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Entrepreneurship and Effective Small Business Management 11/e by Scarborough and Cornwall 4-1.

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Presentation on theme: "Entrepreneurship and Effective Small Business Management 11/e by Scarborough and Cornwall 4-1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrepreneurship and Effective Small Business Management 11/e by Scarborough and Cornwall

2 Strategic Management and the Entrepreneur
Chapter 4 Strategic Management and the Entrepreneur This "Deco" border was drawn on the Slide master using PowerPoint's Rectangle and Line tools. A smaller version was placed on the Notes Master by selecting all of the elements (using Select All from the Edit menu), deselecting the unwanted elements such as the Title (holding down the Shift key and clicking on the unwanted elements), and then using Paste as Picture from the Edit menu to place the border on the Notes Master. After pasting as a picture, we used the resize handles (with Shift to maintain the proportions) to reduce it to the size you see. Be sure to delete this word processing box before using this template for your own presentation.

3 Strategic Management Developing a strategy for success!
Don’t just respond to the chaos in the environment, create the disruptions that revolutionize the industry, and, in the process, create a competitive edge Apple Computer and the iPod

4 Strategic Management The world economy is shifting from financial to intellectual capital Knowledge is no longer just a factor of production, it is the critical factor of production

5 Strategic Management Knowledge management: the practice of gathering, organizing, and disseminating the collective wisdom and experience of a company’s employees for the purpose of strengthening its competitive position

6 Strategic Management Intellectual capital: comprised of Human capital
Structural capital Customer capital

7 Strategic Management Strategic management: a process that involves developing a game plan to guide the company as it strives to accomplish its vision, mission, goals, and objectives and to keep it from straying off its desired course

8 Building a Competitive Advantage
Competitive advantage: the aggregation of factors that sets a company apart from its competitors and gives it a unique position in the market The key to business success is to build a unique competitive advantage that creates value for customers, is sustainable, and is difficult to duplicate

9 Building a Competitive Advantage
To define competitive advantage, entrepreneurs should consider: The products they sell The services they provide The pricing they offer The way they sell The values to which they are committed

10 Building a Competitive Advantage
Core competencies: unique set of skills, knowledge, or abilities that a company develops in key areas such as superior quality, customer service, innovation, team-building, flexibility, responsiveness, and others that allow it to vault past competitors

11 Building a Competitive Advantage
Building a Sustainable Competitive Advantage

12 Building a Competitive Advantage
Use core competencies to define a compelling value proposition: the value that the combination of goods and services that a business delivers to customers to create a sustainable competitive edge Product or service leadership Customer intimacy Operation excellence

13 The Strategic Management Process
Strategic management is a continuous process Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement Assess strengths and weaknesses Scan environment for opportunities and threats Identify key success factors Analyze competition Create goals and objectives Formulate strategies Translate plans into actions Establish accurate controls

14 The Strategic Management Process
Step 1: Develop a Clear Vision and Translate It into a Meaningful Mission Statement Vision An expression of what an entrepreneur stands for and believes in and the values on which they build their business Answers the question: “What kind of business do we want to be”

15 The Strategic Management Process
A clearly defined vision: Provides direction Determines decisions Motivates people Allows a company to persevere in the face of adversity

16 The Strategic Management Process
Mission Answers the question "What business am I in?” Makes clear to everyone “why we are here” and “where we are going”

17 The Strategic Management Process
Elements of a mission statement The purpose of the company The business we are in The values of the company

18 The Strategic Management Process
Strategic management is a continuous process Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement Assess strengths and weaknesses

19 The Strategic Management Process
Step 2: Assess the Company’s Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths: positive internal factors that contribute to accomplishing the mission, goals, and objectives Weaknesses: negative internal factors that inhibit the company’s ability to accomplish its mission, goals, and objectives

20 The Strategic Management Process
Identifying Company’s Strengths and Weaknesses

21 The Strategic Management Process
Strategic management is a continuous process Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement Assess strengths and weaknesses Scan environment for opportunities and threats

22 The Strategic Management Process
Step 3: Scan the Environment for Opportunities and Threats Facing the Business Opportunities: positive external options the company can exploit to accomplish its mission, goals, and objectives Threats: negative external forces that inhibit the company’s ability to accomplish its mission, goals, and objectives

23 The Strategic Management Process
Identifying Opportunities and Threats

24 The Strategic Management Process
Identifying and Managing Major Threats

25 The Strategic Management Process
Strategic management is a continuous process Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement Assess strengths and weaknesses Scan environment for opportunities and threats Identify key success factors

26 The Strategic Management Process
Step 4: Identify the Key Factors for Success in the Business Key success factors: factors that influence a company’s ability to compete successfully in an industry Determine a company’s ability to compete in the marketplace

27 The Strategic Management Process
Identifying Key Success Factors

28 The Strategic Management Process
Strategic management is a continuous process Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement Assess strengths and weaknesses Scan environment for opportunities and threats Identify key success factors Analyze competition

29 The Strategic Management Process
Step 5: Analyze the Competition Tracking competition helps companies: Avoid surprises from existing competitors’ new strategies and tactics Identify potential new competitors Anticipate rivals’ next strategic moves Improve reaction time to competitors’ actions Improve their ability to differentiate their companies’ products and services from those of competitors Refine their companies’ competitive edge

30 The Strategic Management Process
Small Business Success Index

31 The Strategic Management Process
Competitor Analysis Direct competitors Offer the same products and services Customers often compare prices, features, and deals among these competitors when they shop Significant competitors Offer some of the same or similar products or services Product or service lines overlap but not completely Indirect competitors Offer same or similar products in only a small number of areas

32 The Strategic Management Process
Competitive profile matrix: allows entrepreneurs to evaluate their companies against major competitors on the key success factors for their market segments

33 The Strategic Management Process
Sample Competitive Profile Matrix

34 The Strategic Management Process
Strategic management is a continuous process Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement Assess strengths and weaknesses Scan environment for opportunities and threats Identify key success factors Analyze competition Create goals and objectives

35 The Strategic Management Process
Step 6: Create Company Goals and Objectives Goals: broad, long-range attributes to be accomplished; general and abstract “BHAGS” Objectives: are specific targets of performance Specific Measurable Assignable Realistic (yet challenging) Timely Written down

36 The Strategic Management Process
What Makes an Effective BHAG?

37 The Strategic Management Process
Strategic management is a continuous process Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement Assess strengths and weaknesses Scan environment for opportunities and threats Identify key success factors Analyze competition Create goals and objectives Formulate strategies

38 The Strategic Management Process
Step 7: Formulate Strategic Options and Select the Appropriate Strategies Strategy: a “road map” that guides a company through a turbulent environment as it seeks to fulfill its mission, goals, and objectives Mission, goals, and objectives = ends Strategy = means

39 The Strategic Management Process
Three strategic options: Strategy? Cost leadership Differentiation Focus

40 The Strategic Management Process
Cost leadership strategy: to be the low-cost producer in the industry or market segment Advantages: Reaching buyers who buy on the basis of price Power to set the industry’s price floor Works well when: Buyers are sensitive to price changes Competing firms sell the same commodity products A company can benefit from economies of scale Disadvantages: Purchase decisions are driven by price not loyalty Can underestimate costs

41 The Strategic Management Process
Differentiation strategy: company seeks to build customer loyalty by positioning its goods or services in a unique or different fashion Idea is to be better than the competition at something customers value Key to success: Build basis for differentiation on a distinctive competence, something that a small company is uniquely good at doing in comparison to its competitors Create perceived value for the customer

42 The Strategic Management Process
Focus strategy: company selects one or more customer segments in a market, identifies customers’ special needs, wants, or interests, and then targets them with a product or service designed specifically for them Strategy builds on differences among market segments Rather than try to serve the total market, the company focuses on serving a niche (or several niches) within that market

43 The Strategic Management Process
Strategic management is a continuous process Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement Assess strengths and weaknesses Scan environment for opportunities and threats Identify key success factors Analyze competition Create goals and objectives Formulate strategies Translate plans into actions

44 The Strategic Management Process
Step 8: Implement the strategy Create projects by defining: Purpose Scope Contribution Resource requirements Timing

45 The Strategic Management Process
Strategic management is a continuous process Develop a vision and translate it into a mission statement Assess strengths and weaknesses Scan environment for opportunities and threats Identify key success factors Analyze competition Create goals and objectives Formulate strategies Translate plans into actions Establish accurate controls

46 The Strategic Management Process
Step 9: Establish Accurate Controls Controlling the strategy Entrepreneur must: Identify and track key performance indicators Take corrective action if necessary Balanced scorecard: a set of measurements unique to a company that includes both financial and operational measures Gives managers a quick yet comprehensive picture of a company’s overall performance

47 The Strategic Management Process
The Balanced Scorecard

48 The Strategic Management Process
Five Perspectives: Customer: How do customers see us? Internal Business: At what must we excel? Innovation and Learning: Can we continue to improve and create value? Financial: How do we look to shareholders? Corporate Citizenship: What must we do to meet our social responsibility to society as a whole, the environment, the community, and other stakeholders?


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