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Together Everyone Achieves More

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1 Together Everyone Achieves More

2 Welcome to Year 1 Miss Grimaldi Mr Mill Miss Hardwick Mrs Aktaruzzaman

3 School Office School office is cashless. All payments must be made online. We use SchoolComms to text and parents. If you have a smartphone, you can download the School Gateway app from your app store (Android and iPhone) All you need are your address and mobile number that school holds on record for you. Once these details are registered you’ll be given a PIN number to complete your registration. If you have trouble logging in please contact the school office for help.

4 Lunchtime School meals for all Reception and KS1 children are free! KS2 meals are £2.10. Your child simply needs to request a meal at the morning register. Your child can have a school meal every day or on specific days of their choice. Packed lunches must be healthy and follow the school guidelines

5 Parentview Parent View gives you the chance to register what you think about the school. This information is used by the leadership team to inform strategic decisions as well as by Ofsted when they inspect the school. There’s a link on our website. Search ‘Parentview’ in Google or go to Follow the on-screen instructions to enter your address and password . You’ll be sent an with a link to activate your login. Log-in and answer 12 simple questions.

6 Curriculum The different National Curriculum subjects are taught through a chosen theme Children are set learning challenges in the form of open, exciting, questions – What number would Charlie the crocodile rather eat? We are aware of the danger of 'tenuous' links and ensure that English and maths - whilst sometimes present in themed work - are also taught daily as separate subjects Similarly, other subjects such as P.E. and computing are taught separately as well as within themes

7 Enriching the curriculum
Our aim is that our children experience fun, interesting, exciting learning, focused around a variety of practical activities with tangible outcomes. A broad and balanced curriculum Creating a buzz and an excitement around learning

8 Imagineering People Place Problem ‘Imagineering is letting your imagination soar and then engineering it down to earth. For example, the problem is the Glass Elevator has been destroyed, who destroyed it? Why? Where did it happen?

9 Encouraging children to take risks
We do not shy away from risk and actively encourage our children to experience more dangerous activities, such as fire building and tree climbing, in an environment that can support them to do so as safely as possible.

10 Half termly topic web overview

11 See handouts for information on key learning and on the website
Core learning See handouts for information on key learning and on the website

12 End of Key stage Assessment
Assessments will take place in the month of June. It is critical that all children are in school for the assessment week and the weeks leading up to it. No holidays should be planned for this period. There will be a phonics screening check, where your child will be assessed on their reading skills. More details will follow at a later date.

13 Preview home learning Learning in any subject can be significantly enhanced by pupils undertaking work out of lesson time. Pre teaching home learning - Research into pre teaching shows that previewing work can double the rate of pupil progress. The idea behind the weekly pre teaching homework is that through familiarisation, talking about and practicing things at home, will enable a child to have a far higher rate of success when they come to visit a subject or task in class. Preview home learning tasks are things that you can do together with your child to give them a higher chance of succeeding in the week ahead. Homework can be a difficult and controversial issue at school and at home. It can become unhelpful to the learning process, particularly, where it is viewed by pupils as a chore or even a form of punishment. Some parents prefer homework to consist of formal pages of maths and English. By visiting the ‘Learning Zone’ section of the school website you can find many of these sorts of tasks as well as numerous other enjoyable educational sites and games.

14 Behaviour for learning
The more we know about your children, the more we can use that information to motivate and better engage them in class We are trying to instil self-motivation to want to learn in all our children We can do this best with your help. If your child has any success to celebrate outside school, let us know so we can celebrate them in school

15 School hours It is very important that your child arrives and is collected on time. 8.45am pm There is no outside supervision before 8.45 If your child is late for any reason and arrives after 8.55, the classroom door will be closed and you must take them to the school office to be registered. They will receive a late sticker which will be stuck in their link book

16 Attendance and holidays
As parents, please help us by: Ensuring your child arrives on time Ensuring your child is properly dressed in the correct uniform Encouraging good behaviour Notifying us if your child is ill Avoiding appointments in school time Not taking holidays in term-time

17 Uniform Children must have PE kits in school at all times. They should have a PE T shirt in house colours with black shorts. See school website for details. Plain black joggers or plain black sweat shirts may also be worn. Earrings should be removed for all P.E lessons. Black school style shoes

All children and staff belong to a house House points are collected and celebrated weekly in assembly

19 Link books The link book is designed to improve communication between home and school. It is used to record the class timetable and your child’s daily reading. It should also include useful reminders, such as PE kit prompts or late arrival notices. Parents are encouraged to use this book to comment upon their child’s homework, reading or anything else you would like the class teacher to know. A member of the class team will check this book weekly, so will be aware of any comments made, how frequently your child is reading and if reading books need changing. We can also be contacted via on (Lemon Class Teacher) (Lime Class Teacher)

20 Reward & sanctions Rewards Sanctions House Points
Showing teachers work Certificates Star of the week Headteacher Award Golden Time Sanctions Missing break time Behaviour ladder Sent to another teacher Reflection Parents informed

21 Questions ?

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