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How does FDR try to fix the problems caused by Depression?

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1 How does FDR try to fix the problems caused by Depression?
The Second New Deal How does FDR try to fix the problems caused by Depression?

2 1936 Election First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt travels the country, tells FDR country still needs more reforms (esp for women & minorities) FDR wins in landslide, incl. 1st time majority of Af-Americans & unions back a Democrat


4 Second New Deal : Social Security
■ 1935: Social Security Act (SSA) starts Second New Deal 1) Old-Age Insurance: 65 Years+: employee & employer pay tax that goes into retirement plan 2) Unemployment Insurance: employees could draw from this if out of work due to layoffs

5 Second New Deal: Unemployment Relief
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 1935 (replaces PWA) 1. $11 billion to build airports, roads & public buildings 2. Federal Arts Project gave work to writers & artists 3. NYA (National Youth Admin) for education & training for teens

6 Second New Deal: Labor Reform
Supreme Court ruled NIRA unconstitutional, FDR creates: 1)Wagner Act, 1936 Creates NLRB (Natl. Labor Relations Board), regulates unfair business practices 2)Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938 44 hour work week, 25 cents/hr, minimum wage New rules for labor under 18

7 Discuss: What is cartoonist opinion of FDR’s court-packing plan?
End of the New Deal? FDR upset Sup. Court struck down NIRA & AAA - tries to increase # on Sup. Court, to “pack court” with his nominees, Congress says “NO” need separation of powers By 1937, most Americans convinced GD was over  Congress asks FDR to scale back/end some programs - when he does production drops, unemployment rises Discuss: What is cartoonist opinion of FDR’s court-packing plan?

8 End of the New Deal FDR tries to change rules for appointing new SC justices - abusing power  sep. of powers? Congress did not grant request - accused of court packing [7 new judges during tenure]




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