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The History Boys L.O: To evaluate the different types of teachers portrayed in the play.

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Presentation on theme: "The History Boys L.O: To evaluate the different types of teachers portrayed in the play."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History Boys L.O: To evaluate the different types of teachers portrayed in the play.

2 Starter What makes a good teacher?
Sort the statements into three groups. Good teacher - Bad Teacher - Unsure Rank them in order of importance.

3 What’s your opinion of Hector, Mrs Lintott and Irwin.
Reorganise your statements in relation to the three characters and the type of teacher they are.

4 Hector Hector: ...‘All knowledge is precious, whether or not it serves the slightest human use’. (4-7) Hector: … proudly jingling your A Levels, those longed-for emblems of your conformity, you have come before me once again to resume your education... A Levels... are credentials, qualifications, the footings of your CV. Your Cheat’s Visa. (4) Akthar: It’s just the knowledge, sir. Timms: The pursuit of it for its own sake, sir. Headmaster: Mr Hector has an old-fashioned faith in the redemptive power of words. (49) Hector never bothered with what he was educating those boys for’ (107) Mrs Lintott: Forgive Hector. He is trying to be the kind of teacher pupils will remember. Someone they will look back on. ‘It’s to make us more rounded human beings’ (38)

5 Irwin Irwin: The wrong end of the stick is the right one. A question has a front door and a back door. Go in the back, or better still, the side... Flee the crowd... History nowadays is not a matter of conviction. It’s a performance. It’s entertainment. And if it isn’t, make it so. (38) ‘…truth is no more at issue in an examination than thirst at a wine-tasting or fashion at a striptease.’ (26) ‘Education isn’t something for when they’re old and grey and sitting by the fire. It’s for now. The exam is next month.’ (49) Dakin: Like Mr Hector’s lessons then, sir. They’re a waste of time, too. Irwin: Yes, you little smart arse, but he’s not trying to get you through an exam. (38) ‘I sympathise with your feelings about examinations, but they are a fact of life (48)

6 Mrs Lintott They know their stuff. Plainly stated and properly organised facts need no presentation, surely (8-10) ‘One of the hardest things for boys to learn is that a teacher is human. One of the hardest things for a teacher to learn is not to try and tell them’ (42) ‘Their A levels are very good. And that is thanks to you’ (8) ‘You’ve force-fed us the facts; now we’re in the process of running around acquiring flavour.’ (33)

7 Review… Write a PEE paragraph describing what kind of teacher each of the characters are.

8 Homework Find definitions for all the vocabulary words on the sheet.
Friday 15th

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