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Published byBaldric Blaze Cobb Modified over 6 years ago
WP1.1 SWOT analysis of AS innovation ecosystem to understand the conditions to implement DT
Interreg Alpine Space – DesAlps 1st Steering Committee – 08/06/2017
Start date: 01/12/2016 End date: 31/03/2017 Partners involved: PP2, PP3, PP4, PP5, PP8 and PP10 (task leader: PP8) Deliverable D.T1.1.1: SWOT analysis of AS innovation ecosystem to understand the main barriers to implement DT PROPOSED METHODOLOGY State of the art for each regional (NUTS 2) territory (by PP) on Innovation & DT Regional frameworks (S3, Smart Specialization Strategy) and/or fundings, tools, services… Innovative initiatives Involved actors (stakeholders, operators & beneficiaries) Best practices Online survey (using SPHINX): Targets: local authorities, clusters, universities, innovation actors… To identify pros, cons, barriers, opportunities and possible synergies to enhance DT implementation in innovation strategies NB : questions to be validated upon a proposal from PP8 & PP7 SWOT and strategic analysis report Interreg Alpine Space – DesAlps 1st Steering Committee – 08/06/2017
Online Questionnaire Analysis
First information about the sample; 46 answers from : The questionnaire has been filled up 46 times, mostly by organisations in charge of RDI project support and Business and Entrepreneurship Centers. Somes organisations selected several answers that’s why the total exceeds 100%. We decided to focus the analysis on their experience and relationship with DT.
Online Questionnaire Analysis
Pretty aware on Design Thinking methods/tools : But with few visibility on Design operators available in the region: 2 thirds of the answering organisations estimate to be aware on DT methods & tools. But only fifteen % declare to have a good visibility on other DT actors & resources in their own region.
Online Questionnaire Analysis
…Not totally confident in using or providing such service with Design Thinking methods/tools on a regular basis… And only 40% are using or providing DT related services on a regular basis to their clients.
Online Questionnaire Analysis
And wish to be contacted by DESALPS Project partners to get more about Design Thinking… And those organisations are « on demand » about DT; they are ready to be contacted by project partners to get support on DT
Online Questionnaire Analysis
Design Thinking methods/tools Knowledge according to Organization type. 68% YES – 32% NO Done by Organization Type…Not relevant to do this according to countries location or organisation size/number of client supported. On this slide, we cross the knowledge of DT according to organisation type. Global result is pretty good, and BIC with Living Labs & fab lab are the most aware of such knowledge & methods to support project.
Online Questionnaire Analysis
Design Thinking methods/tools Knowledge used or provided as a service on a regular basis: YES 42% - NO 58% Here we matched DT knowledge provided as services with organisation type. And in comparison to the previous slide, We can see an inversion with the previous result : if 68% have knowledge on DT, only 42% can provide related DT services on a regular basis. 2 organisation types developed this DT services; and no surprise here : -schools for training & higher education purpose, -living labs & fab labs because this is their core model
Online Questionnaire Analysis
Despite Financial difficulties (balance between public and private funds) to stabilize own service offer, organizations plan to invest on new services or new facilities / tools for their client offer: Despite financial difficulties shown in the questionnaire, 2 third of organisations are ready to start or invest in new services or facilities
Online Questionnaire Analysis
Mixing their “basic” business : With a balanced offer on design support services, considered as the most appreciated by SMEs: Mixing their basic or core business support with new design support services.
Online Questionnaire Analysis
And the most motivated organisation type to do so are : And the most concerned organisations are those in close contact with SMEs / entrepreneurs.
Online Questionnaire Analysis
Ready to tackle ways of improvement : And these actors consider to work on 3 priorities to improve the DT services delivery: Public funding and /or program to strengthen Design approach in SMEs project strategy More Training (for the SMEs, for the intermediaries/trainers) on DT method & tools More visibility on other DT offers at regional area We can notice the 2 first answers concerns SMEs projects, the major needs are probably to facilitate project validation with DT approach.
Online Questionnaire Analysis
Did you promote recently design services to SMEs? Did you carried out analysis on the impact of design services for SMEs? Last analysis topic is about promotion and impact. So, they need serious support for promoting DT to SMEs And evaluate impact!
SWOT Analysis Next steps & First leads
Internal & positive Internal & negative external & positive external & negative
- Limited perception of what is really Design Thinking (from stakeholders or SMEs) -Fundings/schemes dedicated to DT support is lacking -Limited visibility / collaboration between organisations - DT = special service provided, with high differenciation from other support schemes. - Rich ecosystem with various actors ready to perfom/integrate DT in their SME support process - Willingness of Public bodies & Stakeholder to raise their level of awareness on DT - Open innovation & new user centric approaches for innovation project/programs - DT not explicitly mentionned in RIS - Demonstrate DT added value to Public bodies & stakeholders (impact & Com) - Maintain DT support for SMEs in the duration (funds and incentive programs) OPPORTUNITIES THREATS
SWOT Analysis First leads & recommendations
Stimulate joint actions between DT actors/ intermediaries Support in DT Services structuration to stabilize DT offer : Video and/or MOOC Train the trainers Program Convince Public Bodies/Funds to specifically put DT in their Regional SMEs Funding Programs, and integrate DT indicator for their impact assessment
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