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Classroom Rules and Procedures

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1 Classroom Rules and Procedures
Miss Bonner's Classroom Procedures Classroom Rules and Procedures Honors World History and Standard World History Miss Bonner’s Classroom West Johnston High School Benson, North Carolina Room


3 Where Do I Sit?

4 Where Do I Sit? 6 What Middle School did you attend? Smith, Robert
__________________________________________________________ Age Homeroom- (Room number and teacher name) Home Address Home phone number Parent’s names Parent’s Cell Phone Numbers (If you know them) Your address Hobbies/ Activities/Sports What is your favorite class? What is your least favorite class? What do you like most about history? What do you like least about history? What type of history did you take last year? (US, World, etc.) What Middle School did you attend? 6

5 What Will We Be Doing This Year?

6 What are the Rules in this Classroom?
1. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. This includes those given by me, administrators, and staff. Please ask me for help on something you don't understand. I won't do your work for you but we're in this together-- Teacher, Student and Parent. I'll do my best to be clear and concise, but you must PAY ATTENTION. 2. COME TO CLASS ON TIME, PREPARED WITH ALL REQUIRED MATERIAL. Always assume that you need your textbook, pen, pencil, paper and notebook despite any special period. ** Be in your seat before the bell rings. This means book bags off desks, book out ready to work. Being late can hurt you grade. 3. TURN IN YOUR ASSIGNMENTS ON TIME. It is your responsibility to keep up with your work. Grades can drop 5-10 points for everyday late 4. ALLOW STUDENTS TO LEARN AND TEACHERS TO TEACH. I'll treat you with respect and consideration and it's expected that you will treat peers and adults in a courteous and respectful manner. Adopt an attitude of a scholar. This classroom is ours, not mine or yours. 5. KEEP THE CLASSROOM (and desks) CLEAN. Before leaving class check your area. Pick up paper and return furniture to its original place unless otherwise instructed. Put trash in the trash can. 6. ETHICAL BEHAVIOR. Do your own work. Work that has been copied from others or plagiarized will not be accepted. **** Cheating on tests will result in a zero on that test and parental contact.

7 Interactive History Notebook:
How Will I Be Graded? Your grades in World History are based on percentages. Nine Weeks Grade 30% Notebook and Classwork 30% Tests 20% Quizzes- Include but not limited to Content and/or Vocabulary Quizzes. 20% Homework Your Final Grade 40% 1st Nine Weeks 40% 2nd Nine Weeks 20% Final Exam* *Percentage may change, per North Carolina Department of Public Instruction mandate. Interactive History Notebook: Activities completed in the Interactive History Notebook Quizzes: Vocabulary Quizzes Content Quizzes Homework: Moodle Work Other Assigned Work Tests: Every Friday Online through Moodle Be Organized: It is your responsibility to keep up with missing assignments and turn them in. Work turned in late will lose points. Any assignment that is missing goes into the gradebook as a 1, which means it can be made up, but if it is not made up the grade will stand. Please see syllabus for specific criteria

8 Absences: Be Here: More than four absences in a term = 69 for the term. More than eight absences in a semester = 69 for the class. Be Punctual: In my classroom, on time means you are in your desk when the bell rings. Anywhere else, you are late. Every 2 tardies is one absence, and 4 tardies earns a referral to administration.

9 What Materials/Supplies Do I Need For This Class?
A full size spiral bound college ruled five subject notebook. 2. A sturdy two pocket folder 3. A black or blue pen only (colored inks like pink, purple, etc. are not acceptable.) 4. A #2 pencil 5. A highlighter 6. Glue Stick/Clear Tape (optional, but helpful)

10 What Materials/Supplies Do I Need For This Class?

11 Your Interactive History Notebook
For this class you are required to keep an Interactive History Notebook. Your notebook will be organized by themes and curriculum based activities- such as notes, analyzing primary sources, graphic organizers, etc. These are the themes we will be using in Standard World History: S.P.E.C.- Social- Political- Economic- Cultural S.P.E.E.C.H- Social- Political- Economic- Environmental- Cultural- History (Impact on) More details regarding the notebook will be explained as we get further into the first weeks of school.

12 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Do Now- Monday Morning Quarterback Data Review- How Did you Do? S.P.E.C/ S.P.E.E.C.H Unit Map Introduce Unit/ Part I of Unit- Notes/ assorted curriculum based activities. HW: Unit Vocabulary due on Tuesday. Moodle Quizzes due by midnight on Thursday. Unit Test on Friday Do Now Check and Review Unit Vocabulary Part II of Unit- Notes/ assorted curriculum based activities. HW: Vocabulary or content quiz on Wednesday- Study! Important People List due Thursday Vocabulary or content quiz Part III of Unit- Notes/ assorted curriculum based activities. HW: Important People List due Thursday STEM Question of the Week due Friday. Check and review Important People List Part IV of Unit- HW: Unit Test on Friday STEM Question of the Week Due Friday Moodle Quizzes due by midnight tonight Do Now- Cell Phones and bags in the front of the room. Check and Review STEM Questions of the Week. Unit Test on Moodle Pre-Assessment for new unit on Moodle Weekly Unit Top 5 Activity New unit vocabulary due on Tuesday New Unit Moodle Quizzes due by midnight this coming Thursday.

13 When You Need Help or Conferencing
Miss Bonner’s Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-3:00 P.M. Mornings by appointment address: School Phone: (919)

14 Follow directions the first time they are given
Classroom Guidelines Guideline #1 Be in your assigned seat and working on the assigned Do Now when the tardy bell rings. Guideline #2 Bring ALL books and materials to class and take them with you when you leave. Guideline #3 Follow directions the first time they are given Guideline #4 Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity

15 Special Guideline Guideline #5
Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the West Johnston Student Handbook Special Guideline This classroom is a “No Whining Zone”. That means that there will be no whining, for ANY reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest, so please…respect the “No Whining Zone” this year.

16 Guideline Infraction Notice
Read it Sign it Keep it till the end of the class Issuing of the infraction will affect your success in class. Guideline Infraction Notice Please: ____Correct your behavior ____and/ or return to task SEE ME AFTER CLASS! Signature: __________________ Date: ____________ Offense: ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Conference Result: _____________________________________________

17 Following the Rules and Guidelines
Will Result In: Verbal Acknowledgement A Stress free learning environment A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere Not Following the Guidelines will result in: 1st – A Verbal Warning and Documentation 2nd – Action Plan, Parental Contact, A 30 Minute After-School Detention Fridays Only! 3rd – Disciplinary Referral

18 Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be written up IMMEDIATELY.

19 Entering the Classroom
Classroom Procedures Entering the Classroom Please enter quietly Have a seat Take out your materials Review the daily objectives Begin the Do Now assignment

20 When You Are Tardy You are considered tardy when you enter the classroom after the final bell has rung Please see below for the procedures you need to follow: Tardy With a pass: Come in quietly. Put your pass in the box on my desk. sit down copy objectives and get any notes etc. from your neighbor. If you need extra handouts go to the extra box for your class and take copies for yourself. Tardy Without a Pass: Come in quietly. Fill out a Guideline Infraction Notice. When completed place it in the tray on my desk. Then sit down copy the objectives. *Remember to leave space in your notebook for the Do NOW and notes.

21 Coming to Attention I Will: Stand in front of the class Raise my hand
Wait for everyone to be quiet Begin speaking

22 When You Are Absent Excused Absence:
Go to the Homework Center by the bulletin board Check the binder for what we did in class. Then, if you need to find your classes pouch labeled with the day of your absence to retrieve your handouts etc. Have a Seat Get any notes etc. from your neighbor/Homework Buddy. No make-up work for unexcused absences

23 Student Responsibility Report
This is for students who do not have the assigned homework, paper etc. Fill it out Sign and date it Turn it in at end of class. Not doing your work will affect your final grade. *Issuing of the infraction will also affect your grade.* Student Responsibility Report Check all that apply to you: ______I do not have materials in class today: Circle: Pen/Pencil, Book, Notebook, Paper, Other ______I did not have the Assigned Homework ______I did the homework but did not have it in class ______I did not return assigned materials (ex: Reports/Projects) EXCUSES: Check all that apply to you ______I did not have the appropriate materials at home ______I forgot ______I was too sick to do my homework ______I was absent and did not get the assignment ______Other- explain in detail: ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________ Date _____________

24 When You Finish Early Review your vocabulary words.
Start working on tonight’s homework. Read (or reread) the chapter we are currently working on. You may not work on other classes work in my classroom. If I see it I will take it and keep it! I will also inform your other teacher that you were doing their work in my class.

25 Turning in Papers Always pass papers the following way-
(Pass to the left-side if you are by the Dry-erase board) (Pass to the right-side if you are by the long bulletin boards) If/when you receive a paper, place yours on top and continue passing the stack. Place your papers in a neat pile on the front on the desk. I will come by and collect all stacks.

26 Participating in Class Discussions
PLEASE participate I want to hear what you have to say. Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion. If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later. PLEASE participate I want to hear what you have to say If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.

27 Moving Around the Room Hall Pass Procedures
You must ask permission Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency Hall Pass Procedures If you need to leave class for any reason (bathroom, nurse, etc.) You must do the following: Be given permission by the teacher Sign out in the log (Grey sheet) Take a hall pass and quietly leave the room.

28 End of Period Class Dismissal
Students will remain seated until the end of class. The bell does not dismiss you the teacher does. I will let you go with the phrase “Have a nice day”.

29 Cell Phones and other Electronics
We use technology all the time in the classroom. What not to do with your electronic device in class: - text/communicate/post on social media - take photos that are not directly related to your class objective [example of allowable use: dissection image for reference for practical test] - listen to music - check facebook/ instagram/ twitter/ etc - pretend you're invisible and I can't see you texting under the desk/ in your bag/ behind your book If you have an electronic device out [even if you're not actively using it], it will be taken up. It will be taken to the front office for pickup. - 1st offense- pick up at end of day - 2nd offense- parent must pick up at end of day - 3rd offense- parent must pick up at a later time

30 Procedures to Teach Later
Fire Drill/ Lockdown Testing Procedures Media Center/Tech Room Changing Rooms Sudden Illness Walking in the Hall Substitute Teacher Etc….. Remember… I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it too! Have an awesome year! Miss Bonner

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