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Ambition for Ageing.

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Presentation on theme: "Ambition for Ageing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ambition for Ageing

2 Ambition for Ageing Ambition for Ageing reduces social isolation amongst older people through the development of age friendly communities

3 Social Isolation Based on national data around 61,000 men (14%) and 53,000 women (11%) in Greater Manchester are likely to experience social isolation People with adequate social relationships have a 50% greater likelihood of survival compared to those with poor or insufficient social relationships Social connectedness plays an important role in the mental well-being of older adults. Individuals who lack social contacts are prone to low self-esteem, depression, and loneliness Health issues arising from isolation lead to an increased use of health and social care services Social isolation of older adults can also weaken social bonds and solidarity within communities

4 Ambition for Ageing

5 Ambition for Ageing

6 Social Isolation

7 Social Isolation Presence of physical barriers
Population change and neighbourhood turnover Crime and feeling of unsafety Living in a deprived urban environment Poor urban design and planning policies Insufficient access to resources (e.g. public transport, information) Age-segregated living Low level of place attachment Lack of opportunities for participation

8 Social Isolation

9 Working with BME Communities
Fatima Women’s Association

10 Working with BME Communities
Indian, Caribbean and African people But we need to do better… Pakistani and other smaller minority BME backgrounds White British people smaller minority ethnic communities and Muslim people Indian Hindus Jewish and Muslim people asylum seekers, refugees, Muslim and Jewish people

11 Working with BME Communities
Increase in ESOL projects Intergenerational events through food More support for BME people with less experience of co-production to help them engage in the process Larger investments in Bolton going to charities and organisations who work with specific groups Scaled programmes…

12 Scaled Programmes

13 Workshop We want you to draw out common themes and trends from your own experiences and the experiences of your communities – looking at what the challenges and barriers are and how they can be overcome.

14 Questions Kirsty Bagnall Communications & Influence Officer
Thea Monk Senior Project Officer Sharon Summers Development Officer

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