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The Pre-Physical Therapy Club

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1 The Pre-Physical Therapy Club
April 13th, 2017

2 Student Organization Awards Ceremony
When: Next Tuesday, April 18th Time: 5:00 P.M. Free Admission (Ticket required) Available at the Student Service Center in the Memorial Union Refreshments and “hors d’oeuvres” provided What for? Our club was encouraged to have the president nominate members for awards, based on participation, diversity, leadership, outstanding talents, academic excellence, and more. Club as a whole was also encouraged to submit a packet for nominations Could win Most Improved Student Organization Anyone interested in attending?

3 Volunteer Opportunity: Tiger Pals
Help students with disabilities with physical therapy exercises Gain experience Help others in need Looks great on resumes Interested? Contact Justin Montney or Keshawn Sewell Justin’s Keshawn’s Or me and I will forward the

4 WSU TRIP Facts about Acceptance (Higher Your Chance)
WSU Accepts 40 students a year Acceptance based on a “points system” Look at last 60 credit hours and math and science GPA, job shadowing, volunteering, research, work history, experience. Grades average on retaking courses GRE minimum of 290 Not every school’s “point system” is going to be the same as WSU’s (job shadowing difference example) Good bonding experience! Explained financial opportunities and costs FAFSA—unsubsidized loan only ($20,000) Explain in detail the average yearly expenses 3 Years of Schooling for WSU Start in the summer after you’re accepted 2 years of classes, then one year of clinicals Application Process 2 Separate Applications One for WSU Grad. School One for WSU PT School Different for every school (deadlines, costs, etc. can all be found on PTCAS)

5 WSU TRIP WSU Physical Therapy Students Q&A Session Continued. GRE
Everyone agreed that the vocab. section is the most difficult Science—similar to ACT: more interpretation than terminology Math—Look over basic calculations and formulas Writing—prep. By talking to English professors Daily Lives of a PT Student Class is 4 days a week (YAY 3 DAY WEEKENDS) Longer days with classes, but necessary to focus more on education than social life, volunteering, working, etc. Expenses and Loans are Manageable Continued. Interviews Research the school’s program—ask you why you picked this school specifically, but don’t want to hear, “Uh.. Because it’s close to home or instate tuition.” Pretend you’re interviewing them to stay calm You really never know! Curveball Questions: Drawing example Talked about how it’s okay to time off after bachelor’s degree before applying or to not get accepted your first time! Gain experience and earn money Get a little “bonus point” for applying again

6 WSU TRIP Overall Cost for the Information Session per Student: ~ $15-20 for food and gas WSU PT Student Q&A Session—Most Helpful and Beneficial Definitely worth it! If you want to take a trip on your own, go to To members who attended, we WILL get reimbursed soon!

7 Membership Fees Puts money into our account, which gives us more access to other opportunities Rent FHSU vehicle Confirms we actually have an account Helps us when it comes to allocation and appropriation applications Keep it small ($5?) Could use later on for things like discounts off club shirts, bringing food to club meetings, etc.

8 Fundraisers Benefits Ideas Any other ideas??
Selling breakfast burritos one morning Super easy to make Make lots of money in short amount of time Selling holiday goodies Variety (cookies, brownies, family tradition treats, decorations, etc.) Multiple occasions Selling food for Oktoberfest TONS of people (may I add, tons of DRUNK hungry people) Could be only fundraiser due to high income Any other ideas?? Could get us free t-shirts, maybe even hoodies? Cover our costs for our annual trip prior to traveling Bring free food for members to meetings Help pay for items at Back-To-School Picnic Candy School supplies Table cloth/Banner Could possibly pay for professional development reasons? GRE/Application costs Leadership Courses/Opportunities Anything that could benefit your resume

9 Any other suggestions for improvements for the club?
Meeting Times and Dates Twice a month? Different day of the week? Any ideas for activities for the club to participate in? Guest speakers? Food? (Is this even an actual question?)

10 Officer Position Elections
Vice President? Treasurer? Secretary: Makayla Unruh Committee Members Community Service Committee Chair Activities/Fundraisers Committee Chair Publicity Committee Chair Membership Committee Chair

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