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1. Know as many details as possible ahead of time.

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2 1. Know as many details as possible ahead of time.
What’s the name of the person you’re meeting with? Is a group interview or one-on-one? Will you be interviewed by a single person or a panel? Knowing the basic set-up will have you going in confidently.

3 2. Plan awesome answers beforehand.
Don’t just rattle off your resume. Talk about hobbies you have in addition to “real” experience that relates to the position. And throw in something random or funny! You’ll be more memorable.

4 3. Get in front of a mirror. Respond to questions you think you might be asked in front of a mirror and watch your facial expressions. Smile, nod, and maintain eye contact.

5 4. Practice, practice, practice
Download Job Interview Question-Answer for free and work on answering the tough questions in an interactive format.

6 5. Make sure you’re proud of the image you’re putting out on social media.
Let Social Sweepster do the cleanup for you.

7 6. Manage information about multiple companies.
Creat an Alerts  a tool that s you anytime a new story appears for a specific term. Add all the companies you’re interviewing with to stay in the know

8 7. Get directions If you know where you’re headed prior to the big day, you’ll worry less about being late. And if you have the time, do a practice run a few days before the interview. You’ll get a feel for traffic patterns.

9 8. Get. There. Early. Arrive about 10 minutes early with all your ducks in a row.

10 9. Make a strong 20-second impression.
Don’t stand in silence next to potential co-workers. Introduce yourself and say something they’ll remember. Bonus points if you remember their name and follow up with a casual “nice to meet you” .

11 10. Don’t have any interruptions.
Seems like a no brainer, but be absolutely positive it’s not going to make a peep during your interview. Don’t even put it on vibrate. Silence it, or turn it off completely.

12 11. Dress with confidence It’s best to be familiar with the company culture and mimic that for your interview outfit. If you find out they all wear suits…buy one and make sure you wear it with poise.

13 12. Be friendly to everyone you meet
That includes the parking attendant, the receptionist, and the people in the cubicles you pass. Everyone will notice and appreciate it if you’re friendly.

14 13. Ditch your beverage. Even if you usually have your Phone in one hand and Starbucks in the other, ditch it before the interview. It’s WAY too casual no matter what the work environment is. I f the interviewer asks if you would like a water or some coffee, etc., go for it then.

15 14. Come prepared with hard copies.
It makes you look super prepared, it will give you specific points to reference, and you can hand it over when your interviewer forgets to print a copy for themselves.

16 15. Do your homework! Do research on the position itself, the company, and the interviewer so you’re ready for any question thrown your way. Then add the facts you’ve acquired into your responses. They’ll be impressed with your knowledge.

17 16. Be upfront about strengths and weaknesses.
When you’re asked about your strengths and weaknesses, the interviewer wants a real response. So, put it all out there! Just provide examples of when your overcame your faults. You’ll come across as more genuine.

18 17. Ask good questions. Smart questions do not include anything about potential salary or time off. Consider: How would you describe the ideal candidate? What can I do for you as a follow-up? What have you enjoyed the most about working here?

19 18. Pay attention. Knowing when to talk and when to listen in an interview is key. NEVER interrupt your interviewer, and review these tips for effective listening skills

20 19. Cut down on distraction noise
If you’re braving a Skype interview, head to a quiet place, triple-check your connection, and use noise-canceling headphones.

21 20. Get completely ready (like, even down to your shoes) for phone interviews
You’re going to sound a lot more confident through the phone if you’re not in your pajamas. Promise.

22 21. Make it personal In this digital age, it’s super surprising to get anything by snail mail. Reference a laugh you shared during the interview or something specific about the interviewer that you recall. They’ll be flattered you remembered.

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