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Equality & Diversity.

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Presentation on theme: "Equality & Diversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equality & Diversity

2 Equality and Diversity What is it?
mental illness gender reassignment harassment propaganda stereotype race disability religion bullying For this slide, I ask the group to think of words or concepts that are not supporting equality or celebrating diversity. I then reveal the words one by one and discuss the groups feelings in relation to each word. This is a useful benchmark to see if they have changed their opinions at the end. prejudice discrimination gender sexual orientation age hatred

3 What is equality? Equality is giving everyone equal respect and opportunities – irrespective of their differences It is NOT treating everyone the same Would you treat these people the same?

4 You are an individual Who Are You? Welsh British Male Muslim Rugby
This is about labels. We all have them and we need them to help categorise and sort the people we meet. It only becomes a problem if we can’t see beyond the label. Rugby Footballer

5 Negative stereotype Spaz Coffin Dodger Paki Nutter Chink Nigger
Golliwog Faggot

6 How many slang words for woman and man can you think of?

7 How can we overcome prejudice?
Laws Equality Pay Act Sex Discrimination Act Race Relations Act Gender Reassignment Changing Attitudes

8 Just Listen Objectives Treat everyone with respect
Give everyone the same opportunities Don’t stereotype

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