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Classroom Management CLPL November 18 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Management CLPL November 18 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Management CLPL November

2 Classroom Management CLPL November




6 Sharing your experiences

7 Think, pair, share

8 Two main categories

9 Co-operative learning


11 Teaching Approaches Active Learning Co-operative Learning Assessment is for Learning (AifL)

12 The best way to learn about anything is by doing!
Richard Branson









21 When the pupil does X I will do Y

22 How can I create a classroom where these things don’t happen?

23 How does it fit in with previous or future learning ?
Decide: What are we going to do? Why are we doing it? How does it fit in with previous or future learning ?

24 This will mean… You build on what you did in the lesson/s before
Or find out what they know if this is your first lesson with the class What do you know about China? What would you like to know? How would you like to do that?

25 Vary the classroom experiences

26 Yes, but will they behave?

27 Beginnings and Endings
Memory hooks Positive emotional energy means you will remember it Brain needs to organise and map things Clear, direct ,simple Enthusiastic Snowball technique 5-5,10-10,15-15,20-20 Ask for Five!

28 Useful points which creative teachers display
Manage the physical setting – room layout Resources – ball, music, paper, clothes to dress up, computer, pens, books, etc. (Variety!) Manage the social structure- groups, learning styles, etc. Effective simple starter routines - ball, soft toy, music. Appropriate pace and challenge

29 A positive, purposeful atmosphere!
Classroom Climate A positive, purposeful atmosphere!



32 60 years of study has shown
When the teacher uses activities where the pupils want to join in and want to work together, there is less aggression. Establishes clear boundaries When the teacher is laid back, is not clear what he wants to teach or how, behaviour becomes more difficult. Is not clear what is acceptable or not.

33 Two steps forward, one step….

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