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Importance Of Distilled Water by Ahmer Khan

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1 Importance Of Distilled Water by Ahmer Khan
The Importance of Distilled Water Siemens Student Award 2011

2 Only oxygen is more essential than water in sustaining the life of all living organisms
Human beings can live for several weeks without proteins, carbohydrates, and fats but just a few days without water. Experts agree that in order to maintain optimum health one needs to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day

3 Most people get their water from the household tap
Most people get their water from the household tap. This water originates from lakes, rivers, streams, and underground sources Our tap water is treated only to minimum standards, by sedimentation, filtration, chemical conditioning and disinfection with chlorine. The toxic metals, pesticides, industrial chemical,... the 50 or so chemicals used in the water treatment are present in the already treated water, along with the dead bacteria killed by the chlorine

4  In distillation, water is boiled and becomes steam
Steam that rises and leaves virtually all contaminants behind in the boiling chamber Steam is then collected and condensed into pure, clean distilled water Because of the heat involved in the process of creating steam, all forms of bacteria and all water borne diseases are destroyed

5 Dr. Andrew Weil, Natural Health, Natural Medicine)
The heart, blood, and kidneys are a single functional unit the constantly cleanses and purifies itself, removing all the toxic wastes of metabolism good quality steam distilled water enters the body, it has the ability to pick-up mineral deposits accumulated in cells, joints, artery walls, carry them out Gallstones and kidney stones then decrease, and it also lessen arthritic pain as joints become more supple and movable

6 There are two forms of minerals, organic and inorganic
There are two forms of minerals, organic and inorganic. Inorganic minerals refers to non-vegetable or non-animal matter, i.e. not living These components are non-living, our bodies can no make use of these minerals and our cells reject them. Organic minerals on the other hand are living, and are found in vegetables, fruit, seeds, grains, meats, and nuts which form our daily diet Body continually assimilates the much needed minerals from the food we eat

7 If you rely on water a source of your required minerals, you are sadly lacking
It is the greatest tool in the world for cleaning out the bloodstream, which is the only function water really wash out, cleanse and purify the bloodstream It is also one of the best ways there is for reducing blood pressure

8 It has also been known to reduce: cholesterol and triglycerides
Reducing arthritic pain

9 There are rules of thumb on how much water to drink.
The rule of thumb on a normal day is one half your body weight in ounces per day. To give you an example of what this means, if you are a man and you weigh 200 pounds, you should be drinking a minimum of 100 ounces of distilled water throughout the day

10 There is an interesting side note for people that like to study
There is an interesting side note for people that like to study. Job, which is the oldest book of the bible. It is in the 36th chapter: said God took up the water, distilled it, and poured it out abundantly on man The logical argument is who knows better what we need than the creator, and he gave us distilled water.

11 Don’t take unnecessary risks, Drink Healthy, Drink Distilled
Don’t take unnecessary risks, Drink Healthy, Drink Distilled. To be Sure, several drinks of local tap water will not kill you, but common sense will tell you that your body cannot function and survive with daily ingestion of poison


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