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Atmospheric Dispersion Group, Met Office

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1 Atmospheric Dispersion Group, Met Office
Andrew Jones DAPPLE Meeting, 9th December 2002

2 Urban Meteorology and Dispersion
Met Office involvement in a number of projects: COST 715 (Meteorology applied to urban pollution problems), Doug Middleton ISB 51 (Urban Lidar Project), Doug Middleton Birmingham (urban meteorology experiments), Nikki Morrison, Doug Middleton, MRU Cardington

3 Some thoughts on Met Office collaboration in the DAPPLE project
Air mass back-trajectories/source-attributions (e.g. ambient background concentrations) Weather forecasts and charts AMDAR data from Heathrow aircraft (profiles) High-resolution numerical modelling (1km mesoscale model - JCMM, Reading)

4 Example AMDAR vertical profile

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