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3 P.M. Section: Monday 4-6 p.m. (HH 217)

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Presentation on theme: "3 P.M. Section: Monday 4-6 p.m. (HH 217)"— Presentation transcript:

1 3 P.M. Section: Monday 4-6 p.m. (HH 217)
Final Exam Tips You take one final for HumCore – given by your instructor and based on our discussion time) 3 P.M. Section: Monday 4-6 p.m. (HH 217) 4:30 P.M. Section: Wednesday 4-6 p.m. (HH 217) Chat Session Sunday Night 8-10 p.m. (or longer if desired) on eee Fall 2015 “War” .

2 Reflecting on the Quarter
How do you think about war differently than you did coming into the course? How has your writing changed or developed over the quarter? What was your favorite text or unit this quarter and why? Which text or unit surprised you the most and why?

3 Machiavelli Essay Peer Discussion
Grouped by Concept: How does the concept definition change from basic definition through the examples? Be sure to qualify what kind of strength or authority, etc. if talking about virtue What warning or message or guidance or irony or cynicism or criticism is explicit or implicit in your analysis? How can you use this to assert a thesis? How did you organize your essay? How are you introducing and concluding your essay? How will you support your thesis?

4 Sample Short Answer Questions
What does Just War Theory refer to and what does it require of nations intervening or considering intervention in another nation’s affairs?

5 Sample Short Answer Questions
What are specific differences between Jus ad bellum and Jus in bello? (see p. 21) What is Jus post bellum? Is it possible that the conduct in war is justified, but the reason for going to war is not just (and vice versa)? Provide examples in your answer. What have been the benefits and drawbacks of attempts to create international “peace keeping” organizations like the League of Nations or the UN? What does the “domestic analogy” refer to, and when does it cease to work? (see pp ) When is it considered a “crime” to go to war?

6 Sample Short Answer Question
According to Walzer, what does the principle of “non-intervention” hold? What exceptions are there to this principle, and what is problematic about this kind of limit case?

7 SECTION THREE: First Long Essay - Passage Analysis (ca
SECTION THREE: First Long Essay - Passage Analysis (ca. 40 Minutes) 26 pts (26% of final exam grade) The following passage is taken from (Mother Courage and Her Children or The Art of War). Read it carefully and then write a passage analysis in which you clearly explain what is going on in this particular excerpt and describe the way Brecht/Sun Tzu depicts or characterizes what is going on. Then, relate the passage and the argument to the concerns and themes of the text as a whole and to the course theme of war. Your answer should include warrants and specific reference to class discussions, lecture and the text. Remember, pay attention to the implications of word choice and applicable examples, and realize that claims about the text as a whole derive from a close-reading of particular details.

8 2) Locate the passage in the text
On the Final Exam I might ask a basic question or identify specific themes to guide you through your analysis. Below are some strategies for this essay… 1) Describe the meaning of the passage (summarize the main point, purpose, argument of the passage) 2) Locate the passage in the text 3) Write an analysis of the passage (identify main theme, point out significant key terminology and logical connections between claims and concepts, word choice, use and function of example, etc. and explain meaning, purpose etc.) 4) Relate the passage to the concerns and themes of the text as a whole (Make connections that go beyond the passage) 5) Demonstrate how the themes present in the passage relate to the themes of the course theme of war (make connections to other texts or to specific lecture arguments)

9 Sample Passage “Agression is the name we give to the crime of war. We know the crime because of our knowledge of the peace it interrupts – not the mere absence of fighting, but peace-with-rights, a condition of liberty and security that can exist only in the absence of aggression itself. The wrong the aggressor commits is to force men and women to risk their lives for the sake of their rights. It is to confront them with a choice: your rights or (some of) your lives!” (Walzer 51)

10 Sample Passages for Practice
Walzer: “some wars…can’t be called unjust.” Walzer: pp “The case of mercenaries…rightly called criminals” Walzer: pp 30-1 “The tyranny of war…takes on a new significance.” Walzer: pp “The rules of war…both of these things later on.” Walzer: pp “Among professional soldiers…to its reality and strength.” Walzer: pp “The rights of states…disputed territory”

11 Sample Passages for Practice
Brecht: Middle p. 34 “It’s the wanting…” to bottom p. 34 Brecht: p. 8 “Retail!” to p. 9 “Pull on their socks and conquer death” Brecht: p. 52 “I know you” to p. 53 “Why else bother being brave?” Sun Tzu: I could put in any opening/ending (or middle/ending or opening/middle) section from any of the chapters.

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