act-to deter and punish terrorist attacks in the US and around the world (to enhance the law)

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