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DATEX II Roadmap to 2020 …...

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1 DATEX II Roadmap to 2020 …..

2 Activity 1 User Support 1 USER SUPPORT 1.1 User guides
development of user guides supporting EU regulations development of user guides supporting user needs 1.2 Support EU funded deployment projects development and maintenance DII parts in Deployment guidelines 1.3 DATEX II Academy (knowledge dissimination) development of training and instruction sets provission of training and instructions 1.4 DATEX II RAV Centre (Reference Advice Validation) provision of implementation advices based on DG's provision of compliancy checks/validations + improvements Helpdesk Collecting issues and requirements 1.5 Bi annual userforum 1.6 Newsletters 

3 DATEX II Academy In the DATEX II Academy we will develop and provide documentation and training materials to the community on how to implement DATEX II. We will: develop and publish online instruction video’s, organise webinars offer the developed documentation and training materials in a structured way in relation to the requirements coming from the EU regulations. On site training will be offered as well, mainly for (groups) of member states, due to limited resources in our programme. Experts from the DATEX II Academy can always be hired.

4 DATEX II RAV Centre (Reference Advice and Validation)
Implementators in the member states will get access to the DATEX II centre for Reference, advice and Validation. This centre provides: A helpdesk for questions and problems regarding the use of DATEX II Will provide on how to deal with DATEX II in difficult situations Implementers can ask the RAV Centre to validate the DATEX II publications they generate. Advice and recommendations for improvement will be provided RAV Centre does NOT provide: certification (that is simply not possible with the available budget. Certification requires much more testing of the systems developped than we can provide) Advice on how a MS should develop systems to comply with the EU regulations. We limit ourselves to the output of the syst

5 Media Newletter Forum LinkedIn

6 Activity 2 DATA Profiles
2.1 Development of data profiles supporting EU regulations supporting corridor projects 2.2 Data profiles supporting documentation 2.3 "standardisation" of EU data profiles

7 Activity 3 Enhanced location referencing
3.1 Improvement of Location Referencing in multiple systems 3.2 Harmonisation with Inspire in Location Referencing 3.3 Harmonisation with Inspire in semi static information domain

8 Activity 4 Integrating the urban Dimension
4.1 Traffic management 4.2 optimise location refencing for urban requirements (in cooperation with A3) 4.3 Urban logistics 4.4 alignment to enable multi modal information services 4.5 Liaison with domain stakeholder community


10 Activity 5 Exchange and CIS
EXCHANGE AND COLLABORATING ITS SERVICES 5.1 Development of PIM's and PSM's 5.2 Collaborating ITS Services

11 Activity 6 Enhanced usability
Enhanced usability of DATEX II 6.1 Requirement collection for enhanced usability of DATEX II (information/data model and exchange) 6.2 Support of Open DATA by DATEX II light 6.3 Submodels and standardised profiles 6.4 Requirements and impact analysis ASN.1 support

12 Activity 7 C-ITS harmonisation
7.1 Incorporate C-ITS requirements in DII specifications 7.2 Continuous liaison with C-ITS community

13 Activity 8 Maintenance and input to standardisation
8.1 Annual release for bugfixing and new extentions 8.2 Major releases according to CEN revision schema 8.3 Continuous maintenance of non CEN documentation 8.4 Issue resolution 8.5 Coninuous operational liaison with TISA/Inspire etc…

14 CEN Revision roadmap

15 Should I upgrade? Why and when
If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it! Major release step If you have significantly invested in a service based on a DATEX release, plan your migration carefully – the current version will still be around and supported for many years (at least 3 years. But no new features!) So, when should I expect DATEX II v3? By the end of 2017, and formal CEN standard 2018 DATEX II v2 likely to be in use far into the next decade

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