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UK ATLAS Stave materials research
Glasgow, Liverpool, QMUL, RAL, UK Astronomy Technology Centre 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Contents Update on thermal measurements Discussion on hybrid model Glues, face sheets etc Foams Update on FEA Mechanical Foams and plans 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Cross-section of stave/module
* - interface between tape and CFRP considered co-cured † - no glue on vertical interface between foam and honeycomb honeycomb Asic: silicon tra-duct 2902 hybrid: polyimide / Cu (layers and vias) C-channel CFRP Dow Corning SE4445 epolite 5313 Sensor: silicon bus tape: polyimide / Cu / Al / composite hysol or co-cured* facing: CFRP Pocofoam fluid film X Y S/S cooling pipe Hysol Hysol+BN † 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Thermal measurements Aim : To measure all the materials with accuracy for FEA To understand material variations due to product batch, preparation and irradiation exposure Hybrid CFRP Foams In plane of Poco and Allcomp as function of temperature BN loaded Hysol glue Before and after irradiation 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Hybrid Unit hybrid cell: 9.6 X x 12.0 Z 0.5 no Cu. Asic Land hybrid centre line 7.7 2.2 2.95 3.7 hybrid edge digital side of asic 1.05 Z X Thermal Vias: 3 rows (7+6+7). Pitch: 1.0 X, Z. (land to GND plane). 7.5 analogue side of asic Cu 15 Bond Ply 50 Cu/Kapton/Cu 18/50/18 Layer 1 Top (Asic Lands) 2 Signal (tracks) 3 Power (~solid) 4 Ground (~solid) 5 Shield (solid) (under review) Resist (~Kapton) 25 Via 150mm o/dia, Plated 10mm Cu (20 posns) ASIC: Silicon 300 Glue: Tra-duct ~100, 50% area Complex structure under chips with thermal vias through Kapton and glue layers Ground and shield layers spread ASIC heat. Measured R = 11 C/W for 8x8 cm region Calculated R = 10.8 C/W for 8x8 cm region Kapton conductivity change from 0.16 to 0.12 k/mW → R increases to ~20 C/W Factor two change in conductivity changes chip temperature by 3.2oC 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
CFRP - Measurements Measurements (20oC) Kx: 144 (±20) W/m-K Ky: 0.96 & 1.3 W/m-K Kz: 294 (±20) W/m-K (1/K) dK/dT = % / degree (x and y). Slope plausible but unsubstantiated 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
CFPR - Calculations In-plane: Kx = 160, Kz = 319 W/m-K From FEA model of cylindrical carbon fibre + resin. Ideal fibre geometry, conductivity = 800 W/mK Fibre fraction, fv, ~0.6 (from Young's modulus measurements) Kresin = 0.21 W/m-K (take Hysol/epoxy. Lack data for polycyanate). Through-plane: Ky = need an update here? Effective Ky very sensitive to glue thickness, g (for even moderate fibre transverse K). Centre of fibre: g = h (ply) * [0.5 - √ (f/p)] ≈ 4µm for 70µm thick sheet and fv = 0.7 Our K13D2U/RS3 u/d pre-preg specified at 70% fibre fraction (60% from Mitsubishi's Dialed brochure). … important that we get a reliable measure of the face sheet modulus fibre r = 94% (f=70%) 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Pocofoams Thermal conductivity measured with 2 apparatuses
Guard Box (2mm Al) Guard Heaters (2 top, 2 bottom) Sample clamped to isolated heater Guard thermistor 4 spring-loaded thermistors contact sample Sample thermally shorted to guard ~ 1-d heat flow along sample and guard (when temperatures balanced) Heat sink is floor of chamber Thermal conductivity measured with 2 apparatuses TIM apparatus 1x1x2cm cube with heater attached to top surface, cooled via lower copper block, PT100’s glued along edge, in air. TTC apparatus Thin samples surrounded by thermal shield, housed in vacuum tank T1 (RTD 1) T2 (RTD 2) Heater Lower Cu bar ΔL Poco foam Cooling block Plastic insulating supports DUT H2O Electrical Heaters (V,I measured) Water cooled Cu block Al thermal shield PT100s RTD1 RTD2 RTD3 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Pocofoams kX, (W/mK) Density, (gcm-3) Poco08 TIM 71 135 0.56 TTC 54.5 57.5 Poco09 43 55 0.41 51 53.5 Slight temperature dependence on conductivity (6% fall in Poco08 for -30C to 20C) Large difference between the two measurements techniques (up to 15%) 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Allcomp foam Density = 0.39 gcm-3. Thermal conductivity increases with temperature ΔT =50°C 23% increase for x 17.5% increase for y y plane conductivities are twice the values found in x plane. At 20oC Ky = 110 W/mK Kx = 55 W/mK 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
BN loaded Hysol 9396 Conductivty measured by TIM tower and Line Source Thermal Conductivity Probe method Two methods gave different results. Measured different BN in TIM tower – still different results Could it be technique or sample preparation? Black triangles : LSTCP, Goodfellows BN, particle size : 10um Purple Squares : TIM, Goodfellows BN, particle size : 10um Red diamonds : TIM, SCT Japanese BN 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
BN loaded Hysol 9396 – after irradiation
29% K increase 13 samples made and 9 irradiated to 3 fluences: 0.5, 1, 1.5 x 1015 cm-2 1MeV neq Measurements show increase in conductivity with fluence. The 0.5 and 1.0 x 1015 cm-2 neq points lie further from the line than 1.5 x 1015 cm-2 neq data suggesting that the thermal conductivity rises and then falls as a function of dose. 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
CGL7018 and ER2074 26MeV protons from Karlsruhe CGL7018 (compliant) and Elctrolube ER2074 (filled epoxy). ER2074 showed 20% increase in conductivity 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
CTE of BN loaded Hysol 9396 Vishay P3 strain indicator with Vishay CEA UW-120 strain gauges, imbedded at centre point of glue layer Class-A PT100 for temperature measurements Must correct for thermal output strain from gauge itself ~10% of expected value % BN 20C,µm/m/oC -40C,µm/m/oC -40C/20C 71.8 63.1 88% 10 63.2 52.8 84% 20 50.9 39.6 78% 30 39.1 27.1 69% c.f. Bill Miller 76+/-7 µm/m/C for Hysol 9396 and 60 µm/m/C for a mixture of Hysol and 30% boron nitride by weight 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
FEA numbers Item Material K x / y / z [W/m-K] thickness [mm] additional info. notes/actions/references Asic silicon see Table (1) 0.3 asic to hybrid tra-duct-2902 2.99 0.1 50% area coverage! Future alternative: non-conductive glue (thinner) hybrid Cu/polyimide 64/???/64 Kxz neglecting land, taking Affolder dims, inc.shield layer. hybrid to sensor epolite 0.23 2mm stay-clear (guard region) K from Glasgow measurement. Sensor Temperature dependence included sensor to bus DC SE4445(a) 1.26 0.2 glue pattern (a) aligned ~ Z K optimistic? Glasgow to measure. bus tape PolyI/Cu/Al 34 / 0.24 / 34 0.17 Al 25um, 100%. Cu (16% area) neglected Measurements to support bus to facing Hysol 0.21 Omit if co-cured tape (preferred build). Facing CFRP 150/1/300 (Eng. dwgs 0.27mm too big). Ky need more understanding Facing to honeycomb glue assumed 100% absorbed Honeycomb Air 0.025 as drawn Facing to Pocofoam Hysol+BN 1.63 Foam Pocofoam 43/55/43 Gla.Poco (but Kx,y = 52 in Gla.TCC) P’foam to Pipe allows for pipe-foam gaps Cooling Pipe S/Steel 316L see Table (2) 0.22 3.18 o/d Temp dep included. Poss.alternatives: Titanium, 2mm dia. Fluid film CO2 htc = W/m2K Need input 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Attempt to measure change in foam conductivity under force
Heat Tufnol™ frame (2mm thick) Shear force sample Stainless steel finger (30x10x1mm) Force 0/90/0 K13D2U/RS3 face sheet (0.18mm thick) 1 cm2 Pocofoam Block (thickness TBA) Also measuring conductivity as apply a compressive force through sample under test in TIM tower 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Mechanical Mechanical tests on foams in Compression Tension Shear Modulus of skins and sandwiches just started Will use strain gauges Foam core vs. corrugated CFRP core Double cantilever beam tests to look at bond strength to the CFRP skins Sorry no results yet to show. 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Tested using modified Tensile Jig
Using linear variable differential transformer to measure strain 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Pocofoam Results Density gcm-3 Poco08 0.56 Poco09 0.41
Direction Poco 08 Poco 09 Tensile modulus GPa Tensile strength MPa Compressive modulus MPa Compressive strength MPa X 1.1 0.59 146 ± 27 1.55± 0.18 71 ± 14 0.82 ± 0.17 Y 1.3 0.61 119 ± 32 1.53 ± 0.28 64 ± 8.2 0.75 ± 0.13 Z 3.8 2.48 232 ± 42 1.5 ± 0.35 81 ± 27 0.83 ± 0.21 Density gcm-3 Poco Poco 12/09/2010 11th November 2010 LBL Stave Mechanics 19
Poco shear modulus Used non-contact Video method X : 933 ± 32 MPa
Y : 868 ± 25 MPa Z : 1796 ± 121 MPa 11th November 2010
Allcomp foam in compression
Tested foam along three axes Tested between three and four samples for each axes. Mean Min value 11th November 2010 12/09/2010 LBL Stave Mechanics 21
Summary FEA to understand thermal and mechanical aspects of stave
Lots of data for thermal quantities Still a few things to check, including more radiation tests CTE measurements to do Mechanical measurements progressing CFRP and sandwich modulus outstanding Modulus of foams loaded with glue Measurements on materials To check data for FEA Understand radiation effects For QA/QC during production Questions to be addressed New fillers for glue Different foams being investigated Under questions to be addressed More work on understanding correlations between density and thermal and mechanical properties of Pocofoam need to understand the spread better. 22nd April 2010
Back-up slides 11th November 2010
Two methods Line Source Thermal Conductivity Probe method (Liverpool)
TIM tower (Glasgow and QMUL) Measure conductivity between surfaces (as a function of thickness) Line Source Thermal Conductivity Probe method (Liverpool) Transient method Infinite long wire to heat sample surrounding wire Measure sample temperature (R change of heating wire) K = thermal diffusivity Lambda = thermal conductivity
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Results so far SE4486 0.19 Hysol EA9396 1.64 ± 0.13 BN 30% loaded Hysol 1.47 ± 0.08 CGL7018 1.53 ± 0.05 Dow Corning SE4486 0.21 compared with book value of 0.22 Araldite Thermal conductivity compared to theoretical predictions Data prefer A29 indicating BN powder forms long chains enhancing thermal conductivity 22nd April 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
WP7 8/3/2010: impact on runaway power of halving component conductivities. - Baseline Runaway Power from full FEA. - Effect of changing conductance from FEA of initial T and slope of runaway curve + analytic formula. 25% reduction in runaway power if facing Kx halved 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Components involved in lateral (X) conduction (heat flow from nether regions towards the pipe) Layer f(Area) t[mm] K[W/m-K] Conductance (top down) (f × t × K) Asics - Si ~ (but segmented) Hybrid - Cu Sensor Tape (FEA) ~0 Tape (Al) < < 6 CFRP H’comb(FEA) ~0 Ultracore < ? < 6? (pocofoam contact problematic) (not the whole story) 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
FEA: Model CFRP without 90o layer by retaining thickness but K(x,y,z) = (148, 1.3, 294) => (0.87, 1.95, 294) sLHC FEA runaway curves, for 0.3W/Asic Tmax Ttyp Avoid tedious plotting of runaway curve: 2 FEA points: T distribution at Qref = 0, 0.01 Q(runaway) ~ l/slope (l from Analytic model) Model - is based on zero T variation across sensor, so use a typical node (Tmax => runaway ~5% earlier). - tends to underestimate runaway power by 5-10% (but adequate for design purposes) 2-point FEA + analytic. Power at runaway 0.3W/chip 0.15 W/chip Baseline No 90o layer 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
A Design Guideline? WP7 suggestion (last week): “ Optimise (tailor) design for a factor 2 runaway headroom ” In the analytic model, Sensor Temperature rise and Runaway power depend on: R - thermal resistance (sensor-to-fluid, ~ common to hybrid and sensor heat in Stave concept) Tc - fluid temperature (heat sink – fixed T) Qh – hybrid heat …and Eg , taken to be 1.2 eV. SO: Find R for a given design (from quick FEA). Fix runaway power at 2mW/mm2(0C) => Sensor temperature at zero leakage current. (analytic model eqs 18-19) Subtract temperature rise due to hybrid heat (R.Qh) => the corresponding fluid temperature: - Removing the 90o CFRP layer increases the thermal resistance (and dependence on ASIC power) by 50%. - If the ASIC power is small, the increase in R is less important* Caveats: Off-sensor (e.g. DCDC) heat ignored Convection ignored FEA model input imperfect (e.g. glue coverage, K of tape) Formulae slightly pessimistic (5-10% in terms of runaway power). * Beware d.s. interpretation! ABC130?? ABC250 as designed ABC250 actual 11th November 2010 ATLAS upgrade week. R. Bates
Mechanical measurements
Stress/Strain graphs under tensile and compression Use of non-contact Video or LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) to obtain strain Video camera measures strain Load cell Testpiece Linear bearing frame Video camera 2 Testometric Testing machine
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