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Presentation on theme: "Nutrients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrients

2 Carbohydrates Main source of energy from food Funtion 2 2 types:
Complex (starches) Simple (sugars) Should make up 60% of diet Body breaks down into simple sugars

3 Fat Is a component in food Important part of healthy diet
Dietary fat helps a kid grow Saturated fats found in meat other animal products Unsaturated fat found in fish&plant food Trans fat found in margarine

4 Proteins Protein builds up in your stomach
Muscles organs immune system made up of protein Proteins used to build cardiac muscle Proteins moves your body Kids need 0.5 grams of protein per day Adults need 60 grams per day Proteins needs grow as you get bigger

5 Fibre Cleans out intestines Keeps digestive system healthy
Speeds up process of waste from body Passes through the body unchanged Soluble fibre absorbs water in the intestines Getting not enough fibre can cause stomach problems Fibre prevents constipation

6 Vitamins Found in foods we eat Body needs them to work properly
Vitamin D in milk helps bones Vitamin A in carrots helps you see at night Vitamin C in oranges helps your body heal Vitamins stored in fat tissue Carriers in body take them where needed

7 Dietary Helps body grow and develop Some minerals help hormones
Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth Dairy products are very rich in calcium Body needs iron to transport oxygen Potassium keeps muscles and nervous system working Zinc helps your immune system

8 Water Without water body wouldn’t work
Fluid apart of your immune system Kids should have 6 glasses per day Adults should have 8 glasses per day More than half body weight is water Each cell depends on water to function to digest food & get rid of waste

9 Bibliography

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