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Michael L. Parchman, MD, MPH

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1 Michael L. Parchman, MD, MPH
STAR Net Is the Structure of Primary Care Clinics Associated with A1c? A STARNet Study Michael L. Parchman, MD, MPH Raquel L. Romero, MD Jacqueline A. Pugh, MD

2 Type 2 Diabetes and Glucose
Intensity of Therapy Self-care behaviors Diet Exercise SMBG Med Adherence

3 The Chronic Care Model (CCM)

4 Objective To determine if strength of the CCM in small autonomous primary care clinics is associated with A1c control after controlling for patient self-care behaviors

5 Methods 20 Primary Care Clinics
South Texas Ambulatory Research Network (STARNet) “Snowball” recruitment Diversity Solo (single-handed) practices (n=11) Group practices (n=3, physicians=10) Community Health Center (n=1; physician=1) VA Primary Care clinics (n=2; physicians=11) City/county health clinics (n=3; physicians =12)

6 Methods 30-32 consecutive adult patients presenting with an established dx of type 2 DM Data collection Patient survey (demographics, self-care behaviors) Chart Abstraction (up to 5 most recent values) Clinician survey (Assessing Chronic Illness Care, ACIC, Survey)

7 Self Care Behaviors “I have followed my diet as instructed…”
No, and I do not intend to No, and I do not intend to for the next 6 months No, but I plan to within the next 6 months Yes, but for less than the past 6 months Yes, for more than the last 6 months

8 ACIC Survey A validated measure of the presence of the elements of the CCM in primary care settings (Bonomi AE, HSR 2002) Scale for each item 0 to 11 0-2 “limited support” 3-5 “basic support” 6-8 “good support” 9-11 “fully developed support”

9 HLM Level-1: repeated measure of A1c within patient
Level-2: patient characteristics and self-care behaviors Level-3: ACIC survey score for each clinic

10 Results Mean (SD) or % (n=618) Age 58.6 (12.9) %Male 51.5 %Hispanic
57.3 %Maintenance Stage of Change Diet Exercise SMBG Meds 46 45 85 61 Most recent A1c 7.7(2.1) ACIC (possible range 0 to 11) 6.3 (1.7)

11 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Age -0.018 (0.004) <.001 -0.014 -0.013 <0.001 Male -0.212 (0.086) 0.014 -0.235 (0.087) 0.007 -0.192 (0.088) 0.030 Hispanic 0.714 0.677 0.659 Diet -0.383 (0.098) -0.403 Exercise 0.0189 (0.097) 0.846 0.050 0.612 SMBG -0.017 (0.101) 0.865 0.864 Med adhere -0.285 (0.153 ) 0.062 -0.300 (0.152) 0.049 ACIC Score -0.073 (0.025) 0.004

12 Results For every 1 point increase in ACIC score, 0.07 decrease in A1c. If a clinic were to move from “limited” to “fully supported” may require as much as a 6 point increase in ACIC score Such and increase would be associated with a decrease in A1c of 0.42, similar to decreases seen when adding additional class of oral meds such as TZD.

13 What about Elements of the CCM? Top 5 Clinics: A1c Values
Clinic A Clinic B Clinic C Clinic D Clinic E Delivery System Community Linkage Decision Support Organization Support Self-manage support Clinical Info Support

14 Conclusions As seen through the “lens” of the CCM, the “structure” of the primary care clinic is associated with A1c control If primary care clinics are “complex adaptive systems” then elements of the CCM may be part of their internal “fitness landscape” Effective and efficient methods for helping clinics implement elements of the CCM model are needed

15 Acknowledgments Funding for this study was provided by AHRQ, Grant # K08 HS ; HRSA Grant # 5D12HP ; and the South Texas Health Research Center. Special thanks to the physicians and office staff of the South Texas Ambulatory Research Network (STARNet) Contact

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